Next Update Suggestions

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Next Update Suggestions

1. other historical F1 cars (’50/60s Merc/Maserati) or Lemans cars (like Jag type D)would be nice

+ dito historical tracks. like Zandvoort, pre 1979 francorchamps,Nurburgring (nord + sudschleife + combined+ GP), Monza combined including the Oval (was disappointed that with the 375 this wasn’t present

3. How about specific gold$ challenges sort of like the ongoing new car challenges? Instead of offering challenges to earn a new car, you pay an "entry fee" with R$ and get to choose from your already existing cars. Perhaps have different tiers of challenges based on a driver’s fame level. For "paying" to compete in these challenges with R$, you get a chance at converting your R$ into Gold$. You could also have gold bonuses for certain skills. For example, if you finish a fuel challenge with say 5 extra gallons/liters that equals 5 bonus gold$ for the challenge. It’s not a direct ATM for exchange of R$ to G$ (don’t think they would ever consider that) but it might help convert $ with a little extra ad revenue or something for the gamemakers in the set up. Also a good way to use those cars that are featured in only one series but fun to drive. Thoughts?

Seriously: It may seem nice to drive around in your own car, but it may turn out disappointing. The Mini Cooper will be comparable to the Focus RS at best. FM seems to concentrate more on higher level racing cars with the exception of the Clio lately.

In my opinion there is not much more to do for FM in this game. Every new car seems to be a copy of an earlier one, or a mixture of previous cars sound and handling. Without spending hundreds of real cash there is no way of completing the game, unless you like to do endless LM 10 lappers. The only reason i still have it installed is because i do the special events to win cars but that will dry up or get boring in the end.

Mini Coopers would be nice to race. I drive one in real and every time I need a a quart of milk i takes me 4 hours

Is it that slow?

Seriously: It may seem nice to drive around in your own car, but it may turn out disappointing. The Mini Cooper will be comparable to the Focus RS at best. FM seems to concentrate more on higher level racing cars with the exception of the Clio lately.

In my opinion there is not much more to do for FM in this game. Every new car seems to be a copy of an earlier one, or a mixture of previous cars sound and handling. Without spending hundreds of real cash there is no way of completing the game, unless you like to do endless LM 10 lappers. The only reason i still have it installed is because i do the special events to win cars but that will dry up or get boring in the end

i have a great suggestion. devide up cars in tires and have a section where you can build costom races. where you can choose any type of events, and chose any map and all racers are from that tire. it would give players chance to earn more cash. and it could be online multiplayer or single player. I also want to see some of the new mclaren cars. Mclaren makes way more cars now. 12 c has been out of pproduction for a while now. I would like to see p1 gtr model. i hope they consider putting some of other mclaren models such as 540c, 570c, 650s, 675lt, and maybe even m6gt model. i also want to see ferrari 250gto and 288gto. I don’t expect to put them every model in the game but 250gto is the ultimate classic ferrari, it needs to be in the game.

This game needs to be cooler, in order to minimize the critics. First, I want to reveal the next update date. According to the Race Teams competition, the release date of the update should be 28/07/2015. That means you can start playing Retro Rivals during 20 days (4th until 23rd). So the preview should come 24th (previous Friday). I read the latest comments and that’s what I think it would come:

1st. Pit lane and pit crew. This feature can’t be done in some circuits, such as Melbourne, and in other minor variants (Mullenbaschleife of Nurburgring, Hill and Oval of Dubai, Club of Circuit de Catalunya.)

2nd. A new circuit. I heard somewhere people is tired from the actual circuits. If we see the time between updates (2nd June to 28th July), we can suppose a new track is coming to the game. Monaco would be a right track. But. Abu Dhabi??? The old Monza and Hockenheim???

3rd. Introduce some manufacturers. Mazda, Mitsubishi, Subaru. Maybe we can add an old Jaguar in some place

4th. Exchange money into gold. C’mon guys, this will never happen.

5th. Fame points to next level. You are focusing too much on fame. I don’t think so.

There’s a lot of great suggestions here. I, though, would prefer they concentrated on fixing issues before adding more content. Veyon again). Porsche RSRs and most LMP1s) and the Clio just stays in its final gear unless the engine speed goes under something like 1,850 revs.

The shifting is a bit disappointing too: in the cockpit view, you can see that manual boxes are treated as sequentials and paddleshifts are treated as automatics. It may be more effort than they’re willing to put into it as I’ve never really seen anyone bring it up. Another small gripe I have are the shadows, which look awkward at times: most obvious is through Stavelot at Spa, where the shadow in the cockpit view literally skips across in increments. There’s a few visual glitches here and there, like in the Vantage GTE where the road surface is reflected in the sun strip at the top of the windscreen and some cars reflect what is above the roof through to the interior as if it was translucent. I would really like the headlights of opponents to appear in mirrors during non daytime races, to actually be able to see them. Also, cars will sometimes disappear from the mirrors even though they are still there, and the cars don’t always have drivers, which is really weird when they’re in convertibles or open wheels.

The collision system at high speeds is very weird, cars bouncing off obstacles and retaining quite high velocity, sometimes going backwards a few dozen feet, or the overly aggressive bots that PIT manoeuvre you when being overtaken is quite frustrating. Those two issues probably are here to stay though. On that subject, In elimination events, cars eliminated before a corner will kamikaze into it rather than braking, probably the same thing as in Endurance, where you slow down hard if you were braking when the timer runs out or can’t brake if you weren’t already. I get that you can’t accelerate anymore, but why take away the ability to coast or brake if approaching a corner at too high a speed?

Split time to car in front of you or 2nd place whilst in first seems a sensible inclusion. This is all without mentioning the exclusive OM/RT/WTTT (and elusive) rewards, cars that get ignored in sales and the GC chokepoint.

Despite all this, it’s still one of the most immersive racing experiences.

I have 100+ driverlevel / 70+ cars and I really do like this game therefore I admit that I also did spend some real money for it.

For me playing REAL RACING 3 is fun because of the realistic details of the cars, the race tracks and specially the realistic driving experience. In a simplified/playful way you can drive race cars, learning step for step how to handle them and some maneuvers and tactics too.

I’m grateful for the special events where you can earn some gold and a new car but really not so grateful for the "gold earnings/costs ratio".

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