Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://zmmu.msu.ru/spec/pdf/grichanov_2011_75-80_(campsicnemus_constantini_vetimicrotes_baskunchakensis).pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Thu Aug 30 17:51:50 2012
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 06:10:49 2016
Êîäèðîâêà: Windows-1251
Russian Entomol. J . 20(1): 75-80


New species and new records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Astrakhan Region of Russia Íîâûå âèäû è íîâûå óêàçàíèÿ Dolichopodidae (Diptera) èç Àñòðàõàíñêîé îáëàñòè Ðîññèè I.Ya. Grichanov È.ß. Ãðè÷àíîâ
All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, Podbelskiy roadway, 3, St. Petersburg-Pu shk in 196 608 , Russia. E-mail: gricha nov@ma il.ru , , 3, - -, 196 608 .

KEY WORDS: Diptera, Dolichopodidae, Palearctic Region, Russia , Astrakhan Region, new records, Campsicnemus, Vet imic rotes, n ew species, key. : Di ptera , Dolichopodidae, , , , , Campsic nemus, Vet imic rotes, , . ABSTRACT . The faun istic data of t he results of col lecti ng dolich opodi ds (12 species) in the Astrakhan Region in Ma y, 2010 a re pr esen ted. Most species are fir stly recor ded for t he Region. Two new speci es are described and illustrated, Campsic nemus konstant ini Gri chanov sp.n. and Vet imic rotes baskunchakensis Gri chanov sp.n. . (12 ) 2010 . . C a m p s i c n e m u s k o n s t a n t i n i G r ic h a n o v s p . n . Vetimicrotes baskunchakensis Grichanov sp.n., . tennatum (Carlier, 1835) and Syntormon filiger Verrall, 1912 are worth noting. The collector of all specimens is Konstantin Tomkovich; his name and the name of the Region are omitted. Descriptions of two new species from environs of Baskunchak Lake are also given in this paper. Their paratypes are housed in the collection of the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg (ZIN). The specimens were studied and illustrated with ZEISS Discovery V-12 stereomicroscope and AxioCam MRc5 camera. Morphological terminology follows Grichanov [2007] and Cumming & Wood [2009]. The relative lengths of the podomeres should be regarded as representative ratios and not measurements. Body length is measured from the base of the antenna to the tip of epandrium. Wing length is measured from the base to the wing apex. Male genitalia were macerated in 10% KOH. Figures showing the male genitalia in lateral view are oriented as they appear on the intact specimen (rotated 180œ and lateroflexed to the right), with the morphologically ventral surface of the genitalia facing up, dorsal surface down, anterior end facing right and posterior end facing left. Distribution of known species follows those of Negrobov [1991] and Grichanov [2006, 2007].

The Astr akha n Region l ies in the North Caspian depressi on th at is part of t he contin ental or semi-a rid desert biome. Regardin g lon g-legged flies (Dolichopodidae), the region is largely undercollected. When studying recent Dipter a ca talogs, I have found th at th e dolichopodid fauna of the Astrakhan Region remained practically unstudied [Grichanov & Negrobov, 1979; Negrobov, 1991; Grichanov, 2003-2010]. Only two species, Dol ichopus zerny i Par ent, 1927 an d Hydrophorus prae cox (Lehma nn, 1822), wer e previously found on the terr itory of the Region . Dol ichopus austriacus Pa rent was menti oned in th e "Lower Volga" regi on. Treating recent collections of the Zoological Museum of Moscow University (ZMU), I have found 10 known and two new peculiar species of Dolichopodidae. This paper confirms the old records and presents the new records in detail. Most species are widespread across the Palearctic Region, being often recorded in the neighboring territories. The easternmost finds of Rhaphium an-

Descriptions and new records
Cam psicnemus konstanti ni Gri chanov, sp. n. Figs 1-6
T Y P E M AT E RI AL . H o lo typ e # , B a sk un c ha k s a lt -l a k e, 48 .16 7œN , 4 6.8 30œE, 3-6 .V.201 0, nea r lake, coll. K. T omk ovich [ ZMU] . Pa r a type s: 1 # , 1 $ , Ba s ku nch a k sa lt-la k e, 4 8 .19 3 œN, 46 .81 3œE, 2 -4.V.201 0, YPT , coll. K. Tomkovich [ ZIN ].

