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Дата изменения: Sat May 25 12:41:05 2013
Дата индексирования: Fri Feb 28 01:30:00 2014

Panel of political science HUMANISM IN POLITICS Chekalova Maria The faculty of political science Course 1 In my report I would like to talk about the relations between politics and humanism. In a contemporary democratic society we should think of making politics more human-oriented. In relation to the objectives of politics, policy content and political means, and also internal and external issues of politics, humanism can be represented in various forms. Morality as the embodiment of humanism has its impact in the political sphere. Morality and politics, which specialize in controlling people's behavior, have common features as well as differences. Conscience, one of the moral categories, can serve as the supreme judge of the moral political behavior. Can politics be moral? There are a number of different points of view on the subject of interconnections between morals and politics. Some people believe that politics is free of morality. Others suppose that politics goes by moral principles. There is a widespread and popular opinion, for some reason, that politics is a "dirty business". However, today, many political scientists tend to seek a compromise between morals and politics. So, is it possible to "humanize" politics? MORAL ASPECT OF CHILD ADOPTION AND ADOPTION POLICY Filyaeva Alina The faculty of political science Course 1 Nowadays, the issue of adoption is one of the most acute ones, especially in the Russian Federation. Thousands of children live in orphanages, and all of them need home and loving parents. Up to recent times, this issue was partly solved by international adoption, but now, that the Law of `Dima Yakovlev' was passed, which prohibits Americans from adopting Russian orphans, the media started talking about a complete ban on international adoptions. Our government tries to encourage adoption by Russian people. So, what can be done to encourage adoption and what problems can emerge here? (adoption for profit?) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the idea of international adoption? And what can be done in the sphere of adoption politics? These are the issues I'd like to raise in my report. NATIONALISM IN THE MODERN WORLD Huseinova Anna The faculty of political science Course 1 Today the question of nationalism is in the focus of intent public attention. Many countries including Russia are encountering a lot of difficulties caused by this problem. Extremism and xenophobia may threaten the stability of society. Multinational structure of Russia , close ties 1


with other countries of CIS whose diasporas are rather numerous in this make the problem of nationalism one of the first priorities. The national and racial ground are demanding immediate response and r my work I'd like to show my own understanding of nationalism and down this issue.

Russia, active migration - all latest displays of violence on easonable political course. In possible ways of settling

RUSSIA AND THE USA. FRIENDS OR FOES. Abramyan Arman The faculty of political science Course 1 First of all, I would like to explain why I think it is important to discuss this topic. I would like to start with the historical context and analyze why we consider Russians to belong to European culture. The emphasis will be placed on contemporary issues of Russian-American relations, and an analysis of the ways to solve the existing issues, in order to reach the ultimate goal ­to unite against a common enemy. ANGLO-AMERICAN RELATIONSHIPS AND BRITAIN'S PARTICIPATION IN EU Levchenko Alla The faculty of political science Course 2 The aim of the work is to show the stand of Britain in the system of transatlantic relationships after the Second World War, the influence of Anglo-American cooperation on the European integration process. Also I would like to consider the role of the United Kingdom in international relations (New Order). The Great Empire vanished and Britain tried to find its place in the post-war world system. The status of superpower went to the US. Having great military, economic, and political potential it helped Europe to restore its economy and stabilize the political situation. But "Marshall Plan" put European countries in dependence on America. However, Britain didn't want to accept a minor role on the international arena. As a result there appeared "special relations" between Britain and the US. According to some experts it helped the UK to overcome the collapse of Empire. But such relations aren't allowed Britain to integrate in EU completely. In Europe this country is characterized as "the voice and eyes of American policy". Britain prevents the EU from creating independent military forces and forming its own position in the world foreign policy, remembering them about their membership in the NATO. Great Britain supported American intervention in Irac, Afghanistan and Libya. At the same time Britain opposes more tight economic and financial integration with European countries. It hopes to preserve its status of a world financial center and the "bridge between the US and Europe".



