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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Thu Feb 5 12:01:09 2009
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 20:00:15 2012
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 142(1): 128­137 (2005)

I. A. Istomin, O. L. Kotlyarov, and A. Yu. Loskutov

We present algorithms for singular sp ectrum analysis and local approximation methods used to extrap olate time series. We analyze the advantages and disadvantages of these methods and consider the p eculiarities of applying them to various systems. Based on this analysis, we prop ose a generalization of the local approximation method that makes it suitable for forecasting very noisy time series. We present the results of numerical simulations illustrating the p ossibilities of the prop osed method.

Keywords: time series, forecast, chaos, lo cal approximation

1. Introduction
Analyzing the results of an experiment is based on pro cessing the data obtained. In many cases, these data are time series, that is, chronologically ordered sequences of values of one or several measured quantities. Pro cessing time series in order to extract useful information from them about system properties is a very important and interesting problem. But the main attention in many cases is given not to studying system properties but to forecasting the dynamics of the time series generated by the system. In meteorology for example, just the weather forecast for the nearest future is most important, whereas a more global problem of studying climate peculiarities has less importance in the short-term perspective. Therefore, in addition to studying the properties of the system generating a time series, predicting its subsequent tra jectory is often an important problem. We encounter prognosis problems not exclusively in meteorology: they are also relevant in geophysics where the earthquake forecast is among the main directions of investigation, in astrophysics when studying solar activity, in financial analysis when forecasting sto ck prices and indices, and so on. In these and other areas of investigation, metho ds for forecasting (or extrapolating) time series belonging to the ARMA (AutoRegressive Moving Average) [1], [2] class have long been used. Their main idea is to express subsequent values of a series through previous values. This is the most widespread approach, which is often used in situations where we have no other information about a system except that contained in previous values of the series. Special forecast metho ds based on papers by Takens [3] have also been elaborated in the framework of dynamical system theory. They are primarily aimed at forecasting irregular (chaotic and quasiperiodic) stationary time series generated by complex nonlinear systems. But progress in nonlinear dynamics methods has demonstrated that the forecast problem is much more complicated and often falls outside any theoretical scheme. In particular, the processed series must be sufficiently long, and the noise component must be small.

Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: Loskutov@moldyn.phys.msu.ru.

Translated from Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, Vol. 142, No. 1, pp. 148­159, January, 2005. Original article submitted Novemb er 11, 2003; revised June 3, 2004.

0040-5779/05/1421-0128 c 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.

In this paper, we propose one effective to ol for studying relatively short, noisy series. It is based on the lo cal approximation (LA) metho d first described in [4] in relation to forecasting chaotic time series. In its original formulation, this metho d had several advantages over the traditional metho d of autoregression when forecasting irregular time series, but it has not yet been widely applied, mostly because of difficulties appearing when analyzing short, noisy time series. In the present paper, we consider the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of the LA metho d for forecasting noisy time series by implementing a preliminary data filtration using singular spectrum analysis (SSA) [5]. The SSA metho d was developed in the framework of nonlinear dynamics for pro cessing time series, but it is mainly used currently to determine their basic constituents [6] and to damp the noise [7], although there are original forecast algorithms based on this metho d [8]. There currently exist many methods for pro cessing time series. Among them are wavelet analysis, flicker-noise spectroscopy, etc. (see, e.g., [9]). All these metho ds are sufficiently effective and allow pro cessing and, to some extent, predicting system dynamics. The generalization proposed in this paper makes it possible to forecast chaotic and quasiperio dic series in the presence of random noise components.

2. Methods for processing time series
2.1. Metho d of delays. A milestone in the ma jority of approaches for pro cessing a time series {x1 ,...,xN } is the construction of the set of delayed vectors zi = (xi ,xi+1 ,...,xi+m )T [10]. In the methods for time series analysis developed in the framework of nonlinear dynamics, this is also the first and necessary step. The metho d of delays passes from the initial one-dimensional (scalar) time series to a multidimensional (vector) representation similar to the one used in autoregression. Each multidimensional vector is there composed of a number m of successive values of the initial series. The result can be imagined as a set of "snapshots" of the series taken through a window sliding along the series such that only m consecutive terms of the series can be seen simultaneously through the window: . . . fm+1 f . . . f2
1 m

. . . f f
m+2 m+1


f f




, (1)