DE SCR IPTION. Male. Len gth (m m): 3.7/1 .0, antenn a 0.9, hypopygium 0.4. H ead (Fig. 2 ). Fron s sh in ing blu e-vio vertical bristles black, sligh tly m ore th an an tenn al stylus; occipu t an d vertex m etallic,

body 3 .7, wing

let; ocellar and h alf len gth of densely brow n-


I.Ya . Grich anov
Th orax: Mesonotum and scu tellum metallic, black, weakly brow nish pollin ose; pleura grey pollin ose; th oracic setae black: 6-7 pairs of dorsocen trals in irregu lar row s (w ith pen u ltim ate dor socen tral dis tinc tly sh ort en ed and off set medially); 2 notopleurals; 1 pair of stron g scutellars w ith 2 lateral and 4 median m arginal hairs; acrostich als very small, irregu larly uniseriate; halter w ith yellow knob. Legs: Fore coxa mainly yellow, black at base, with light hairs; mid and hind coxae black, grey pollinose; legs mainly dirty yellow; fore femur broadly black posteriorly; mid and hind femora black at base ventrally; tibiae blackish distally; tarsi mainly black except light base; process on fore tarsomere

ish-grey pollinose; face w ith black backgrou nd, yellowishgrey pollinose, con stricted at m iddle, in upper part about as wide as h eight of postpedicel, in middle half as latter, in low er part 1 .5 tim es as w ide as height of postpedicel; palpus small, oval, black, covered with w hite h airs and one black seta; proboscis black, extending below eye in lateral view; antenn al segm en ts elon gate; scape an d pedicel oran ge-yellow; postpedicel black, shortly haired, ovate, m ore than 2 tim es longer th an high ; stylus black, subapical, thickened at base, glabrous; len gth ratio of scape to pedicel to postpedicel to stylu s (1st and 2nd segments), 9/6/17/6/30 ; lateral and low er postoculars long, yellow.





Figs 1 -6. 2, 4- 5 -- . 1 -6. 2, 4- 5 --


Ca mps icn emu s k ons tan tini G richanov, sp.n.: 1 -- habitus; 2- 3 -- head; 4 -- fore tibia and tarsu s; 5-6 -- wing; ma le; 3, 6 -- female. Ca mps icn emu s k ons tan tini G richanov, sp.n.: 1 -- ; 2 -3 -- ; 4 -- ; 5 -6 -- ; ; 3, 6 -- .

