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Moaveni S. - Finite Element Analysis .Theory and Application with ANSYS :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Moaveni S. - Finite Element Analysis .Theory and Application with ANSYS
Moaveni  S. - Finite Element Analysis .Theory and Application with ANSYS

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Название: Finite Element Analysis .Theory and Application with ANSYS

Автор: Moaveni S.


The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this book. These efforts include the development, research, and testing of the theories and educational ANSYS programs given in the book. The author and publisher make no warranty of any kind expressed or raplied, with regard to any text and the ANSYS programs contained in this book. The author and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performances, or use of this text and these programs.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Численные методы/Конечные элементы/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1999

Количество страниц: 272

Добавлена в каталог: 25.02.2005

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ANSYS      73-79 216-261 452-458 510-512
ANSYS, applying boundary conditions      231
ANSYS, applying loads      231 232
ANSYS, batch files      512
ANSYS, begin level      216
ANSYS, clear      231
ANSYS, coordinate system      226
ANSYS, creating a model      218
ANSYS, creating a model, areas      224 225
ANSYS, creating a model, Boolean operations      223 455
ANSYS, creating a model, direct generation      223
ANSYS, creating a model, elements      219 256-261
ANSYS, creating a model, keypoints      224
ANSYS, creating a model, lines      224
ANSYS, creating a model, nodes      223
ANSYS, creating a model, primitives      223 455
ANSYS, creating a model, solid modeling      223 452
ANSYS, creating a model, volumes      224 455
ANSYS, database      217
ANSYS, element types      256-261
ANSYS, element types, BEAM3      256
ANSYS, element types, complete list      256-261
ANSYS, element types, LINK1      256
ANSYS, element types, LINK32      258
ANSYS, element types, LINK33      258
ANSYS, element types, LINK34      258
ANSYS, element types, LINK8      256
ANSYS, element types, PLANE2      256
ANSYS, element types, PLANE35      258
ANSYS, element types, PLANE42      256
ANSYS, element types, PLANE55      258
ANSYS, element types, PLANE77      258
ANSYS, element types, PLANE82      257
ANSYS, element types, SOLID45      257
ANSYS, element types, SOLID70      259
ANSYS, element types, SOLID72      257
ANSYS, element types, SOLID73      257
ANSYS, element types, SOLID92      257
ANSYS, element types, SOLID95      257
ANSYS, elements      219-220
ANSYS, elements, adding      219-220
ANSYS, elements, deleting      219-220
ANSYS, elements, material properties      221-222
ANSYS, elements, options      220
ANSYS, files      217-218
ANSYS, files, Jobname.DB      217
ANSYS, files, Jobname.EMAT      218
ANSYS, files, Jobname.ERR      218
ANSYS, files, Jobname.LOG      218
ANSYS, files, Jobname.OUT      218
ANSYS, files, Jobname.RST      218
ANSYS, files, Jobname.RTH      218
ANSYS, Graphical User Interface (GUI)      73
ANSYS, graphics capabilities      238
ANSYS, meshing      229
ANSYS, meshing, attributes      229
ANSYS, meshing, size      229
ANSYS, numbering      229
ANSYS, numbering, areas      229
ANSYS, numbering, elements      229
ANSYS, numbering, keypoints      229
ANSYS, numbering, lines      229
ANSYS, numbering, nodes      229
ANSYS, numbering, volumes      229
ANSYS, parameters      510
ANSYS, parameters, ANSYS-supplied      510
ANSYS, parameters, scalar data      510
ANSYS, parameters, User-defined      510
ANSYS, parameters, vector data      510
ANSYS, plotting      228
ANSYS, plotting, areas      229
ANSYS, plotting, deformed shape      235
ANSYS, plotting, elements      229
ANSYS, plotting, keypoints      228
ANSYS, plotting, lines      229
ANSYS, plotting, nodes      229
ANSYS, plotting, results      234-235
ANSYS, plotting, volumes      229
ANSYS, postprocessor      74 216
ANSYS, preprocessor      74 216
ANSYS, processor level      74 216
ANSYS, real constants      220-221
ANSYS, selection options      237-238
ANSYS, solution      234
ANSYS, symbols      232
ANSYS, workplane      226-228
ANSYS, workplane, displaying      227
ANSYS, workplane, offsetting      227
ANSYS, workplane, settings      226
Area coordinates      200-201
Beam      320
Beam, deflection equations      322-323
Beam, element      321
Beam, loading      326-328
Beam, shape functions      324
Beam, stiffness matrix      326
Beam, strain energy      321
Collocation method      39
Conductance matrix      152 275 279
Conduction      19 146 262
Conduction, Fourier's Law      19 262
Conduction, heat flux      263
Conduction, one-dimensional      19
Conduction, thermal conductivity      19
Conduction, two-dimensional      262
Continuity equation      402
Convection      20 262
Coordinate systems      57 131-132 190 192 200
Coordinate systems, area      200-201
