Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://kodomo.cmm.msu.ru/trac/snake/browser/snake.py?format=txt
Дата изменения: Mon Dec 20 17:49:57 2010
Дата индексирования: Fri Feb 11 15:10:08 2011
"""Guts of snakes."""

import engine

def preprocess(line):
"""Remove comments and junk spaces from line of snake definition file."""
if '//' in line:
line = line[:line.index('//')]
line = line.rstrip()
return line

class File(object):
"""Wrapper around file that saves the current line number."""
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
self.name = file.name
self.line_no = 0
self.iterator = self.enumerate_lines()
def __iter__(self):
return self.iterator
def enumerate_lines(self):
for line_no, line in enumerate(self.file, self.line_no):
self.line_no = line_no
yield line

class Snake(object):


- `cells` -- list of cells belonging to the snake The first of these cells
becomes head, the last one becomes tail, the rest ar body. If snake has
only one cell, it is tail.
- `color` -- color of snake
- `rules` -- a list of Rule objects

def __init__ (self, cells, color):
self.cells = cells
self.color = color
self.rules = []

def load (self, file):
"""Load snake description from file.

See program design docs for file syntax.
file = File(file)
except Exception, e:
raise Exception("%s:%s: %s" % (file.name, file.line_no, e))

def _load (self, file):
"""Actually do the loading."""
for line in file:
magic, self.name = preprocess(line).split(' ', 1)
assert magic == "snake", "This is not snake file"
for line in file:
line = preprocess(line)
if line == 'end':
assert line == '', "Rules must be separated by empty lines"
for number, rule in enumerate(self.rules):
rule.number = number

def fill (self):
"""Mark every cell in `self.cells` as belonging to self."""
for cell in self.cells:
cell.snake = self
if self.cells == []:
for cell in self.cells:
cell.type = 'body'
self.cells[0].type = 'head'
self.cells[-1].type = 'tail'

class Rule(object):
"""Rule defining possible behaviour of snake."""

codes = {
'h': 'head',
'b': 'body',
't': 'tail',
'#': 'wall',
' ': 'any',
'-': 'empty',

def __init__ (self, snake):
self.snake = snake
self.direction = (0, -1)
self.pattern = {}

def load (self, file):
"""Load rule definition from file.

Ignore any leading empty lines.
Return self.
y = 0
for line in file:
line = preprocess(line)
if y == 0 and line == '':
assert len(line) == 8, "Rule lines must be exactly 7 chars long"
assert line[-1] == ';', "Rule lines must end with semicolon"
for x, char in enumerate(line[:7]):
self.parse_cell(x, y, char)
y += 1
if y == 7:
return self

def parse_cell(self, x, y, char):
"""Parse definition of cell in rule file.

Cell is defined by one character.
is_my = char.islower()
char = char.lower()
assert char in self.codes, "Illegal symbol in rule: %s" % char
cell = engine.Cell(x, y)
cell.snake = self.snake
cell.snake_type = None
if char in 'htb':
if is_my:
cell.snake_type = 'my'
cell.snake_type = 'enemy'
if char == 'h':
assert (x, y) == (3, 3), "Own head must in the center of rule"
if (x, y) == (3, 3):
assert char == 'h', "In the center of rule must be own head"
cell.type = self.codes[char]
self.pattern[x, y] = cell

def applies (self, field, x, y):
"""True if the rule applies in the field at position (x,y)."""
wall = engine.Cell(-1, -1)
wall.type = 'void'

for px, fx in zip(range(7), range(x - 3, x + 4)):
for py, fy in zip(range(7), range(y - 3, y + 4)):
if field.get((fx, fy), wall) != self.pattern[px, py]:
return False
return True

def rotate (self, direction):
"""Rotate rule pattern to head in `direction`."""
for i in range(4):
if self.direction == direction:
raise AssertionError("Illegal direction: %s" % direction)

def rotate_ccw(self):
"""Rotate rule pattern one time counterclockwise."""
pattern = {}
for x in range(7):
for y in range(7):
pattern[y, 6 - x] = self.pattern[x, y]
self.pattern = pattern
x, y = self.direction
self.direction = y, -x

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