SCENARIOS OF WORLD DEVELOPMENT Donetskii Dmitrii The faculty of political science Course 1 What are the main differences between two or more countries? They are: population, territory, natural resources, science, military, foreign policy, economics and management factors. Each of these factors may influence the world development. There are three scenarios of the world development. The first one is the scenario of tough globalization. If the world accepted this scenario, we would expect a very close encounter between the US and the EU, the redistribution of high-tech production in the advanced countries of Europe and America. The rest of the world would merely help this collaboration doing manual and harmful work. The next scenario is a moderate globalization. If the world accepted this scenario, Russia could influence the CIS more intensively, China would be restrained by the US and EU. And the last scenario is an increasing influence of regions. If we accepted this scenario, the world would become multipolar. But this is very unlikely. On the one hand, Russia would attach all the CIS countries, which could give a new impulse to its economy. On the other hand, Russia could lose support of the CIS and as a result would find itself surrounded by enemies. The worst scenario is as follows: China, Japan, the USA and the EU split the territory of Russia among themselves. THE PROBLEM OF LEADERSHIP: WHAT PSYCHOLOGICAL QUALITIES ARE NEEDED TO BECOME A POLITICAL LEADER? Loschillina Mariya The faculty of political science Course 1 The problem of leadership is essential and consuming especially nowadays, when power and authority have huge influence on all spheres of our life. It is known that not everyone is capable of becoming a leader. Notable psychological qualities of a political leader are collected and analyzed in this work, therefore it could be valuable not only for a would-be leader but for people who are interested in philosophy, psychology and other disciplines that study man, society and their interaction. THE NOTION OF NON-STATE INSTITUTIONS AND THEIR IMPACT ON MODERN POLITICS Ivanova Polina The faculty of political science Course 1 Politics embraces all spheres of social activity, it goes beyond the bounds of state structures and, of course, includes the political functioning of non-state institutions. Non-state institutions are organizations that are established by non-state actors or at least one side of these organizations is not states. There are several types of non-state institutions: 3


Political parties are officially structured organizations that struggle for power and whose aim is to seize control over the state. It is the most influential non-state institution. Pressure groups are created in order to participate in the political activity in a radical way. Lobbying organizations realize their ideas via MPs and cabinet members by influencing their decision making. Political movement is a voluntary association of people sharing the same aims and interests and struggling for their influence on the society by dissemination of their ideas and principles. Mass media are structures that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication and are created in order to spread information. Today it is a key factor to manipulate the public consciousness. Nowadays the significance of these institutions is so high that some scientists argue that the relations between the state and non-state organizations are one of the essential features of democracy. THE GEOPOLITICAL PROCESSES IN THE MIDDLE EAST Nizovkina Irina The faculty of political science Course 2 The aim of the work is to prove that the Middle East region remains a zone of military and political instability with permanent war conflicts. The Arab countries (Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Palestine), Israel and Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan are involved into these processes. All the above mentioned lead to the creation of prerequisites for the outbreak of a large-scale armed conflict in the strategically important area of the world and causes the appearance of new challenges and threats to the national interests and security of the Russian Federation. In view of the unfolding events, Russia has to heed all military-political changes in these regions and particular countries, to find appropriate ways and methods to respond to them. MOBILE APPLICATIONS Mishina Anastasiya The faculty of political science Course 1 Mobile applications are absolutely new means of political campaigning in Russian political technologies. It was Americans who first used them in election campaign. This experience seems interesting to us and we would like to make use of it here in Russia. Our aim is to develop mobile applications for iOS, Android and Windows 8. The applications are supposed to include information about a candidate or a political party, option of sharing the news and links to the applications and also some contests and online-shop. The applications are oriented to wide audience of Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki users.These applications are a very easy and convenient way of agitation as they work similar to "pyramide". We believe that this method of election campaigning will be efficient in our country and be a success with modern politicians. 4