New species and n ew records of Dolichopodidae from Astr akhan Regi on of Russia
2 yellow; fore femur thickened on basal half, with long black posterior cilia, with some yellow posteroventral hairs at base; fore tibia evenly thickened along entire length, with black dorsal and posterior setae, lon gish on distal third; fore tarsomeres 1-4 short (Fig. 4); 2nd segment with short narrow apical process and with long thick flat process, glabrous on one side, covered with long hooked hairs on another side, with row of 7 hooked blunt setae on basal half; 3rd segment with short and flat lobe covered with black cilia; 4th segment with long narrow process covered with black cilia; 5th segment elongate, slightly thickened at apex, with several apical setae, with 1 claw and 1 pulvilla; empodium reduced; mid and hind legs simple, with simple setae; mid and hind femora with single preapical bristle; mid tibia with 4-5 dorsals and 2-3 ventrals; hind tibia with 8-9 dorsals and 2 ventrals. Fore leg length ratio (from tibia to tarsomere 5): 83/15/10/10/8/15, mid leg: 130/48/ 26/24/20/17, hind leg: 158/40/35/25/21/17. Wing (Fig. 5) pale smoky th rou ghout; R 4+5 an d M1+2 almost straight and parallel behind level of d m-cu; ratio of cross-vein dm -cu to distal part of CuA1, 15 /55 ; calypter yellow ish , w ith black cilia. A bd om en . B lackish-bronze, shinin g, weakly grey pollinose; w ith short black h airs dorsally on each tergite; tergites 1- 2 with white h airs laterally; h ypopygium black, w ith small black cercus covered with white h airs an d w ith sim ple black su rstylus, not dissected. Female. Body length 3.4 mm , w ing 3.5 /1.1 mm , anten na 0 .8 mm . Similar to male except lacking m ale secon dary sexu al ch aracters. E yes w ider separated on face; face in middle about 2 times as w ide as postpedicel h eight. Scape orange an d pedicel mainly brown; postpedicel (Fig. 3 ) 1 .5 times lon ger than h igh; length ratio of scape to pedicel to postpedicel to stylus (1 st an d 2 nd segm en ts), 8 /6 /1 2/7 /27. Wing (Fig. 6 ) simple, smokier; ratio of cross-vein dm -cu to distal part of CuA1, 20/3 8. DIAGN OSIS. The new species belongs to a group of species related to Ca mpsicn emus ma gius (Loew). They are qu ite distinct in at least two basal segments of fore tarsus sh ortened an d at least one segment of the same tarsu s bearing very long process. T he species of the group may be diagnosed by use of th e followin g key [after Grichan ov, 199 8, 2009 ]. 1. Fore tibia strongly dilated; tarsal segm en ts 1, 2 and 4 shortened, and 1st-3rd segments of fore tarsus bearing very long processes covered with long hairs; face golden-yellow; body length 3.0 mm ............... magius (Loew, 1845) - Fore tibia sligh tly dilated; face white or grey; tarsal segments variously ornamented .......................................... 2 2. 1st-4th segments of fore tarsus shortened; process on 2nd segment broad, bandlike; 5th segment with only one claw; body length 3.4-3.7 mm .... konstantini Grichanov, sp.n. - Tw o basal segmen ts of fore tarsu s sh ortened; process on 2nd segment n arrow .............................................................. 3 3. 3rd segm ent of fore tarsu s elongate, longer than next two segmen ts com bined; 4th segment with out lobe; 5th segment with only on e claw; body length 1.85-2 .5 mm .............. .................................................... ya ngi Grichanov, 19 98 - 3rd segm ent of fore tarsu s shorter than next two segmen ts combin ed; 4th segment with apical lobe; 5th segm ent with 2 claws ............................................................................. 4 3. Antenna entirely and legs mainly black; process on 2nd segment of fore tarsus covered with long hairs at apex only; claws on same tarsus asymmetrical; body length 3.2-4.3 mm ......... ....................... bagachanovae Grichanov et Volfov, 2009 - Antennal scape and pedicel yellow ventrally; legs mainly yellow-brownish; process on 2nd segment of fore tarsus covered with long hairs along entire length; claws on same


tarsus symmetrical; body length 2.25-2.5 m m ................. ................................................... compeditus Loew, 1857 ET YMOLOGY. Th e species is nam ed for Konstantin Tomkovich (Moscow) w ho collected flies.

Vet imicrotes bask unchakensis Gr icha nov, sp. n. Figs 7-11
T Y P E M AT E RI AL . H o lo typ e # , B a sk un c ha k s a lt -l a k e, 48 .19 3œN , 4 6.8 13œE, 2-4 .V.201 0, Y PT, coll. K. Tomkovich [ ZMU]. Pa ratypes: 2#, 1$, same label [ ZIN ].

