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Malyshev V.A., Minlos R.A. - Gibbs Random Fields: Cluster Expansions (Mathematics and its Applications) :: Электронная библиотека попечительского совета мехмата МГУ
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Malyshev V.A., Minlos R.A. - Gibbs Random Fields: Cluster Expansions (Mathematics and its Applications)
Malyshev V.A., Minlos R.A. - Gibbs Random Fields: Cluster Expansions (Mathematics and its Applications)

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Название: Gibbs Random Fields: Cluster Expansions (Mathematics and its Applications)

Автор: Malyshev V.A., Minlos R.A.


Mathematics is a tool for thought A highly necessary tool in a world where both feedback and non-linearities abound. Similarly, ail kinds of parts of mathematics serve as tools for other parts and for other sciences...

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Серия: Сделано в холле

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1991

Количество страниц: 263

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2011

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Activity      112
Admissible family      76
Admissible partition      77
Algebra of functions      74
Algebra, canonical anticommutation relations      197
Algebra, local      196
Algebra, quasilocal      196
Algebra, spin      197
atom      66
Atom, generating set      66
Atom, independent set      66
Boundary conditions, empty      9
Boundary conditions, periodic      9
Boundary of a configuration      145 156
Boundary of a set      7
Cauchy inequality      32
Circuit      67
Circuit, open      67
Cluster      78 98
Cluster, estimate      77
Cluster, estimate, strong      165
Cluster, expansion      23 83 102
Cluster, expansion, admit      23
Cluster, expansion, analytic extension      232
Cluster, expansion, exponentially-regular      89
Cluster, expansion, for Ising model      95
Cluster, expansion, for Ising model, high temperatures      95
Cluster, expansion, for Ising model, large magnetization      96
Cluster, expansion, for Ising model, low temperatures      97 98
Cluster, expansion, multiscale      232
Cluster, expansion, regular      88
Cluster, parameter      78
Cluster, representation      77 101
Cluster, support      78
compact function      22
Completely integrable systems      232
Composable set, $\mathcal{A}$      52
Configuration      1 15
Configuration, boundary      7
Configuration, boundary, q-random      25
Configuration, boundary, random      9
Connected $\mathcal{A}$      52
Connected collection      50
Connected component      52
Connected d      55
Connected graph, multiple edges      56
Connected graph, multiple edges, contribution      56
Connected participation      56
Connected set, d-connected      55
Connected set, d-connected, simply      55
Connected, simply      55
Continuous measure      100
contour      11 98 146 156
Contour, ensemble      147
Contour, external      147
Contour, external, ensemble of      227
Contour, labelled      146 156
Convolution      63
Correlation function      2 80
Correlation function, ensemble of subsets      79
Correlation function, limit      3
Covariance matrix      122
Cylinder function      16
Cylinder measure      17
Decay of correlations, slow      180
Decay of correlations, strong      164
Diagram      38 75
Diagram without loops      38
Diagram, admissible family      76
Diagram, connected      38
Diagram, contribution      39
Diagram, vacuum      38
Discretization      21
Duality transformation      230
Dynamics, open systems      231
Dynamics, quantum systems      231
Elements, even, odd      196
Elements, homogeneous      196
Energy      1 25 26
Energy interaction      16
Energy, free      91
Energy, free, analyticity      95
Ensemble of subsets      79
Ensemble, quantum      231
Entropy inequlity      62
Ergodicity      163
Estimation of semi-invariants, analytic method      167
Estimation of semi-invariants, combinatorial method      172
Expansion around ground states      144
Expansion over connected groups      199
Exponential decay of correlations      127
Exponential estimate, strong      165
Exponential estimate, strong, uniformly      166
Exterior      146
Field, gauge      214
Field, Gibbs      24
First-order phase transition      8
Formal series      200
Forrest      66
Free energy      81
Free energy, analyticity      95
G-model      13
G-model, gauge      13
Galois connection      65
Gauge field      214
Gauge group      214
Gaussian family      43
Gaussian system      30
Gibbs distribution      2 25
Gibbs field      24
Gibbs field with continuous time      115
Gibbs measure      26
Gibbs modification      20
Gibbs modification of d-dependent fields      110
Gibbs modification of independent fields      104
Gibbs modification, (generalized) Gaussian field      230
Gibbs modification, compactness of      210
Gibbs modification, finite      16 18
Gibbs modification, limit      17
Gibbs modification, Poisson field      20
Gibbs point field      111
Gibbs random field      3 8
Gibbs random field, uniqueness of      204
Gibbs reconstruction      15
Griffith inequality      4
Griffith inequality, first      4
Griffith inequality, second      4
Ground state      144
Hamiltonian      16
Hamiltonian, Formal      18
Hypergraph      75
Incidence algebra      63
Inclusion-Exclusion Principle      64
Independent system      34
Integration by parts      41
Interaction, local      219
Interior      146
Interior, components      146
Intersection number      59
interval      63
Inversion formula      199
Label      146 156
Labelled contour      146 156
Lattice      63
Lattice, dual      63
Lattice, geometric      66
Low-temperature expansions      144
Markov chain      219
Markov d-property      25
Markov process      219
Markov property      7
Minus-regular site      156
Mixing      164
Mixing of higher orders      164
Model, global symmetry      13
Model, Ising      2
Model, Ising, ferromagnetic      2
Model, local G-symmetry      13
Model, local G-symmetry, $P(\phi)_{\nu}$      14
Model, rotator      12
moment      2
RFreeS measure      16 21
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