. . . f f f
3 2 1

. . .
N -m+2 N -m+1



N -m

. . . where f1 ,f2 ,...,fN are the values of the terms of the series at the instants t = 1, 2,... ,N . Each square bracket is a vector in the m-dimensional space of delays; the sequence of such vectors constitutes the matrix of observations Xmâ(N -m+1) , where N is the number of terms of the initial series. This matrix, in each column of which we encounter parts of the same series shifted relative to each other, is the multidimensional representation of the initial scalar series in the space of delays. The new result is that under special conditions, the space of delays can be considered the reconstruction of the phase space of a nonlinear dynamical system generating the time series (see the Takens theorem and its generalizations [3], [11]). We can therefore prove the possibility of describing a multidimensional system dynamics via the time series for the observable. Under special conditions, the possibility of describing and reconstructing the system dynamics in turn allows forecasting its future behavior [12].

Defining the reconstruction dimension. The passage to a multidimensional representation in the discrete case under consideration is described by the single parameter m, which is the dimension of the space of delays or the dimension of the embedding (reconstruction). The possibility of achieving an exact, reliable forecast relies strongly on choosing the value of this parameter properly. The restriction m 2d +1, where d is the dimension of a system generating the series [3], [11], is rarely helpful for selecting the reconstruction dimension because d is often unknown a priori, whereas the problem of determining the system dimension based on the obtained data is very involved, especially in the case of short, very noisy series. Currently, the most popular algorithm for estimating the embedding dimension (and therefore the system dimension) is the Grassberger­Pro caccia algorithm [13], [14], but even this algorithm turns out to be not very effective when pro cessing short time series (less than 104 values). The indicated difficulties in determining the reconstruction dimension can often be overcome in the framework of the forecast metho d under consideration. The given series is then split into two unequal parts, one following the other, and the shorter part is used to estimate the quality of the forecast made based on the other, longer part. We then take the dimension for which the best forecast is achieved as the optimal dimension for the given series. 2.2. Lo cal approximation metho d. As mentioned above, autoregression metho ds belonging to the class of ARMA methods [1] are most frequently used nowadays.1 The autoregression mo del of order p is f t = a0 + a1 f

+ a2 f


+ ··· + ap f


+ t ,


where ft is the value of the series at the tth step and {t } is a sequence of random quantities representing the white noise. In this case, to predict the subsequent tra jectory of the series, we must first determine the autoregression order and then estimate the autoregression co efficients {a0 ,... ,ap } based on the obtained data. The autoregression order is customarily chosen from the form of a particular autoregression function. The co efficients are estimated using all available data and are correspondingly assumed to be time independent. This approximation is therefore global. Methods of global linear approximation provide a go o d approximation for a function so long as we have sufficient free parameters and the data array is sufficiently large to ensure stable estimates for these parameters. But when the function becomes sufficiently complex, we have no assurance that we can find a representation that can effectively approximate this function. We may then have a vicious circle: the more complex the function, the larger number of parameters we must estimate. This in turn means that we must increase the amount of data, and this increase may require intro ducing additional parameters into a mo del, and so on. One way out of this circle is to use the LA metho d. Its basic idea is to split the whole domain of a function into several lo cal domains and then construct approximating mo dels and estimate the mo del parameters separately in each domain. These domains must be sufficeintly small to avoid "dramatic" changes of the function inside a domain. This allows applying simple (for instance, linear) mo dels in each separate domain. The main condition for effectively applying the LA metho d is the proper choice of the lo cal domain size or, which is practically the same, the number of neighbors. We must cho ose a number that suffices for the stability of the parameter estimate and such that adding a small number of new neighbors do es not substantially affect the estimated parameter values. The LA method [4] was the first metho d developed for forecasting time series that is based on the Takens theorem. This metho d also uses a representation of type (2) but has two basic differences from the autoregression metho d: 1. we estimate the co efficients in expression (2) for each lo cal domain separately, and
1 The recent rapid development of computing facilities has resulted in neural networks finding widening application in forecasting, but the ARMA method is still overwhelming in its range and intensity of application.