DE SCR IPTION. Male. Len gth (m m): body 1 .6, wing 1.6/1 .0, antenn a 0.6, hypopygium 0.4. Head (Fig. 8). Vertex an d frons dark m etallic blue-green; face black, densely grey pollinose, u nder an ten na as w ide as postpedicel height; clypeu s bu lgin g; palpi brow n , w ith 3 black apical seta; proboscis brow n , projectin g an teriorly, keel-like; single row of strong postocu lars; lateral and low er on es ligh t; antenna black; pedicel with large inner projection, with apical setae on dorsal an d outer sides; postpedicel large, pointed, 2 times as lon g as basal height, densely pubescen t; stylus su bapical, short, bare; length ratio of scape to pedicel to postpedicel to stylu s (1 st and 2nd segmen ts), 6/9/1 5/2/6. Th orax: Metallic, dark blue-green, weakly pollin ose; posterior th ird of mesonotum flattened; th oracic setae black; 5- 6 pairs of acrostichals of eq ual len gth in 2 irregular rows; 6 pairs of strong dorsocentrals, decreasing in size an teriorly; posterior tw o pairs offset laterad; 2 pairs of scutellars, laterals microscopic, at base of m edians; 2 unequal proepisternals ju st above fore coxa. Legs: mainly dirty yellow , fore coxa blackish an teriorly, mid an d h ind coxae black, all fem ora black except basal and distal apices (holotype) or blackish in m iddle h alf (paratypes); h in d tibia gradually darken ed tow ards distal apex; an terior fou r tarsi brown from tip of basitarsus, hind tarsus blackish; fore and m id coxae w ith black anterior setae; hind coxa with 1 strong black lateral bristle; major leg setae black; mid an d h ind fem ora each with strong preapical bristle; fore tibia with anterodorsal seta; mid tibia with stron g anterodorsal an d posterodorsal at 1 /5, weaker an terodorsal an d posterodorsal at 2/3, an apical ring of 4 bristles; h ind tibia with 2 an terodorsal and 4 posterodorsal setae. Fore leg len gth ratio (from tibia to tarsomere 5 ): 35/1 3/7 /5/5/6, mid leg: 46/19/1 0/ 7/6/6, hind leg: 50 /12/12/8/6/7. Wing (Fig. 9 ) sim ple, h yalin e: R 2+3 and R 4+5 straight, diverging to wing apex; M1+2 w ith inconspicu ous curvature in distal part; M1+2 and R4+5 almost parallel. M1+2 join ing costa right before wing apex. R atio of part of costa between R2+3 and R4+5 to th is betw een R4+5 and M1+2 to dm-cu to distal part of CuA1, 14/8/6/38. Crossvein d m-cu straight, form ing right an gle with CuA1 and w ith M1+2 longitudinal vein s. Anal vein fold-like; an al lobe present; alu la absen t. Lower calypter yellow , w ith pale setae. H alter yellow. Abd omen: metallic, dark blue-green, covered w ith black setae (in clu din g terga 6 to 8 ); 4th to 7th stern a w eakly sclerotised, somewh at recessed; segm ent 7 black, abou t as large as 6th one, with w ell developed sym metrical tergum and sternu m; segm ent 8 black, with setae. H ypopygium (Fig. 1 0) black; epandrium with left lateral foram en; hypandrium fused with epan driu m at base, with 2 basal arm s, asym metrical; hypandrium (Fig. 11 ) broad at base, narrowed at m iddle, broadly roun ded at apex, w ith trian gular projection right laterally (ventral view); phallu s mainly concealed, with apical part as narrow sclerotised hook projecting above hypandrium (lateral view ); 1 stron g and 2 sh ort epandrial setae at base of hypan drium ; su rstylus yellow , simple, broad, flat, half as long as cercus, w ith a few short subapical setae; cercus


I.Ya . Grich anov
long and thin, w ith long yellow setae. D IAGN OSIS. T h e n ew species m ay be distin gu ished from other known Vetim icrotes species by use of th e followin g key [see Besch ovski, 197 2 an d N egrobov, 1 976 ]. 1. Fem ora en tirely yellow; fore coxa with light hairs; male an tenn a w ith stylus about half as long as postpedicel; male su rstylus reaching 3/4 the len gth of cercus; body length 1.4-1 .5 m m (fem ale unknow n) ........................................ .......................................... na rtsh ukae (Negrobov, 197 6)

yellow , long and slender, inconspicu ously longer than epandrium, regularly covered with short setae, w ith one stronger apical seta; cerci fused at base, with small median projection. Fema le. B ody length 1 .8 mm , w ing length 1 .9 mm. Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual characters. Eyes w ider separated on face; pedicel with smaller inn er projection; postpedicel as long as h igh ; arista-like stylus as long as 3 an ten nal segmen ts combined; all fem ora brown in middle half; each h emitergite with 5 sh ort thick setae; cercus