THE IMPORTANCE OF POSITIVE EFFECTS OF THE MEDEA Bannikova Anastasiya The faculty of political science Course 1 I would like to share with you some important points about the Media and how they affect people. Of course, mass media have both positive and negative aspects. But I think that the first ones are more important, since the Media are seen as the "Fourth Estate". So, what are the positive aspects of the media? First, the media provide us with the exposure to the world outside our cozy home, it increases an overall awareness of the people. It can teach us . It can help to develop reading habits in children and can contribute to the enhancement of our vocabulary. Also, the mass media affect a major part of our daily life, transforming our cultural and social values, and changing our views on life. It is very important what content does it bring to us. People tend to believe and judge about the situation from the angle this picture has been presented to them. The recent advent of blogging in the Media world and such practices as public polls and civic journalism have strengthened the relationship between the Media and the common man. They have brought the general masses closer to understanding that they have their social stand and social responsibilities. The Media have brought about a major transformation in the way people think. It gave us an excellent platform to present ourselves to the world and contribute in our own way to the changing world scenario. Today it is impossible to imagine our world without the mass media. CINEMATOGRAPHY INFLUENCE ON FORMATION OF POLITICAL VALUES Andreeva Mariya The faculty of political science Course 2 Mass media has a great influence on public consciousness in today's society. Television and cinema are playing an important role in the process of socialization of an individual, development of his representations about the world and politics. However cinema still remains outside researchers' interests. In our opinion, cinematography should be the subject of a comprehensive study not only by art historians, but also by psychologists, sociologists and political scientists. Our aim is to study the last decade impact of Russian cinema on the formation of youth political values.The relevance of this study is dictated by the rapid development of cinema industry, whose influence on society is constantly growing. Films give us valuable information about culture, art, science, religion, and of course, politics. The majority of respondents taking part in public opinion poll indicated that activity of our institutions, such as state, government, police, election campaigns is reflected in our films.



YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT: WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES? Kovtun Alice The faculty of political science Course 1 Nowadays the problem of employment is also urgent for the graduates of the best universities all over the world. Even a fundamental and profound education can't be a guarantee for receiving a good job. Young people with high degrees sometimes have to agree to work that has nothing to do with their professional education. The question is: what shall we do to change the situation? MIGRATION POLICY IN PRESENT-DAY RUSSIA Volk Anastasiya The faculty of political science Course 1 At present, the migration policy of the Russian Federation is facing serious challenges that have to be met urgently. The discussion is centered around one of the major problems of the power institutions - the decrease of the labor force and the ensuing inability of bringing the national labor market to the higher standards. The discussion is built around the analysis of the causes of the issue, the trends and the dynamics of the labor market. The knowledge of the causes of the described issue would allow to evaluate the present state of the labor market in the Russian Federation and assess the situation with a less biased opinion. This discussion also includes an analysis of the programs that are used in order to overcome the issue. The conclusion suggests that the most significant goal of the migration policy is the stimulation of various means of developing specific trends of migration policy on both the regional and federal levels. ENERGY AS A SOURCE OF GEOPOLITICAL INFLUENCE Rosanova Marya The faculty of political science Course 2 With the globalization of energy consumption and increase in energy independence of individual countries the issue of international energy security has become urgent one in modern international relations. It is obvious that in the future international conflicts will transform into the form of "wars for resources". In other words, we will witness conflicts over access to scarce resource (rare minerals, water, oil, gas, etc.). As the world population will continue to grow, and the demand for resources will increase the probability of "energy wars" will also arise.. Two processes influence the contemporary world energy. On the one hand, it is the growth of competition in the global energy market between its major "actors" - the energy profile companies, supported by the governments of the countries where they are based, as well as the associations of these countries. On the other hand, there is an intensified international cooperation in the regulation of global energy policy. The "seeds" of the energy conflicts and wars will "grow" in the various regions of the world, since the states (as the main participants in international relations) will seek to gain control over the strategically valuable deposits of oil and natural gas.



