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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Unknown
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Apr 12 00:55:58 2016
Êîäèðîâêà: IBM-866
Help.html in Help òÀÓ Cyclyc Cell Automata

source: Help/Help.html @ 99:33fea6b97cd3

Revision 99:33fea6b97cd3, 4.9 KB checked in by is_rusinov, 5 years ago (diff)

automata -> automaton

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4ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà Cyclic cellular automata editor
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17ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <h3ˆàalign="center">
18ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà CCA - Cyclic cellular automata editor
19ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <h3>
20ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <h4>
21ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà CCA is cyclic cellular automata creation, editing and visualization tool.
22ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </h4>
23ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <p>
24ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <b>Cellular automaton</b>ˆàis a set of cells. Each cell can be in one of several possible states. Cell can change its state, according to state of neighbors of the cell. This process is determined by transition rules. <b>Cyclic cellular automaton</b>ˆàis a kind of cellular automaton, its set of states is a cycle, and cell changes its state to next one, according to cycle order. It works with <b>2-dimentional cyclic cellular automaton</b>ˆàwith rectangular field. Transition rules should be defined through number of neighbors of the cell in same state. This program allows user to change number of cell`s states, order of states and transition rules for each state. Other options are automaton step duration, scale of field, colors of cell in defferent states.
25ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </p>
26ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <pˆàalign="center">
27ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <br><big>Window of the program</big><br><br>
28ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <imgˆàsrc="window.png">
29ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </p>
30ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <p>
31ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà Window of the program contains menubar, automaton field and status line. Status line displays current size of field, automaton status (running/paused), and speed as inverse value of delay between automaton conditions in running state.
32ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </p>
33ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <h3ˆàalign="center">
34ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà Menubar
35ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </h3>
36ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <p>
37ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà Menubar includes <b>File</b>, <b>Action</b>, <b>Automaton</b>ˆàand <b>Help</b>ˆàitems. <b>File</b>ˆàmenu contains <b>New</b>, <b>Open ..</b>, <b>Save ..</b>ˆàand <b>Exit</b>ˆàitems.<br><br>
38<b>New</b>ˆàcreates new CCA progect with empty field and "Life" type of automaton.<br>
39<b>Open ..</b>ˆàallows to load automaton from CAF file, that was created with this program.<br>
40<b>Save ..</b>ˆàallows to save current automaton in CAF file.<br>
41<b>Exit</b>ˆàfinishes work of the program.
42ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </p>
43ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <p>
44ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <b>Action</b>ˆàmenu contains <b>Start</b>, <b>Stop</b>, <b>Next step</b>, <b>Increase speed</b>, <b>Decrease speed</b>, <b>Zoom in</b>, <b>Zoom out</b>, <b>Clean field</b>, <b>Fill randomly</b>ˆàand <b>Change size</b>ˆàitems.<br><br>
45<b>Start</b>ˆàswitches automaton to running state.<br>
46<b>Stop</b>ˆàstops automaton, if it is in running state.<br>
47<b>Next step</b>ˆàplaces automaton into next condition, stops automaton, if it is in running state.<br>
48<b>Increase speed</b>ˆàdecreases delay between contitions of automaton twofold while it is in running state.<br>
49<b>Decrease speed</b>ˆàincreases delay between contitions of automaton twofold while it is in running state.<br>
50<b>Zoom in</b>ˆàincreases size of cells.<br>
51<b>Zoom out</b>ˆàdecreases size of cells.<br>
52<b>Clean field</b>ˆàconverts all cells in first state of automaton list of states.<br>
53<b>Fill randomly</b>ˆàconverts all cells in accidental state of states list with identical probabilities.<br>
54<b>Change size</b>ˆàopens change size window.
55ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </p>
56ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <pˆàalign="center">
57ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <br><big>Change size window</big><br><br>
58ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <imgˆàsrc="size_window.png">
59ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </p>
60ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <p>
61ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà Change size window allows user to change size of the field on certain side. Side can be appointed through group of nine buttons. If choosen button side have no neighbor buttons, equal side of field will not be changed. New dimensions of field should be determinated through entry fields (X dimention <b>x</b>ˆàY dimention).
62ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </p>
63ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <p>
64ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <b>Automaton</b>ˆàitem opens automaton window. It contains list of states, group of buttons of changing states order in list and change/add state area, that includes tools for changing parameters of state. "Change" button changes choosen state and "Add" button adds new one. Each state should have name, unique symbol, color and unique key. Key is keyboard key, that simplify changing cells state to conformable state.
65ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </p>
66ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <pˆàalign="center">
67ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <br><big>Automaton window</big><br><br>
68ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <imgˆàsrc="automaton_window.png">
69ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </p>
70ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <p>
71ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà To set name, key or symbol of state, use entry fields. To set state color, press to the colored area and then choose new color. To set transition rules, use checkboxes. If checkbox with label <b>N</b>ˆàis choosen (<b>N</b>ˆà= 0, 1, ... 8), then cell in the state will change it, if the cell have <b>N</b>ˆàneighbors in same state.
72ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </p>
73ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <h3ˆàalign="center">
74ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà Mouse drawing
75ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </h3>
76ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà <p>
77ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà User have ability to change cells states with mouse. Pressing <b>left button</b>ˆàof mouse results in changing of cell state to <b>next</b>ˆàone. <b>Right button</b>ˆàchanges state to <b>previous</b>ˆàone. If keyboard <b>key</b>ˆàis being pressed during motion of mouse with pressed button, cells change their state to that corresponds to the key.
78ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </p>
79ˆà ˆà ˆà ˆà </body>
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