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Stewart J. - Advanced general relativity :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Stewart J. - Advanced general relativity
Stewart J. - Advanced general relativity

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Название: Advanced general relativity

Автор: Stewart J.


This book is a self-contained introduction to key topics in advance general relativity. The opening chapter reviews the subject, with strong emphasis on the geometric structures underlying the theory. The second chapter discusses 2-component spinor theory, its usefulness for describing zero-mass fields and its practical application via Newman-Penrose formalism, together with examples and applications.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Гравитационное взаимодействие/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1991

Количество страниц: 228

Добавлена в каталог: 02.10.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Absolute time      46
ADM mass      114
Affine coordinate system      194
Affine parameter      30
Algebraically special      78
Anti-self-dual      80
Antisymmetrization      12
Asymptotically simple      122
Atlas      2
Atlas $C^{\infty}$-related      2
Atlas maximal      2
Axisymmetric      46
Bianchi identities      39 45
Bicharacteristic curves      178
Bivector      80
Bondi 4-momentum      158
Bondi mass      115 155
Bondi system      139
Bondi - Metzner - Sachs group      141
Boosts      95
Buchdahl constraint      87
Cauchy problem      175
Cauchy surface      174
Caustic      99
Caustic $A_{2}$      204
Caustic $A_{3}$      204
Caustic $A_{4}$      206
Caustic $D_{4}$      207
Caustic set      201
Caustics      193
Characteristic hypersurface      177
Chart      1
Chart $C^{K}$-related      2
Chart $C^{\infty}$-related      2
Chart Galilean      47
Chart inertial      52
Christoffel symbols      44
Clock postulate      56
Commutator      14
Commutator coefficients      33
Congruence      18
connecting vector      37
Connection      25
Connection integrable      57
Connection Levi - Civita      43
Connection linear      25
Connection metric      43
Connection Newtonian      32 50
Contact field      195
Contact structure      195
Contraction      12
Contravariant      10
Coordinate system      1
Covariant      10
Covariant derivative      25
Covectors      8
Curvature singularity      99
Darboux's theorem      195
de Donder gauge      61
Derivative covariant      25
Derivative Lie      20-21
Derivative spinor covariant      81
Differentiable manifold      2
Differential      8
Dirac adjoint      213
Dirac inner product      213
Dirac - Weyl spinor      88
Dirac's equation      89
Domain of dependence      175
Dominant energy condition      162
Dual basis      8
Dual space      8
Einstein (1915) field equations      59
Einstein curvature tensor      44
Einstein static universe      119
Einstein summation convention      7
Energy-momentum tensor      53
Equivalence, strong principle      56
Exponential map      30
Fluid perfect      53
Forms      8
Frame      47
Frame Galilean      47
Frame inertial      48
Frame Newtonian      49
Future null infinity      121 127
Future timelike infinity      120
Galilean coordinates      47
Galilean manifold      47
Galilean reference frame      47
Gauge      24
Generating family      197
Generating function      196
Geodesic deviation      38
Geodesies      29
Gradient      8
Group asymptotic symmetry      141
Group BMS      141
Group Bondi - Metzner - Sachs      141
Group kinematical      48
Group Lorentz      96 141
Group Poincare      23 52
Group supertranslation      141
Group symplectic      64
Group translation      141
Harmonic gauge      61
hessian      12
Hyperbolic system      168
Induced linear map      15
Inertial coordinates      52
Inertial frames      48
Infinity future null      121 127
Infinity future timelike      120
Infinity past null      121 127
Infinity past timelike      121
Infinity spacelike      121
Integrability conditions      101
Integral curve      17
Integral curve complete      18
Integral manifold      197
Irifeld - van der Waerden symbols      73 214
Isometry      45
Jacobi identity      14 68
Killing's equation      23 45
Kinematical group      48
Lagrangian manifolds      196
Lagrangian map      196
Legendrian equivalence      201
Legendrian manifold      197
Legendrian map      197
Leibniz product rule      8
Levi - Civita connection      43
Lie derivative      20-21
Linear system      168
Linearized perturbation theory      24
Lorentz group      96
Lorentz transformations      23
Majorana conjugation      213
Manifold      2
Manifold $C^{k}$      2
Manifold differentiable      2
Manifold dimension      2
Manifold Galiean      47
Metric connection      43
Metric tensor      40
Newman - Penrose null tetrad      72
News function      138
Newton's law of inertia      48
Newtonian connection      32 50
Newtonian frames      49
Normal coordinates      31
Normal neighbourhood      31
Null coordinate      200
Null hypersurface      177
Null rotation      95
Past null infinity      121 127
Past timelike infinity      121
Peeling theorem      129
Penrose diagram      121
Perfect fluid      53
Perturbation      24
Perturbation linearized      24
Perturbation theory      24
Petrov classification      79
Physical metric      115
Physical spacetime      122
Poincare group      52
Poincare invariance group      23
Point-identification-map      24
Poisson's law      51
Pound - Rebka experiment      56
Principal null directions      77
Principal spinors      77
Proper time      52
Pull-back      16
Push-forward      15
Quasilinear system      168
Repeated principal null direction      78
Repeated principal spinor      78
Ricci curvature tensor      40
Ricci identity      35 82
Ricci rotation coefficients      82-83
Ricci scalar      44
Riemann curvature tensor      33
Schwarzschild metric      61
Self-dual      80
Signature      42
Skew-scalar product      64
Sobolev norms      175
Sobolev spaces      175
Space dual      8
Space tangent      5
Spacelike hypersurface      174
Spacelike infinity      121
Spacetime      46
Spacetime axisymmetric      46
Spacetime static      46
Spin      95
Spin basis      65
Spin weight      144
Spin-weighted spherical harmonics      145
Spinor      63
Spinor covariant derivative      81
Spinor Dirac      213
Spinor Dirac - Weyl      88
Spinor Hermitian      71
Spinor Majorana      213
Spinor principal      77
Spinor repeated principal      78
Spinor strongly asymptotically constant      156
static      46
Strong principle of equivalence      56
Strongly asymptotically constant      156
Supertranslation group      141
Surface-forming      101
Symmetric system      168
Symmetrization      12
Symplectic      64
Symplectic group      64
Symplectic linear structure      64
Symplectic structure      194
Symplectic vector space      64
Tangent space      5
Tangent vector      5
Tensor      10
Tensor alternating      76
Tensor antisymmetric      12
Tensor Einstein curvature      44
Tensor energy-momentum      53-54
Tensor metric      40
Tensor projection      53
Tensor Ricci curvature      40
Tensor Riemann curvature      33
Tensor skew      12
Tensor symmetric      12
Tensor torsion      32
Tensor Weyl curvature      85
Tetrad      72-73
Tetrad Minkowski      76
Tetrad NP null      72 89
Tetrad orthonormal      73
Torsion tensor      32
Tranformation Lorentz      23
Transformation      23
Transformation boost      95
Transformation spin      95
Transformation symplectic      64
Translation group      141
Transport parallel      26
Twistor equation      156
Unphysical metric      115
Unphysical spacetime      122
Vector      5
Vector connecting      38
Vector field      13
Vector hypersurface-orthogonal      98
Vector surface-forming      101
Vector tangent      5
Wave      105
Wave fronts      98
Wave linearly polarized      111
Wave plane      105 111
Wave plane parallel      106
Wave plane-fronted      106
Wave pp      106
Wave sandwich      111
Wave-surface      109
Weak energy condition      99
Weakly asymptotically simple      124
Weyl curvature tensor      85
Whitney pleat surface      206
Witten equation      164
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