In addition, we should not forget that another reason of such conflicts could be speculations of the leading oil producing countries in the global stock market. In our opinion, the fuel and energy complex will remain the main source of Russian geopolitical influence at both the regional and global levels. POLITICAL EXTREMISM IN THE MODERN WORLD Rubtsova Ekaterina The faculty of political science Course 2 The phenomenon: "Political extremism" is topical nowadays; it is mainly related to the activity of Islamist organizations. In particular such organizations propagandize extremism that can lead to extraordinary forms of terrorism in the future. Aims and tasks of my research are as follows: 1. It is necessary to go behind the rise of the phenomenon. It means, that I should study the origin and causes of political extremism in modern society. 2. It is also of critical importance to analyze political extremism as the spectrum of Islam adherence. The issue of political extremism is really topical in the modern political world. THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN RUSSIA'S POLITICS Oleneva Elena The faculty of political science Course 2 The role of women in politics has considerably increased in the modern world. Women didn't take active part in political life before, they weren't perceived seriously for centuries. Actually they were deprived of main rights, they didn't even have the right to vote, so they could not participate in general elections at all. The situation has deeply changed since the appearance of the feminist movement. The beginning of the organized movement is considered to be in 1848 when the congress of protection of the women's rights was held in the city Seneca-Follz (the State of New York, the USA). It was at this congress where the slogan "All Women and Men Are Created to be Equal" was adopted and became the main slogan of feminist movement. In my report I am planning to dwell on the activity of female politicians of the XX-th and XXI-st centuries in our country and abroad. The purpose of my work is to manifest the growing role of women in world politics. GUVENILE JUSTICE Panichev Dmitrii The faculty of political science Course 1 Recently numerous rallies have been held across our country against the existing juvenile justice system. Scientists and cultural workers appealed to the president to prevent interference in family space. In this report I would like to discuss, what is the juvenile justice system in itself, 7


what scares opponents of juvenile justice, what are the prospects of its implementation in Russia, and what are the different views on what would be the consequences of adoption of juvenile justice in Russia. THE COMMON FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (CFSP) Kovaleva Maria The faculty of political science Course 2 Since the EU was established, it has tried to promote prosperity and stability across Europe. The report discusses the main components of CFSP: diplomacy and partnership, peace and security, peacekeeping missions and decision- making. The main emphasis is put on the implementation of security strategy under the motto: "Towards a European Security Model." POLITICAL CULTURE OF MODERN RUSSIA Glebova Polina The faculty of political science Course 1 Political culture of modern Russia as well as the present stage of its historical development is transitional. For nearly 70 years totalitarian political culture had dominated in our country, that is why transition to the democratic political culture is extremely difficult and requires a long period of time. The features of the political culture of modern Russian society are as follows: 1) absence of strong tradition of participation in the political life for the most part of population; 2) excessive credulity of the population; 3) weakness of political parties; 4) division of society into two main blocks, types of consciousness and political culture; 5) reckless criticism of the politics. THE ISSUE OF SOCIAL MOBILITY IN THE MODERN WORLD RELEVANCE AND STUDIES Anna Astrahan The faculty of political science Course 1 People and society are in constant motion. A set of social movements that people make in the community (change of status) is called social mobility. Social mobility is an important institution of society. Over the years social changes alter the division of labor creating new kinds of status. There are different types of social mobility ­ intergenerational and intra-generational, ascending and descending, horizontal and vertical, individual and group mobilit y etc. The issue of social mobility has been studied for over fifty years now. One of the first works in this area was published in 1927 and belonged to Pitirim Sorokin. Contemporary research on social mobility in the period of transformation of Russian society is particularly relevant. The studies of M.F. Chernysh, G.A. Cherednichenko, Z.T. Golenkova, V.A. Borisova, N.E. Tikhonova, E.M. Abraham, L.B. Kosovo pay considerable attention to the analysis of socio-professional and 8


economic mobility, including the subjective aspect, considering the trend of social mobility in different strata and groups of Russian society, and develop methods of empirical measurement of various types of social mobility in the modern world. INTERPRETATION OF AUGUST 2008 EVENTS IN RUSSIAN AND FOREIGN MASS MEDIA Alyona Manuzina The faculty of political science Course 1 It is well known that none of significant current events can avoid mass media coverage. Reports in the Internet, newspapers, TV, Radio form public opinion all over the world. However, the information that the population of various countries get from the media, differs depending on the political situation and government`s aims. I'd like to examine the August 2008 GeorgianOssetian conflict as an example of biased representation of events. Four and a half years have passed , but it is still complicated to find out what version of events should be trusted. I'm going to analyze reports from some national newspapers, interviews and articles on the subject. The goal of my work is to explore purposes, methods and results of the "information war".
CURRENT CRISIS OF IDEAS: HARSH REALITY OR ALARMISM? Krivoshapov Mihail The faculty of political science Course 2

