Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://kodomo.fbb.msu.ru/hg/allpy/file/a1307c0bb030/sandbox/ttk.py
Дата изменения: Unknown
Дата индексирования: Mon Feb 4 01:17:04 2013
allpy: a1307c0bb030 sandbox/ttk.py


view sandbox/ttk.py @ 642:a1307c0bb030

Added necessary hooks for monomer pickling [closes #35] Current implementation is lazy and does not store all monomer classes explicitly in some module. They are still generated on the fly. Some monomer classes have the same name as per PDB database. In order to avoid name clashes, we add underscores to classes, if same name class already exists. WARNING. This may and WILL cause trouble, if such clashes occur between different types of monomers, in which case different names will be generated for the same class depending on the order of loading modules. The only example of such clash in the current database is dna monomer "0AV" and rna "A2M", which both have name "2'-O-METHYLADENOSINE 5'-(DIHYDROGEN PHOSPHATE)"
author Daniil Alexeyevsky <dendik@kodomo.fbb.msu.ru>
date Fri, 03 Jun 2011 16:49:44 +0400
parents ef6692b5ffbc
children 61e5d8e146c7
line source
1 from tkinter import ttk, filedialog
2 import tkinter
4 class Scrollbar(tkinter.Scrollbar):
6 def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
7 tkinter.Scrollbar.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
8 self['command'] = self._command
9 self._attached_widgets = set()
10 self._orient = {'horizontal': 'x', 'vertical': 'y'}[self['orient']]
12 def attach(self, widget):
13 self._attached_widgets.add(widget)
14 command = self._orient + 'scrollcommand'
15 widget[command] = lambda *args, **kw: self._set(widget, *args, **kw)
17 def _command(self, *args, **kw):
18 command = self._orient + 'view'
19 result = None
20 for widget in self._attached_widgets:
21 result = getattr(widget, command)(*args, **kw)
22 return result
24 def _set(self, sender, *args, **kw):
25 command = self._orient + 'view'
26 self.set(*args, **kw)
27 for widget in self._attached_widgets:
28 if widget is sender:
29 continue
30 getattr(widget, command)('moveto', args[0])
32 class MegaText(tkinter.Text):
34 def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
35 tkinter.Text.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
37 self.bind("<B1-Motion>", self._select)
38 self.bind("<B1-ButtonRelease>", self._select_end)
39 self.tag_configure('vselection', borderwidth=1, relief="solid", background='#ffbbbb')
41 def tag_clear(self, tag):
42 """Remove the tag from anywhere in the text."""
43 ranges = self.tag_ranges(tag)
44 for begin, end in zip(ranges[::2], ranges[1::2]):
45 self.tag_remove(tag, begin, end)
47 def insert(self, *args, **kw):
48 self['state'] = 'normal'
49 result = tkinter.Text.insert(self, *args, **kw)
50 self['state'] = 'disabled'
51 return result
53 def _select (self, ev):
54 index = self.index("@%s,%s" % (ev.x, ev.y))
55 line, pos = map(int, index.split('.'))
56 if not hasattr(self, '_selection'):
57 self._selection = [line, line, pos, pos]
58 self._selection[1] = line
59 self._selection[3] = pos
61 self.tag_clear('vselection')
62 line0, line1 = sorted(self._selection[0:2])
63 pos0, pos1 = sorted(self._selection[2:4])
64 for line in range(line0, line1 + 1):
65 self.tag_add(
66 'vselection',
67 '%s.%s' % (line, pos0),
68 '%s.%s' % (line, pos1)
69 )
70 return "break"
72 def _select_end(self, ev):
73 self._select(ev)
74 del self._selection
75 return "break"
77 def open_file():
78 global seqs
79 names.delete(0, 'end')
80 sequences.delete('1.0', 'end')
82 filename = filedialog.askopenfilename()
83 seqs = set()
84 for item in open(filename).read().split('\n>'):
85 lines = item.split('\n')
86 name = lines[0].lstrip('>').strip()
87 body = "".join(map(str.strip, lines[1:]))
89 names.insert('end', name)
90 sequences.insert('end', body+'\n')
91 line = int(sequences.index('end - 1 line').split('.')[0])
92 seqs.add((name, body, line))
94 def colorize():
95 length = len(list(seqs)[0][1])
96 num_seqs = len(seqs)
97 seq_weights = []
98 for pos in range(length):
99 weights = {}
100 for name, seq, _ in seqs:
101 char = seq[pos]
102 weights[char] = weights.get(char, 0) + 1
103 for char in weights:
104 weights[char] = weights[char] * 10 // num_seqs
105 seq_weights.append(weights)
107 for name, seq, line in seqs:
108 for pos in range(len(seq)):
109 char = seq[pos]
110 tag = 'id%d0' % seq_weights[pos].get(char, 0)
111 sequences.tag_add(tag, '%d.%d' % (line, pos))
113 for id in range(10+1):
114 w = (10 - id) * 256 / 10
115 color = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (w, w, w)
116 sequences.tag_configure('id%d0' % id, background=color)
118 root = tkinter.Tk()
120 root.option_add('*tearOff', False)
121 menu = tkinter.Menu(root)
122 menu_file = tkinter.Menu(menu)
123 menu_file.add_command(label='Open', command=open_file)
124 menu.add_cascade(menu=menu_file, label='File')
125 menu.add_command(label='Colorize', command=colorize)
126 root['menu'] = menu
128 main = ttk.PanedWindow(root, orient="horizontal")
129 names = tkinter.Listbox(main)
130 sequences = MegaText(main)
132 sequences['font'] = names['font'] = "Courier 10"
134 def _select(*args):
135 sequences.tag_clear('sel')
136 for line in names.curselection():
137 line = int(line) + 1
138 sequences.tag_add('sel', "%s.0" % line, "%s.end" % line)
139 sequences['inactiveselectbackground'] = 'blue'
140 names.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', _select)
142 #sequences['spacing3'] = 1
143 sequences['exportselection'] = False
144 sequences['wrap'] = 'none'
145 #names['selectborderwidth'] = -1
146 names['highlightthickness'] = 0
147 names['activestyle'] = 'none'
148 names['exportselection'] = False
150 main.add(names)
151 main.add(sequences)
152 main.pack(side='right', fill='both', expand=True)
154 vscroll = Scrollbar(root, orient='vertical')
155 vscroll.attach(names)
156 vscroll.attach(sequences)
157 vscroll.pack(side='right', fill='y')
159 root.mainloop()