The Faculty of Materials Science General Information


The Faculty of Materials Science appeared on the basis of three faculties БЂ“ Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Physics and Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Students complete a number of special theoretical and practical training courses with the best MSU professors to have advanced training in mathematics, chemistry, physics and mechanics.

Each year the faculty has 25 budget open positions for BSc and MSc student admission; and 5 additional positions are open for contract. Such a small student admission is a deliberate choice intended on individual training program for each student.

The main advance in education is extensive emphasis on research and creativity that facilitates scientific results of the students. This is accomplished by flexible custom-tailored education plan, weekly hands-on laboratory practice, participation of students in conferences and scientific events.

Most of the faculty alumni are successful specialists in different fields of fundamental and applied science, education services and other science-intensive activities, in part due to extensive theoretical and practical training that they receive as students.