The economic crisis made social thinkers and economists reflect upon the reasons of the failure of old social mechanisms. Some experts see the roots of the current crisis in the lack of new ideas saying that the development of both political philosophy and technical progress is too procrastinated nowadays. But is this real? If we take a look at the fundamental reconstruction of social communication and the widest sharing of information, we can have doubts whether there is some real crisis or the old thinkers are just unable to see the world changing. Or, maybe, this is a kind of an intentional disinformation spread by some alarmist for some commercial purposes? Anyway, much more complicated view is needed to try to find out the truth. WEST VS. EAST: IN ANTICIPATION OF A NEW CRUSADE Kukharskii Leonid The faculty of political science Course 2 In the article to Foreign Affairs called The Clash of Civilizations, Samuel Huntington argued that the primary axis of global conflict was no longer ideological or economic but cultural and religious, and that this division would characterize the "battle lines of the future." Group of researchers from Stanford after investigation of more than ten million Yahoo! e-mail messages discovered that groups of people tend to communicate more via e-mail with others in their same group than they do with others from other groups, even if they share a physical border. Moreover, people who speak the same language tend to send more e-mails to each other than to people who don't. People in Great Britain, for example, appear to send more e-mails to people in 9


Australia than to people in other, much closer, European countries. After this on-line confirmation of Hungtington's theory we should take a look at the situation in the modern world where cultural and religious contradictions gradually reach their peak causing conflicts, for example, in the Middle East. The task is to try to predict what can occur in future. The current affairs together with the results of the latest Yahoo! e-mail messages research seem to confirm the conclusion of S. Huntington: despite the processes of globalization the dividing lines are actual, i.e. the Global conflict between civilizations is near at hand. THE SIMPLICITY OF POWER: CINCINNATUS CASE Gusev Mihail The faculty of political science Course 2 L.Q. Cincinnatus (519 BC ­ 430 BC), a Roman dictator, was noted for his honesty and simplicity. He was and is considered a perfect ruler. Cincinnatus is a popular hero for Americans. George Washington, one of the Founding Fathers, was named by his contemporaries a Cincinnatus. Even A. Schwarzenegger has recently spoke of him as of one of his favorite heroes. The causes of this popularity of Cincinnatus will be reviewed in the report.
IMPOSSIBILITY OF SOCIAL MODELLING Utochkina Anna The faculty of political science Course 2

Social modeling is a specific multifunctional research made on the basis of similarity to an existing other substitute object. The feature of a simulation model is an ability to expose any test: to change the settings or parameters of the environment in which it exists, and then to extend this result to the real object, to identify the behavior under similar conditions. Nowadays, many social scientists offer social models. For example, Song Chaoming's model can predict where a person is with an average of 93% accuracy. I believe we cannot trust social models because they are static. Our society is a kind of an unpredictable living organism. Examples to illustrate my point of view: revolutions, social crises, etc. Conclusion: we can use some models, but we'll never get precise results. THE ASTEROID THREAT AS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT AND VITAL GLOBAL PROBLEMS Mestetskii Leonid The faculty of political science Course 2 There are lots of comets and asteroids which revolve in solar system. They move under their orbits and sometimes they leave them and can direct their steps to other places including the Earth. It can happen because of their collisions with other objects in outer space and also because of the influence of gravitation of larger objects. So, in this case our planet has a risk to become a shooting mark for these asteroids. The recent explosion of a large asteroid in Chelyabinsk has demonstrated the existence of a real asteroid danger for our planet and the necessity of deep research of this problem, particularly of physical features and the structure of asteroids with the 1 0


purpose of finding different methods of struggle with this threat. It's necessary to understand that this is a global problem and preconditions for its appearance were formed long ago. The data collected show us our helplessness which can be the most important incentive factor for us. The first asteroid dangerous for our planet was detected in 1898 and there were lots of similar cases during the XXth century. So, the humanity has some difficulties with the disclosure of asteroids and the resistance to them. NASA is the largest and most important organization which is connected with the struggle against this external threat. But the research of small objects which can be dangerous for people's lives is hampered for financial reasons. There is also a technical problem . Some asteroids can be detected shortly before their fall and not far from the Earth. That's why similar organizations should try to unite their efforts. So far the main ideas have been devoted to the creation of a new system able to detect asteroids in time and blast them or change the direction of their fall. But during the creation of this new system and coordination of common efforts there can be some financial or military mismanage which can be covered with the presence of this common danger. In this case common efforts will be disrupted and a new system won't be created properly. THE ASCENDANCY OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN MODERN LIFE Demina Anna The faculty of political science Course 2 Social media is an absolutely new way of human communication, which appeared a few years ago but changed our lives absolutely. Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks, and now it seems to have become the main tool of changing people's minds. Social media marketing is one of the most fast-developing industry; it can be used not only to make people buy various goods but to change people's points of view on almost everything. The author is going to analyze how this new phenomenon works , how it differs from traditional media recourses and what are the main prospects for its further development.