Coordinate systems, local      131 190
Coordinate systems, natural      132 192
Cubic Shape functions      130 135
Dam      406
Darcy's law      405
Design      506
Design, functional      506
Design, optimized      506
Design, variable      508
Direct formulation      6
Distributed loads      320 322-323 328
Elasticity      338-341
Elasticity, displacement      339
Elasticity, Hooke's Law      9 340
Elasticity, plane strain      340
Elasticity, plane stress      339
Elasticity, state of strain      340
Elasticity, state of stress      338
Elasticity, strain energy      34 341 442
Elasticity, strain-displacement relations      340
Element      6
Element, beam      321
Element, brick      445 447
Element, frame      332
Element, isoparametric      133 206
Element, Lagrangian      212
Element, linear      121
Element, one-dimensional      121-135
Element, quadratic      127
Element, quadrilateral      192
Element, tetrahedral      437
Element, three-dimensional      437
Element, triangular      198 202
Element, truss      55-60
Element, two-dimensional      189
Feasible solution      508
Finite difference method      2
Finite element method      2
Flow rate      396
Fluid element      399 406-407
Frame      331-334
Frame, element      332
Frame, loading      328
Frame, stiffness matrix      333-334
Frame, strain energy      334
Galerkin's method      40 148 269
Galerkin's method, one-dimensional      148
Galerkin's method, two-dimensional      269
Gauss - Legendre quadrature      136 207
Groundwater      405
Groundwater, Darcy's Law      405
Groundwater, permeability      405
Heat transfer      19 145 262
Heat transfer, boundary conditions      147-148 265-268
Heat transfer, composite wall      18 48
Heat transfer, conduction      19 146 262
Heat transfer, convection      20 262
Heat transfer, fin      121 146
Heat transfer, Fourier's Law      19 262
Heat transfer, heat flux      263
Heat transfer, heat transfer coefficient      20
Heat transfer, Newton's Law of Cooling      20 263
Heat transfer, one-dimensional      19 146
Heat transfer, radiation      262-263
Heat transfer, thermal conductivity      19
Heat transfer, three-dimensional      464
Heat transfer, two-dimensional      262
Hooke's law      9 340
Incompressible flow      397
Irrotational flow      404
Isoparametric formulation      133 206
Isotherms      263
Lagrange polynomials      130
Least squares method      41
Load matrix      14
Load matrix, axial members      163-164
Load matrix, beam      328
Load matrix, frame      328
Load matrix, plane stress      343
Modulus of elasticity      9 340
Modulus of rigidity      52
Objective function      508
Pipe flow      395
Poisson's ratio      340
Porous media      405
potential energy      33
potential flow      404
Pressure drop      397
Reynolds number      395
Shape functions      135 191 193-195 200-202 439
Shape functions, beam element      321
Shape functions, one-dimensional cubic      130 134 135
Shape functions, one-dimensional linear      123 131-132 135
Shape functions, one-dimensional quadratic      128 134 135
Shape functions, quadrilateral      192 193-195
Shape functions, quadrilateral, eight-nodes      193 195
Shape functions, quadrilateral, linear      192
Shape functions, rectangular      189-191
Shape functions, triangular      198-200 202
Shape functions, triangularlinear      198-200
Shape functions, triangularquadratic      202
shear modulus      27 340
State variable      510
Stiffness matrix      60 73 318-319 326 333-334 349
Stiffness matrix, beam element      326
Stiffness matrix, frame element      333-334
Stiffness matrix, plane stress      343 349
Stiffness matrix, three-dimensional solid      444
Stiffness matrix, torsional element      318-319
Stiffness matrix, truss      60 73
Strain energy      34 321 334 341 442
Strain energy, axial force member      34
Strain energy, beam      321
Strain energy, frame      334
Strain energy, three-dimensional solid      442
Strain energy, two-dimensional solid      341
Strain-displacement relations      340
Strain-displacement relations, three-dimensional      340
Strain-displacement relations, two-dimensional      340
Stream line      402
Stress      9 69 165 338-339
Stress, state of stress at a point      338
Stress, three-dimensional      338
Stress, two-dimensional      339
Subdomain method      39
Torsion      315-320
Torsion, circular cross section      315-316
Torsion, non-circular cross section      318-320
Torsion, rectangular cross section      316-317
Torsion, thin-wall members      317
Truss      55-60 71-73
Truss, element      57
Truss, stiffness matrix      60 73
Truss, stiffness matrix, three-dimensional      73
Truss, stiffness matrix, two-dimensional      60
Truss, three-dimensional      71-73
Truss, two-dimensional      55-60
Velocity      395
Weighted residual methods      38
Weighted residual methods, collocation      39
Weighted residual methods, Galerkin method      40
Weighted residual methods, subdomain method      39
Young's modulus      340
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