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Дата изменения: Tue Dec 28 20:59:06 2004
Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 00:17:43 2016
: Class ArrayMultiArray

Class ArrayMultiArray

All Implemented Interfaces:
Accessor, MultiArray, MultiArrayInfo

public class ArrayMultiArray
extends java.lang.Object
implements MultiArray

MultiArray implementation which is an adapter for java language arrays. If you have a java array and want to wrap it in a MultiArray interface, use this class. Rank of these is always > 0, use ScalarMultiArray for scalars.

The set, setXXX, get, getXXX methods use the corresponding methods from java.lang.reflect.Array, the conversion and exception characteristics of the methods here are like the ones found there.

See Also:
Array, MultiArray, ScalarMultiArray

Field Summary
 java.lang.Object jla
          The java language array which this adapts.
Constructor Summary
ArrayMultiArray(java.lang.Class componentType, int[] dimensions)
          Create a new MultiArray of the given componentType and shape.
ArrayMultiArray(MultiArray ma)
          A copy constructor.
ArrayMultiArray(java.lang.Object aro)
          Given a java Object, typically an array of primitive (or an array of array of primitive ...), Provide a MultiArray interface to the provided object.
Method Summary
 void copyin(int[] origin, MultiArray data)
          Aggregate write access.
 MultiArray copyout(int[] origin, int[] shape)
          Aggregate read access.
 java.lang.Object get(int index)
          Peel the array by fixing the leftmost index value to the argument.
 java.lang.Object get(int[] index)
          Get (read) the array element at index.
 boolean getBoolean(int[] index)
          Get the array element at index, as a boolean.
 byte getByte(int[] index)
          Get the array element at index, as a byte.
 char getChar(int[] index)
          Get the array element at index, as a char.
 java.lang.Class getComponentType()
          Returns the Class object representing the component type of the wrapped array.
 double getDouble(int[] index)
          Get the array element at index, as a double.
 float getFloat(int[] index)
          Get the array element at index, as a float.
 int getInt(int[] index)
          Get the array element at index, as an int.
 java.lang.Object getLeaf(int[] index)
          Get the leaf array at Index.
 int[] getLengths()
          As if java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength() were called recursively on the wrapped object, return the dimension lengths.
 long getLong(int[] index)
          Get the array element at index, as a long.
 int getRank()
          Returns the number of dimensions of the array.
 short getShort(int[] index)
          Get the array element at index, as a short.
 boolean isScalar()
          Always returns false for this class.
 boolean isUnlimited()
          Returns true if and only if the effective dimension lengths can change.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
 void set(int[] index, java.lang.Object value)
          Set (modify, write) the array element at index to the specified value.
 void setBoolean(int[] index, boolean value)
          Set the array element at index to the specified boolean value.
 void setByte(int[] index, byte value)
          Set the array element at index to the specified byte value.
 void setChar(int[] index, char value)
          Set the array element at index to the specified char value.
 void setDouble(int[] index, double value)
          Set the array element at index to the specified double value.
 void setFloat(int[] index, float value)
          Set the array element at index to the specified float value.
 void setInt(int[] index, int value)
          Set the array element at index to the specified int value.
 void setLong(int[] index, long value)
          Set the array element at index to the specified long value.
 void setShort(int[] index, short value)
          Set the array element at index to the specified short value.
 java.lang.Object toArray()
          Returns a new array containing all of the elements in this MultiArray.
 java.lang.Object toArray(java.lang.Object dst, int[] origin, int[] shape)
          Returns an array containing elements of this MultiArray specified by origin and shape, possibly converting the component type.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public final java.lang.Object jla
The java language array which this adapts.
Constructor Detail


public ArrayMultiArray(java.lang.Object aro)
Given a java Object, typically an array of primitive (or an array of array of primitive ...), Provide a MultiArray interface to the provided object. The wrapper provided does not copy the object, so it remains accessable via the language [] notation and the java.lang.reflect.Array methods. Synchronization not provided by this interface.
aro - a (multi-dimensional) array of primitives.


public ArrayMultiArray(java.lang.Class componentType,
                       int[] dimensions)
Create a new MultiArray of the given componentType and shape. Storage for the values is allocated and owned by this with default initialization.
componentType - Class of the primitives or objects to be contained.
dimensions - the shape of the MultiArray. dimensions.length determines the rank of the new MultiArray.


public ArrayMultiArray(MultiArray ma)
                throws java.io.IOException
A copy constructor.

Create a new MultiArray with the same componentType and shape as the argument

ma - the MultiArray to copy.
Method Detail


public java.lang.Class getComponentType()
Returns the Class object representing the component type of the wrapped array. If the rank is greater than 1, this will be the component type of the leaf (rightmost) nested array.
Specified by:
getComponentType in interface MultiArrayInfo
Class the component type
See Also:


public int getRank()
Description copied from interface: MultiArrayInfo
Returns the number of dimensions of the array.
Specified by:
getRank in interface MultiArrayInfo
int number of dimensions of the array
See Also:


public int[] getLengths()
As if java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength() were called recursively on the wrapped object, return the dimension lengths.
Specified by:
getLengths in interface MultiArrayInfo
int array whose length is the rank of this MultiArray and whose elements represent the length of each of it's dimensions
See Also:


public boolean isUnlimited()
Returns true if and only if the effective dimension lengths can change. Always returns false for this class.
Specified by:
isUnlimited in interface MultiArrayInfo
boolean false
See Also:


public boolean isScalar()
Always returns false for this class.
Specified by:
isScalar in interface MultiArrayInfo
See Also:


public java.lang.Object get(int[] index)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Get (read) the array element at index. The returned value is wrapped in an object if it has a primitive type. Length of index must be greater than or equal to the rank of this. Values of index components must be less than corresponding values from getLengths().
Specified by:
get in interface Accessor
See Also:


public boolean getBoolean(int[] index)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Get the array element at index, as a boolean.
Specified by:
getBoolean in interface Accessor
See Also:


public char getChar(int[] index)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Get the array element at index, as a char.
Specified by:
getChar in interface Accessor
See Also:


public byte getByte(int[] index)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Get the array element at index, as a byte.
Specified by:
getByte in interface Accessor
See Also:


public short getShort(int[] index)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Get the array element at index, as a short.
Specified by:
getShort in interface Accessor
See Also:


public int getInt(int[] index)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Get the array element at index, as an int.
Specified by:
getInt in interface Accessor
See Also:


public long getLong(int[] index)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Get the array element at index, as a long.
Specified by:
getLong in interface Accessor
See Also:


public float getFloat(int[] index)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Get the array element at index, as a float.
Specified by:
getFloat in interface Accessor
See Also:


public double getDouble(int[] index)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Get the array element at index, as a double.
Specified by:
getDouble in interface Accessor
See Also:


public void set(int[] index,
                java.lang.Object value)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Set (modify, write) the array element at index to the specified value. If the array has a primitive component type, the value may be unwrapped. Values of index components must be less than corresponding values from getLengths().
Specified by:
set in interface Accessor
See Also:
Accessor.set(int[], java.lang.Object)


public void setBoolean(int[] index,
                       boolean value)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Set the array element at index to the specified boolean value.
Specified by:
setBoolean in interface Accessor
See Also:
Accessor.setBoolean(int[], boolean)


public void setChar(int[] index,
                    char value)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Set the array element at index to the specified char value.
Specified by:
setChar in interface Accessor
See Also:
Accessor.setChar(int[], char)


public void setByte(int[] index,
                    byte value)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Set the array element at index to the specified byte value.
Specified by:
setByte in interface Accessor
See Also:
Accessor.setByte(int[], byte)


public void setShort(int[] index,
                     short value)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Set the array element at index to the specified short value.
Specified by:
setShort in interface Accessor
See Also:
Accessor.setShort(int[], short)


public void setInt(int[] index,
                   int value)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Set the array element at index to the specified int value.
Specified by:
setInt in interface Accessor
See Also:
Accessor.setInt(int[], int)


public void setLong(int[] index,
                    long value)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Set the array element at index to the specified long value.
Specified by:
setLong in interface Accessor
See Also:
Accessor.setLong(int[], long)


public void setFloat(int[] index,
                     float value)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Set the array element at index to the specified float value.
Specified by:
setFloat in interface Accessor
See Also:
Accessor.setFloat(int[], float)


public void setDouble(int[] index,
                      double value)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Set the array element at index to the specified double value.
Specified by:
setDouble in interface Accessor
See Also:
Accessor.setDouble(int[], double)


public MultiArray copyout(int[] origin,
                          int[] shape)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Aggregate read access. Return a new MultiArray of the same componentType as this, and with shape as specified, which is initialized to the values of this, as clipped to (origin, origin + shape).

It is easier to implement than to specify :-).

The main reason to implement this instead of using the equivalent proxy is for remote or file access.

assert(origin[ii] + shape[ii] <= lengths[ii]);

Specified by:
copyout in interface Accessor
See Also:
Accessor.copyout(int[], int[])


public void copyin(int[] origin,
                   MultiArray data)
            throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Aggregate write access. Given a MultiArray, copy it into this at the specified starting index. TODO: clearer specification.

Hopefully this member can be optimized in various situations.

assert(origin[ii] + (source.getLengths())[ii] <= (getLengths())[ii]);

Specified by:
copyin in interface Accessor
See Also:
Accessor.copyin(int[], ucar.multiarray.MultiArray)


public java.lang.Object toArray()
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Returns a new array containing all of the elements in this MultiArray. The returned array is one dimensional. The order of the elements in the result is natural, as if we used an IndexIterator to step through the elements of this MultiArray. The component type of the result is the same as this.

This method acts as bridge between array-based and MultiArray-based APIs.

This method is functionally equivalent to

Object anArray = Array.newInstance(getComponentType(), 1);
int [] origin = new int[getRank()]
int [] shape = getDimensions();
return toArray(anArray, origin, shape);
Specified by:
toArray in interface Accessor
See Also:


public java.lang.Object toArray(java.lang.Object dst,
                                int[] origin,
                                int[] shape)
Description copied from interface: Accessor
Returns an array containing elements of this MultiArray specified by origin and shape, possibly converting the component type. The returned array is one dimensional. The order of the elements in the result is natural, as if we used an IndexIterator to step through the elements of this MultiArray.

The anArray argument should be an array. If it is large enough to contain the output, it is used and no new storage is allocated. Otherwise, new storage is allocated with the same component type as the argument, and the data is copied into it.

This method acts as bridge between array-based and MultiArray-based APIs.

This method is similar to copyout(origin, shape).toArray(), but avoids a copy operation and (potentially) an allocation.

NOTE: Implementation of type conversion is deferred until JDK 1.2. Currently, the componentType of anArray must be the same as this

Specified by:
toArray in interface Accessor
See Also:


public java.lang.Object get(int index)
Peel the array by fixing the leftmost index value to the argument. Reduces rank by 1. If the result would be of primitive type, it is appropriately wrapped.
Object value at index


public java.lang.Object getLeaf(int[] index)
Get the leaf array at Index.


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)