Figs 7- 11. Ve tim icr ote s b as kun cha ken sis Gr icha nov sp.n.: 7 -- ha bitus; 8 -- head; 9 -- wing; 10 -- postabdomen, left laterally; 11 -- epa ndr ium, ventral view. Abbreviations: cer -- cercu s; ep -- epandrium; hyp -- hypandrium; ph -- phallus; sur -- surstylus; st -- sternu m; tg -- ter gum. Sca le bar 0.1 mm. . 7- 11. Ve tim icr ote s b ask unc ha ken sis Gr ich anov sp.n.: 7 -- ; 8 -- ; 9 -- ; 1 0 -- , ; 11 -- , . : cer -- ; ep -- ; hyp -- ; ph -- ; su r -- ; st -- ; tg -- . 0,1 .


New species and n ew records of Dolichopodidae from Astr akhan Regi on of Russia
- Femora black or brown in at least m iddle h alf; fore coxa with black setae (fem ales in distinguishable) ......................... 2 2. Male antenna with stylu s about half as long as postpedicel; male surstylus h alf as lon g as cercu s; body length 1 .6-1 .8 mm ........................... ba skun chakensis Grichan ov, sp.n. - Male antenna with stylus slightly longer than postpedicel; male surstylus reachin g 3 /4 the len gth of cercus; body length 1 -2 mm ............... med iterra neus (Becker, 191 8) ET YMO LOGY . T he species is named for th e Basku nch ak Lake, w here it was collected.


Rhaphium micans (Meigen , 1824)
MATERIAL EXAMI N ED : 2 # , Ik r yanoe distr ict, Zyu zino, 45 .75 1œN , 4 7.6 78œE, 8-9 .V.20 10, wa ter , pastures; 1#, Ikryanoe, river ba nk, 46 .11 2œN , 4 7.7 67œE, 10.V.2 010 , Ulmu s-Salix. TY PE LOCALI TY: Ger many: Hambur g.

Campsicnemus magi us (Loew, 1845)
M A T E R I A L E X A M I N E D : 2 # , B a s kun c h a k s a lt - l a k e, 48 .19 3œN , 4 6.8 13œE, 2-4 .V.20 10, fr esh pond silt. TY PE LOCALI TY: Ita ly: Sicily.

DISTR IBU TIO N: Abkhazia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belaru s, B elgium , Bu lgaria, Ch ina, Czech , Finland, France, Germany, Hun gary, Italy, Latvia, Netherlan ds, Norway, P olan d, R om an ia, Ru ssia (Astrakh an , Kabardin o-B alkaria, Karelia, Karachai-Cherkessia, Krasnodar, Len ingrad, Pskov, Rostov, Ryazan , Voronezh , Krasn oyarsk, Prim orskii Terr.), Slovakia, Spain, Sw eden , Sw itzerland, T ajikistan, Tu rkey, UK, " Y ugoslavia".

DISTRIBUT ION : Algeria, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgiu m, Bu lgaria, Czech , Fran ce, Germany, Hu ngary, Italy, Israel, Netherlan ds, ?Slovenia, Spain , R oman ia, Ru ssia (Astrakhan, K a ba r d ino -B a l ka ri a , K r a s n o d a r, R o s t ov , Sv e r d l ov s k ), Tajikistan, Turkmen istan, UK, Ukrain e (O dessa), Uzbekistan, "Y ugoslavia"; Afrotropical: St. H elen a (?introduced).

Syntormon f iliger Verral l, 1912
MATERIAL EXAMINED: 1#, 2$, Ikr yanoe district, Zyu zino, 45 .75 1œN , 4 7.6 78œE, 8-9 .V.20 10, wa ter , pastures. T YPE LO CALI TY : Engla nd: Wa lton-on N aze, Woolbr idge, Aldebu r gh.

Chrysot us suavi s Loew, 1857
MATERIAL EXAMI N ED : 4 # , Ik r yanoe distr ict, Zyu zino, 45 .75 1œN , 4 7.6 78œE, 8-9 .V.20 10, wa ter , pastures. TY PE LOCALI TY: Germa ny: "Coin" ; Austria : " Neu siedler See in Ungarn".