2. expression (2) may contain nonlinear terms, i.e., higher degrees of series values at preceding instants (the maximum degree is called the approximation order). We use the reconstruction dimension as the quantity having the sense of the autoregression order. Hence, the LA metho d is better grounded in cho osing the "autoregression order" and is more flexible in using initial data because different sets of co efficients are used on different parts of the tra jectory. We can therefore approximate essentially nonlinear functions by a set of piecewise-linear approximations. We now briefly describe the basic steps in the algorithm realizing the LA metho d. 1. Cho osing the local representation. This step includes evaluating the reconstruction dimension and constructing a multidimensional series representation, i.e., the matrix of delays X. 2. Determining the neighborhood or the number of neighbors. As a rule, the neighborho o d can be determined by cho osing the number of neighbors N s . For this, we segregate the "closest" columns in the space of delays (among the columns of the matrix X). The simplest criterion of closeness is the following. Given the metric · , the set {yt } is the set of nearest neighbors of the vector x for a given number of Ns neighbors N s if the sum t=1 yt - x is minimum. We note that although we consider the dynamics of variable changes, the closeness of yt to the values of x do es not imply closeness in time. 3. Cho osing the approximation mo del and its identification. At this step, for an already determined reconstruction dimension, we cho ose the approximation order (an approximation that is either linear or square in the series values at preceding instants is customarily used): xt+T = f 1

(xt ) = Pq (xt ,xt ,...,xt ), 1 2 m


where T = 1, 2,... , q is the polynomial degree, i.e., the approximation order. The LA schemes can therefore be classified according to the degree of the approximating polynomial. The mo del co efficients are usually estimated by the least squares metho d using the so-called singular expansion [15]. (See [16] for a detailed description and comparison of metho ds for calculating the mo del co efficients when using the LA method.) In some cases of very short series, the zeroth-order approximation is used, i.e., it is assumed that subsequent values of the series are independent of preceding values inside each lo cal domain. In this case, the "forecast" depends only on hitting the concrete lo cal domain. Such a situation is well illustrated by an example pertaining to the weather forecast [17]: one possible way to predict tomorrow's temperature is to find the previous days when the temperature was maximally close to to day's temperature and take the temperature on the day that followed the found day as the forecast. A higher-order approximation allows taking the influence on the forecast of the difference between to day's temperature and the temperature on the found day into account. 4. Forecasting: At the last step, we forecast the next value of the series under the assumption that the evolution of the last term of the series is governed by the same law as for other vectors from its local neighborho o d. Extrapolation metho ds. Two main extrapolation metho ds [17] can be used to forecast a few steps forward. The first is the iterative forecast: the parameters of approximating mo del (3) are estimated for T = 1. The further forecast for T = 2, 3 ... is the sequence of iterations, i.e., each time the predicted value is added to the series. It is then assumed that the obtained vector falls in the same domain in the space of delays (i.e., it evolves following the same law), and a forecast can be constructed for one more step forward, and so on. As shown in [18], the latter hypothesis may result in a systematic error in the forecast. An alternative is the direct forecast: parameters are estimated separately at each value of T . This method allows organizing a more precise forecast because errors are not accumulated with steps in this case [19]. The noise influence. In the development of the LA metho d, it was assumed that the forecast accuracy is determined by the approximation quality, which in turn depends on the volume of available data. But

in many cases, the forecast accuracy is naturally limited by noise: even if we know the exact equations of motion, the noise narrows the predictability limits by causing errors in determining the initial conditions and by distorting deterministic tra jectories. It was shown in [7] that in its consequences, the influence of noise on the forecast quality is very similar to the influence of approximation errors. The most dangerous error due to noise in the LA metho d is the erroneous choice of neighbors. 2.3. Singular sp ectrum analysis. The SSA metho d was primarily developed as a metho d for segregating perio dic and quasiperio dic constituents from a series. It was also shown that this metho d can be used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio [7]. In recent variants of the SSA metho d, its capacities have been extended to predict the further dynamics of a series [8], [20]. We use this metho d here exclusively to damp the noise. The basic idea of the SSA metho d is to pro cess the matrix X following an algorithm close to the principal component (PC) metho d. The use of the PC metho d is the most important ingredient of the SSA metho d, which makes it different from other nonlinear dynamics metho ds used to analyze and forecast time series. The essence of the PC method is reducing the dimension of the initial space of factors (here, the space of delays) by passing to more "informative" variables (co ordinates). The new co ordinates thus obtained are called PCs. We perform this passage using an orthogonal linear transformation. The problem of passing to the PCs can actually be reduced to finding eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the matrix X · XT [21]. Let 0 ··· 0 =