ROOTS OF SEPARATISM Gudzenko Mariya Course 1 The aim of the work is to show the links between separatism and globaliz++ation. Drastic political, economic, religious, and cultural interests often give rise to separatism. We shall start with Kosovo, then turn to Catalonia, the province of Spain, and Northern Ireland (Great Britain); discuss the situation in Belgium, and in Africa, and then go farther on to the Caucasus (Russia). RUSSIAN-BRITISH RELATIONS Pravednikov Anton 1 1


Course 1 The aim of the work is to analyze the history of Russian-British relations from Perestroika to recent times. I hope this research may help to realize that Russian-British relations are more complicated and ambiguous than we can think. I would like to start with the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who pursued a strong anti-communist policy in concert with Ronald Reagan during the 1980s, in contrast to the dИtente policy of the 1970s. However, under Mikhail Gorbachev UK-USSR relations got much warmer. After the collapse of the USSR, trade relations and personal ties developed really well, but the diplomatic ties became difficult due to allegations of spying and extradition disputes. There were quite a number of "difficult " personalities involved in UK-Russia controversial relations, such as Berezovsky, Zakaev, Litvinenko. However, according to Gallup Organization public opinion poll, the British public has a favourable opinion about Russia, especially British young people.

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Panel of philosophy

ART NOUVEAU IN RUSSIA. SYNTHESIS OF ARTS. Tikhomirova Anastasia Faculty of Philosophy Course 2 The synthesis of arts has always been attractive for artists. It is to destroy every single sort of art it includes to make a whole new masterpiece; which becomes indistinguishable from life and thus influences the life itself and makes a grand impression. But only in the middle of nineteenth century Wagner designed a theory that concerned the tight embrace of dance, poetry and music ­ lyrical drama ­ as a resemblance of an ancient Greek drama. By the twentieth century revolutionary state of minds, lack of expressions in fine arts, enmity against bourgeois values forced modern and later postmodern culture to embody this theory into life. Art Noveau began with architecture, it was a base for synthesis as well. Van de Velde in Belgium was the first to realize a modernist idea of a house: architecture is consonant with furniture, wallpaper, the dress of a hostess. In Russia it was Shekhtel who followed this ideas. He also worked a lot with Wroubel, the painter. The latter personified the synthesis of arts not only in breadth of his interests, but also in the depth of their spirit. Scryabin created symphonies, mysteries, which were in harmony with colors (corresponding some concepts) and his own poems. Original symphonies were made by A.Beliy: believing music opens secret essence of the world, he mixed and matched musical motifs, rhythm of phrases in his poetry. Having no plot his poems seek after one and indivisible aim. ROBERT BURNS. SCOTLAND'S FAVORITE SON. Arkadskaya Polina The faculty of philosophy Course 1 Robert Burns is widely regarded as a national poet of Scotland and is famous worldwide. Since his poems and songs were first published they have always been a source of spirituality to so many people both in Scotland and elsewhere. His poetry evokes sympathy for ordinary people. It is a wonderful blend of national features and universal aspirations that contributed to his success. "OH, HAD THEY DIED BY PEARSE'S SIDE". CANON CHARLES O'NEIL Khozhemiachenko Daniil The faculty of philosophy Course 1 The Easter Rising of 1916 is considered to be the first step in the Irish struggle for independence and one cannot neglect its effect on Irish poetry. And though it was quickly suppressed, the people's memory still bears the recollections of the glorious and valiant defenders who fought for Irish independence. One can feel the prophetic sense of the poem "Foggy dew" written by 1 3