D ISTR IBU T ION : Au stria, Belgiu m , Bu lgaria, C zech, Denmark, Fin lan d, Fran ce, German y, Greece (North Aegean ), Ru ssia (Astrakh an, Rostov), H ungary, N etherlands, Polan d, Sw eden , U K, U kraine (Crimea).

Syntormon pumilus (Meigen , 1824)
MATERIAL EXAMINED: 1$, Baskuncha k salt-lake, 4 8.1 93œN, 46 .81 3œE, 2 -4.V.20 10, YPT. TY PE LOCALI TY: not given.

DISTRIBUT ION : Armen ia; Azerbaijan; B ulgaria; E gypt; Georgia; Greece (North Aegean); Iraq; Iran, Israel; Romania; S Ru ssia (Adygea, Alania, Astrakh an , Kabardin o-Balkaria, Krasn odar, Rostov), Turkey; U kraine (C herkasy, Kherson, Odessa), Transpalearctic species.

Dol ichopus austriacus Par ent, 1927
MATERIAL EXAMINED: 4#, Ikr yanoe, river bank , 4 6.1 12œN, 47 .76 7œE, 1 0.V.20 10 , Ulmu s-Salix. TY PE LOCALI TY: Austria: Gmu nden.

DISTRIBUT ION: Au stria, Estonia, Germany, Romania, Ru ssia (Astrakhan), Sweden , Uzbekistan.

DISTR IBUT ION : Afgh anistan , Armen ia, Au stria, Belaru s, B elgium, Bu lgaria, Czech, Denmark, ?Egypt; Estonia, Finlan d, France, Germany, Great Britain , ?Greece, Hu ngary, Irelan d, ?Israel, Italy, Latvia, Morocco, N orw ay, P olan d, R om an ia, Ru ssia (Astrakh an , Kabardin o-B alkaria, Karelia, Krasnodar, Lenin grad, Murm ansk, P skov, Stavropol'), Slovakia, ?Slovenia, Sweden, Spain (Can ary Is.), Tunisia, U kraine (Kherson, Odessa), "Yu goslavia"; Middle Asia [Som e records may belon g to Synto rmo n d enticulatus (Zetterstedt, 184 3) an d sh ould be confirmed].

Dol ichopus zerny i Par ent, 1927
MATERIAL EXAMINED: 4#, Ikr yanoe, river bank , 4 6.1 12œN, 47 .76 7œE, 1 0.V.20 10 , Ulmu s-Salix. TY PE LOCALI TY: Russia : " Sar epta" [=Krasnoar meysk, near Volgogr ad].

Thi nophi lus f lavi palpi s (Zetter stedt , 1843)
M A T E R I A L E X A M I N E D : 1 # , B a s kun c h a k s a lt - l a k e, 48 .16 7œN , 4 6.8 30œE, 3- 6.V.20 10, near lak e. TY PE LOCALI TY: Sweden: Gottlandia, Bu rsviken.

DISTR IBUT ION : C hin a (X injian g), Kazakh stan, R ussia (Astrakhan, Volgograd, Voron ezh ).

Hydrophorus praec ox (Lehman n, 1822)
MAT ERIAL EXAMI N ED : 3 # , 3 $ , Ba sku nchak sa lt-la k e, 48 .19 3œN , 4 6.8 13œE, 2-4 .V.20 10, fr esh pond silt. TY PE LOCALI TY: Ger many: Hambur g.

DISTRIBUT ION : Au stria, Azerbaijan, B elgium , Bu lgaria, C zech , D enm ark, Egypt, Eston ia, Finlan d, France, Germany, Greece (Crete, North Aegean ), Hungary, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Neth erlands, Poland, P ortu gal, R oman ia, S R ussia (Krasnodar, Rostov), Spain , Sw eden, Syria, UK, Ukrain e (Crimea, Kh erson, Odessa), " Yugoslavia", N Ch ina; Oriental Chin a. AC KNOWLED GME NTS. Th e au thor expresses sincere gratitude to Drs. N ikita V ikhrev and Andrei Ozerov (Moscow) for their kindness in fu rnishin g an opportun ity to stu dy th e collections of their m useu m.