0 . . . 0

2 . . . 0

··· .. . ···

0 . . . M

and VM âM be the respective matrices of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix X · XT . Because the dimensions of reconstructions (and correspondingly of the matrices X) used in LA and SSA may differ in the general case, we let M denote the reconstruction dimension for the SSA metho d. Then the PC matrix is Z = VT · X. Under such a transformation, the PCs are the sets of pro jections of points of the initial set on the eigenvectors. The eigenvalues then characterize the scattering of points on the axes of the new co ordinate system. The first eigenvalue is maximum, and the others decrease monotonically. The PCs have many useful properties. In the SSA metho d, we use the resulting decomposition to select the most significant constituents of a series and to eliminate random perturbations. The basic idea of this filtration is to use only the r most significant PCs, not all of them, to reconstruct the matrix X. In the general case, we obtain the approximation of the matrix X X = VM
âr T · VM


· X,


where VM âr is the part of the eigenvector matrix (the first r columns) corresponding to the first r PCs. After the matrix X is approximated, the next step is to reconstruct the initial series. When it is reconstructed over its first PC, the matrix X loses its initial diagonal form, and we must therefore average along all diagonals on which we initially had identical values: 1 t ^ t i=1 xM -t+i,t , 1 M ^ ft = x ^ , M i=1 M -t+i,t 1 N -t+1 xi, ^ N - t +1 i=1

t < M, M t N - M +1,
t-M +i


, N - M +1 t N.

The algorithm for reconstructing the time series using the SSA metho d therefore consists of three basic steps: 1. constructing the matrix X, 2. calculating PCs and cho osing the most significant among them, and 3. reconstructing the series by the chosen PCs. Using this algorithm allows smo othing the initial series, decreasing the noise level, and increasing the signalto-noise ratio. But forecast metho ds based on this algorithm [8] turn out to be insufficiently effective when processing nonperio dic series. As do es the LA metho d, the SSA admits several mo difications, mainly related to a preliminary centering and/or normalization of the rows of the matrix X. We use the variant with centered rows because it is closest to the standard PC metho d.

3. Generalizing the LA method
3.1. The SSA­LA algorithm. In the case of very noisy series, even increasing the number of observations cannot ensure effective application of the PC algorithm because the probability that false neighbors appear and true neighbors are expelled is high in this case. To improve the forecast quality, it therefore seems useful to combine these two metho ds (SSA and LA) into a unified metho d in which we use the SSA metho d only to filter the initial time series (to damp the noise) and use the LA metho d to produce a forecast. The proposed metho d (called the SSA­LA metho d) can be treated as a generalization of the LA metho d to the case of very noisy time series. In the nearest future, we also want investigate the possibility of segregating the trend and perio dic constituents in the SSA filtration pro cess, which is especially important for applications to time series in economics. The total SSA­LA algorithm contains two basic steps: 1. performing the SSA-filtration, i.e., damping the noise, and 2. forecasting the smo othed series using the LA metho d. We have already described the algorithms of the SSA and LA metho ds. We note here that because of the special analysis [19], we cho ose SSA with centering and the direct variant of the LA metho d to construct the forecast. When the SSA and LA metho ds are applied together, it turns out that the first M and the last M terms of a time series are reconstructed with large deviations from the initial values, while the remaining part of the series is approximated much better. Apparently, the decrease in the approximation accuracy for boundary values is due to the shorter interval of averaging used to calculate in (5). We therefore eliminate the first M and the last M values of the averaged series and construct the forecast starting from the (N -M +1)th value. 3.2. Numerical results. We now present some numerical results demonstrating the capabilities of the SSA­LA metho d for forecasting very noisy irregular time series. Such time series were obtained from the differential­difference Mackey­Glass equation [22], often used as a test example (see [14], [17]), dx ax(t - T ) = - bx(t), dt 1+ xc (t - T )



Series value






57 Time



Fig. 1. The SSA filtration and the forecast for the x comp onent of the Lorenz system with 5% Gaussian noise (from the maximum value). The forecast starts from the 57th p oint. The forecast comprises 110 p oints. The solid line shows the initial series; the broken line, the initial series with noise added; the dotted line, the result of smoothing the noised series; the empty circles, the forecast using the LA method; and the filled circles, the forecast using the SSA­LA method.

where a = 0.2, b = 0.1, c = 10, and T = 17. In addition, we used the well-known Lorenz system x = (y - x), y = (r - z )x - y, z = xy - bz , where = 5, r = 15, and b = 1. The series were calculated once for all numerical experiments, while the noise component in the form of uncorrelated Gaussian noise with a zero mathematical expectation was generated separately for each experiment. The results of our analysis are presented in Figs. 1­3. For the forecast, we pro cessed series of each type comprising 3600 points each, from which we used only 110 points to estimate the forecast quality. We took M = 18, r = 6 and m = 6, N s = 21 as the respective parameters of the SSA filtration and the LA. The problem of consistency of the LA and SSA parameters was solved empirically at this stage. We first consider the example of forecasting the x component of the Lorenz system (Fig. 1). In the left part of the plot (before the instant 57.0), we present the result of the SSA filtration of the noisy signal (the last 110 points), which provides an apparently accurate reconstruction of the initial series without noise. But the phase is reconstructed with a small error, seen most explicitly in the domain of the maximum. We start the forecast from the instant 57.0. This forecast is indicated by circles in the figure. We see that preliminary filtration there resulted in a substantial increase of the forecast accuracy.