Canon Charles O'Neil, a mere parish priest: "For the slavery fled, oh the glorious dead''- this verse was written three years after the suppression of the uprising. And just in a couple of years Ireland became independent. PHILOSOPHICAL AND RELIGIOUS MOTIVES IN WILLIAM BLAKE'S PAINTINGS Belova Alina The faculty of philosophy Course 1 Not only was William Blake a famous poet, he was also a notable artist. His greatest strength as an artist was an approach that led many of his contemporaries to realize the significance of th e Bible. His paintings represent a wonderful blend of mythological and religious themes. His contemporaries could not appreciate the message his paintings. We owe it to the Pre ­ Raphaelites who understood the depth of his art. Although his paintings were created almost two centuries ago, they are not outdated and are profound enough to thrill the modern viewer.

CONTROLLING OF CONSCIOUSNESS: IS IT POSSIBLE? Petrov Mikhail The faculty of philosophy Course 2 The aim of the report is to discuss Mamardashvili's idea: "we can do just what we can do and we can conceive just what we can conceive" and show most fundamental and most perspective points of view on this problem. Brief description: If you try to remember your last process of thinking you'll understand that you didn't control it, but rather you were in some thoughtful condition. Are thoughts just born in our mind when "they want"? Different people from Plato to Stanislaw Grof have been thinking about this problem for thousands years.

THEORETICAL IMPORTANCE OF MARXISM TODAY Azarov Igor The faculty of philosophy Course 2 `As a theoretical system, Marxism has constituted the principal alternative to the liberal rationalism that has dominated western culture and intellectual enquiry in the modern period. Its goal was to abolish a capitalist economy based on market exchange, and replace it with a

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qualitatively different society. The aim of the report is to show that Marxism is as topical today as it has always been.

THE VIEW OF ARISTOTLE'S NICOMACHEAN ETHICS IN THE FIELD OF POLITICAL STUDIES: PLAGIARISM AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Altuhova Kristina The faculty of political science Course 1 A lot of cardinal changes touching upon practically all the spheres of social life have happened in the Russian Federation recently. So, against the background of these events, the topic of plagiarism and intellectual property has become very urgent and significant. Article 44 of the Russian Constitution guarantees freedom of literature, art and scientific work for everyone and proclaims legal protection of intellectual property. In Russian juridical literature the issues of plagiarism have become especially relevant lately. `Borrowing' is understood as reproduction of other people's property or your own work without violating copyright of the owner. The basis for the research into the issues of plagiarism and intellectual property can be found in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. The name Nicomachean Ethics refers to the name of a man who influenced Aristotle's views. Aristotle's Ethics and Politics go into the issue of bringing up virtue and forming the habit of leading a virtuous life in order to achieve happiness in different aspects (individual as well as political and social ones). POLITICS AND ART Zatolkina Albina The faculty of political science Course 1 These two major fields of human activities have some common features, and quite a lot of differences. In different epochs arts and politics influenced and interacted with each other. For instance, in Soviet times arts was at the service of communist ideology, while in ancient times many philosophers took part in running the state. Nowadays, many artistic figures enter politics. Close relationships between politics and art have their positive and negative sides. So, a young person starting independent grown-up life has to weigh both sides and choose something closer to his nature. LOUIS ARAGON'S POEM "PARIS " IN FRENCH, ENGLISH AND IN RUSSIAN Yakutina Mariya The faculty of political science Course 1 The aim of the report is to get students acquainted with Louis Aragon's creative activities in general and with his poem ` Paris' in particular. This poem is believed to be one of his best. The poem will be recited in French for students to appreciate its beauty. Then the reporter will read 1 5


an English version of it to show cultural difficulties the translator encounters trying to convey the French spirit by means of English. Masha will also give her own interpretation in Russian. SOCIAL ISSUES IN CHARLES DICKENS'S NOVELS: SYMPATHY AND COMPASSION FOR ORDINARY PEOPLE Gvozdkov Sergej The faculty of philosophy Course 2 Dickens's novels have always evoked readers' admiration and there are many reasons for it, not the least of which being that they are permeated with the deep sympathy and compassion for ordinary people. The ability to empathize is precisely what contemporary literature so sadly lacks.

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