DIST RIBUT IO N: Abkh azia, Azerbaijan , Bu lgaria, C yprus, Egypt, Georgia, Greece (Crete, N orth Aegean), Iraq, Iran, Israel, Romania, S Ru ssia (Astrakh an, Kabardino-Balkaria, Krasnodar, Stavropol' ), T urkey, Ukrain e (C rim ea, Kherson, O dessa), Palaearctic, Afrotropical, O rien tal Region s, Au stralia, Ocean ia, New Zealan d.

Rhaphium ant ennat um (Carlier, 1835)
M A T E R I A L E X A M I N E D : 1 # , B a s kun c h a k s a lt - l a k e, 48 .19 3œN , 4 6.8 13œE, 2- 4.V.20 10, YPT. TY PE LOCALI TY: Belgium: "Kimkempois pres de liege".

Beschovski V. 19 72. Su r le Micr ote s m editer ran eus Becker, 19 19 (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) de litoral bulgare de la Mer Noire. // Entomologische Berichten. Vol.32. No.7. P.141 -14 4. Cu mming J.M. & Wood D.M. 2 009 . Adult morphology and terminology [ Cha pter ] 2 // In: Brown B.V., Borkent A., Cu mming J.M., Wood D .M., Woodley N.E. & Zumbado M.A. ( Eds.). Ma nu al of Centr al Amer ica n D ipter a. Vol.1. NRC Resear ch Pr ess, O tta wa, Ontar io, Cana da. P.9-5 0.

DISTRIBUT ION : Au stria, Belgiu m, C zech, E stonia, Finland, Germany, Hu ngary, Moldova, Netherlan ds, N orway, Polan d, R omania, Ru ssia (Arkh angelsk, Astrakh an, Karelia, Krasn odar, Leningrad, Lipetsk, Moscow, Murman sk, Voronezh), Slovakia, UK, U kraine (Odessa).


I.Ya . Grich anov
Grichanov I.Ya. 2009. A new species of Campsicnemus Haliday from Azerbaijan with a key to the Palearctic species of the genus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) // Far Eastern Entomologist. No.198. P.1-16. Gr ichanov I .Ya . & Negrobov O.P. 1 979 . Cata logue for the family Dolichopodida e ( Diptera) in the USSR. Voronezh: Vor onezh Univ. P.1-1 28 [Dep. in VIN ITI , Moscow 04.02.80, N4 17- 80 dep .]. Negrobov O.P. 197 6. New and little-k nown species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of the fauna of USSR and adjacent territories // Na uchnye dokla dy vysshei shkoly. Biologicheskie nauk i. No.8. P.45- 50 [in Russian]. N egr obov O .P. 1991 . D olichopodida e // A. Soos, L. Pa pp, P. O oster broeck ( Eds) . Cata logue of Pa laear ctic D iptera . Vol.7. D olich opodida e-Pl a typezida e. Bu da pest: Ak a demia i Kia do. 2 91 p.

Gr ichanov I .Ya . 1 998 . Two new species of Ca mps icne mus Ha liday (D iptera : D olichopodidae) from Tr opical Africa // Inter national Journal of Dipter ological Research. Vol.9. No.2. P.109 -11 3. Gr ichanov I .Ya . 2 003 -20 10. A check list of species of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of the World a rra nged by alpha betic list of gener ic na mes. http://gr ichanov.for tunecity.com. Gr ichanov I.Ya. 2 006 . A checklist a nd keys to North European gener a a nd species of Dolichopodidae (D iptera ) // Plant Pr otection News Supplement. All-Russian Institute of Plant Pr otection, St. Petersbur g. P.1 -12 0. G richanov I.Ya . 2 007 . A check list and keys to Dolichopodidae ( Dipter a ) of the Ca u casu s a nd Ea st Mediterr a nea n // Pla nt Protection News Su pplement. All-Ru ssia n I nstitu te of Plant Pr otection, St. Petersbur g. P.1 -16 0.