E 0.6


0.2 LA SSA-LA 0.0 0.0 T





Fig. 2. The forecast error for the x comp onent of the Lorenz system (for data with 5% noise applied). We used median averaging over 500 initial instants.

The forecast accuracy, generally speaking, can strongly depend on the initial instant of the forecast. To obtain a more ob jective estimate of the quality of forecasts obtained with the standard LA metho d and with the SSA­LA method, we must use a characteristic that is less sensitive to the initial instant. We take the normalized mean squared error (the forecast error) as such a characteristic for comparing the accuracies of forecasts obtained by different metho ds (see [17]) ^ (ft+T - ft+T )2 t . (ft - ft t )2 t



Here we average over the initial instants of the forecasts. Of course, the less the forecast error, the better the forecast is. If the quantity E becomes greater than unity, then the forecast fails, and it is better to take just the mean of the series instead. To achieve better reliability of the obtained error, we use the median, not the arithmetic mean, when averaging over the initial instants of the forecasts in relation (6). In Fig. 2, we show the dependence of error (6) on the length of the forecast for the x component of the Lorenz system. As in Fig. 1, the forecast with preliminary filtration is better in the case of averaging. The forecast error for the SSA­LA algorithm is always less than that for the standard LA metho d. Dependences similar to the one in Fig. 2 were constructed for various noise amplitudes and always, except for the case of zero noise, the SSA­LA metho d provided more accurate predictions. Following the same criterion (the forecast error), we performed comparisons for series obtained using the Mackey­Glass equation. The results of this comparison are very close to those obtained for the Lorenz series. The corresponding dependences of the forecast error on the length of the forecasts for different values of noise are presented in Fig. 3. For this series, the SSA­LA algorithm is also more accurate than the standard LA metho d. The numerical analysis results thus indicate that the preliminary SSA filtration allows increasing the accuracy of a forecast obtained with the LA method substantially and that unifying these two methods

E 0.8

IV a


IV b




II a

II b

Ib 40 60 80 100

Ia T




Fig. 3.

The dep endence of forecast error obtained with (a) the LA and (b) the SSA­LA methods for

the Mackey­Glass equation on the forecast length in the absence of noise (I) and at the noise levels constituting 1.5% (I I), 5% (I I I), and 20% (IV) of the maximum amplitude value. We used median averaging over 500 starting p oints.

into a hybrid SSA­LA algorithm can be especially useful when forecasting noisy series for which the LA metho d alone is insufficiently effective.

4. Conclusion
Forecasting time series using the LA metho d, in principle, is currently more an opportunity than an actual research to ol. At the same time, the LA algorithm is certainly advantageous to the standard autoregression because using the fractional-linear, not global linear, approximation allows using LA to successfully forecast irregular time series for which the linear autoregression representation cannot be used. Segregating into domains inside which we use the linear approximation then o ccurs in the space of delays, not in the time scale. This results in true neighboring states falling into the same domain, which allows using a linear approximation inside each domain, whereas a global linear approximation corresponding to approximating the whole system phase space by a single hyperplane may be absolutely unrealistic. The main obstacle restricting the use of the LA metho d is that its application becomes effective only when forecasting long time series. Then, of course, we must use much longer series for very noisy data, and series of sufficient lengths are seldom obtainable for actual systems. To relax this restriction, we propose using the preliminary series filtration with the SSA metho d, which has won a go o d reputation as an effective to ol for damping noise, especially in irregular time series, i.e., in the case where Fourier filtration cannot be used. Numerical experiments showed that such a hybrid of SSA and LA metho ds always provided results more accurate than those from the standard LA metho d. Moreover, our results are practically independent of the noise level, the length of the forecast, and the system that generated the time series under investigation. This proves that using the SSA filtration metho d as a necessary constituent of the SSA­LA algorithm can

dramatically enlarge the applicability domain of the LA metho d and may demonstrate its advantages over traditional forecast metho ds when used in practice. REFERENCES
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