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The evolutionary globalistics
I. Ilyin, A. Ursul
The evolutionary globalistics
(The concept of the evolution of global processes)
Global evolutionism is a basis of the modern scientific worldview. This is a form of knowledge about the global evolution, where the self-organization of material systems is mainly a permanent process of progressive development in the visible universe. Original interpretation of the global evolution is proposed in this book. As well, the content of the concept of universal and planetary evolution, its basic principles and methods of study is disclosed in the book. Considerable attention is paid to the forms of dark matter and its impact on the evolution, to the anthropic cosmological principle and prospects of interaction of human civilization and the universe. The problem of the evolution of global processes are discussed in the book, especially in the context of socio-natural development of future planetary transition to sustainable development and the formation of the noosphere.
The evolutionary approach to the study of global processes and global systems proposed in the monograph. The concept of evolution and globalization viewed from the perspective of the universal (global) evolutionism and the principle of the temporal integrity. Particular attention is paid to the global evolutionary process of transition to sustainable development, to the formation of the sphere of reason, as well as to the formation of global education and other areas of global operations.
The monograph was prepared at the Faculty of Global Studies of Moscow State University, in the Research Centre of global processes and sustainable development of the Russian Trade and Economic University and at the Department of Social Sciences and Technology at National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”.
Key words: anthropic principle in cosmology, security, extraterrestrial civilizations, global governance, global processes, global evolutionism, information, kosmoglobalistika, multiverse, science, noosphere, education, space exploration, self-organization, synergetic, socio-natural development, superhighway, dark matter, sustainable development, futurization, evolutionary globalistics. For experts, researchers, teachers, graduate students and anyone interested in the problems of the future development of humanity, especially in the context of globalization, global education, sustainable development and noospherogenesis.