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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Unknown
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 23:15:17 2016
SfP 974173 - Publications

Publications arising from research in the framework of SfP 974173 project

1. Scientific Publications

1. Bronstein L.M., Chernyshov D.M., Vorontsov E., Timofeeva G.I., Dubrovina L.V., Valetsky P.M., Kazakov S., Khokhlov A.R. Comicellization of Polystyrene-block-Poly(ethylene oxide) with Cationic and Anionic Surfactants in Aqueous Solutions: Indications and Limits. J. Phys. Chem. B  (2001), 105(38),  9077-9082.
2. Sidorov S., Volkov I., Davankov V., Tsyurupa M., Valetsky P., Bronstein L., Karlinsey R., Zwanziger J., Matveeva V., Sulman E., Lakina N., Wilder E., Spontak R. Platinum-Containing Hypercrosslinked Polystyrene as a Modifier-Free Selective Catalyst for L-Sorbose Oxidation. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123 (43), 10502-10510.
3. Rubinstein M., Semenov A.N. Dynamics of entangled solutions of associating polymers. Macromolecules 2001, 34(4), 1058-1068.
4. Semenov, A.N., Rubinstein M. Dynamics of entangled associating polymers with large aggregates. Macromolecules, submitted 2001.
5. Potemkin I.I., Andreenko S.A., Khokhlov A.R. Normal and Anomalous Reversible Gelation. J. Chem. Phys. 2001, 115, 4862-4872.
6. Vasilevskaya V.V., Gusev L.A., Khokhlov A.R., Ikkala O, ten Brinke G. Domains in Melts of Comb-Coil Diblock Copolymers: Superstrong Segregation Regime. Macromolecules 2001, 34, 5019-5022.
7. Vasilevskaya V.V., Klochkov A.A., Khalatur P.G., Khokhlov A.R., ten Brinke G. Microphase separation within a Comb Copolymer with Attractive Side Chains: A Computer Simulation Study. Macromol. Theory Simul. 2001, 10, 389-394.
8. Bronstein L., Chernyshov D., Volkov I., Ezernitskaya M., Valetsky P., Matveeva V., Sulman E. Catalytic Properties of Bimetallic Colloids Formed in Block Copolymer Micelle Cores in Selective Hydrogenation of Dehydrolinalool . J. of Catalysis, 196 (2), 302-314 (2000).
9. H. Retsos, I. Margiolaki, A. Messaritaki, and S. H. Anastasiadis, "Interfacial Tension in Binary Polymer Blends in the Presence of Block Copolymers: Effects of Additive MW", Macromolecules 34, 5295-5305 (2001).
10. A. N. Rissanou, S. H. Anastasiadis, I. A. Bitsanis, J. de Joannis, C. Murat, and A. Dogariu, "The Information Content of Multiple Scattering Data: Monte-Carlo and Laboratory Experiments", Progr. Colloid Polym. Sci. 118, 276 (2001).
11. K. Chrissopoulou, L. Papoutsakis, S. H. Anastasiadis, G. Fytas, G. Fleischer, and Y. Gallot, "Intermediate Wavelength Composition Fluctuations in Diblock Copolymers: Modification of the Diffusive Mode near the Ordering Transition", Macromolecules 35, 522 (2002).
12. H. Retsos, A. F. Terzis, S. H. Anastasiadis, D. L. Anastassopoulos, C. Toprakcioglu, D. N. Theodorou, G. S. Smith, A. Menelle, R. E. Gill, G. Hadziioannou, and Y. Gallot, "Mushrooms and Brushes in Thin Films of Diblock Copolymer / Homopolymer Mixtures", Macromolecules 35, 1116 (2001).
13. Sulman E.M., Valetsky P.M., Bronstein L.M., Lakina N.V., Matveeva V.G., Sidorov S.N., Chernyshov D.M., Ankudinova T.V., Kirsanov A.T., Sidorov A.I., Sulman M.G. Patent application N 2001108838/04 "Method for 2-keto-L-gulonic synthesis" Priority at 02.04.2001.
14. I.I. Potemkin, A.R. Khokhlov. Reversible (Physical) Gelation in the Solutions of Associating Polyelectrolytes. In: Polymer Gels and Networks. Eds. Y. Osada, A.R. Khokhlov. N.Y.: Marcel Dekker Inc. 2001, pp.47-65

2.  International Conference Presentations

1. Kostylev, M.; Bronstein, L.M.; Zwanziger, J.W.; Papoutsakis, L.; Vamvakaki, M.; Anastasiadis, S.H., Micellar Behavior and Metal Nanoparticle Formation in pH-Sensitive Amphiphilic Block Copolymers in Water, submitted for annual meeting of American Institute of Chemical Engineers, November 2002.
2. Sulman E., Bronstein L., Matveeva V., Sulman M., Semagina N., Eichhorn A., Bargon J., Valetsky P., Kirsanov A., "Colloidal catalysts for synthesis of important vitamins and fragrant substances", 17th Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society, June 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. P. 190.
3. Matveeva V., Sulman E., Bronstein L., Valetsky P., Semagina N., Bykov A., "Catalytic Properties of Bimetallic Colloids Formed in Block Copolymer Micelle Cores in Selective Hydrogenation of Dehydrolinalool", EuropaCatV, September 2001, Limerick, Ireland. 15-P-03.
4. Sulman E., Matveeva V., Bronstein L., Sidorov S., Valetsky P., Demidenko G., Lakina N. "Novel catalytic systems in hydrogenation and oxidation processes", EuropaCatV, September 2001, Limerick, Ireland. 1-P-25.
5. Sulman E., Bronstein L., Matveeva V., Eichhorn A., Bargon J., Sulman M., Sidorov A, "Novel Pd-containing polymeric catalysts for acetylene alcohols selective hydrogenation: preparation, pretreatment, application", 618th Event of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, June 2001, Nuremberg, Germany. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, N 6, 2001. - P. 693.
6. Sulman E., Matveeva V., Bronstein L., Sidorov A., Lakina N., Sidorov S., Valetsky P., "Novel polymeric catalysts in direct L-sorbose oxidation", 4th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, September 2001, Berlin, Germany. Vol. 1, p. 415.
7. Sulman E., Sulman M., Matveeva V., Semagina N., Shkilyova I., "Sonochemical Aspects of Regeneration and Activation of Catalysts", 4th G.-M. Schwab Symposium Dynamic Phenomena in Catalysis, July 2001, Berlin, Germany. P. 125.
8. Sulman E., Matveeva V., Bronstein L., Demidenko G., Bykov A., Lakina N., Sulman M., Sidorov A., "Novel Heterogeneous Metal-Containing Polymeric Catalysts for Selective Hydrogenation and Oxidation", 4th G.-M. Schwab Symposium Dynamic Phenomena in Catalysis, July 2001, Berlin, Germany. P. 101.
9. Bronstein, L.M., Karlinsey, R., Zwanziger, J.W., Sidorov, S.N., Valetsky, P.M.., Matveeva, V.G., Sulman, E.M., Wilder, E.A., Spontak, R.J. Structural Characterization of Novel Modifier-Free Pt-Containing Hypercrosslinked Polystyrenes as Catalysts in Direct L-Sorbose Oxidation”, American Chemical Society Meeting in Chicago, August 2001.
10. Bronstein, L., Chernyshov, D.; Sidorov, S.; Wilder, E.; Spontak, R. Metal Nanoparticle Formation in Polymeric Materials Containing Nanocavities. International Conference “Nanoparticles 2001”, February 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA.
11. Sidorov, S.N., Bronstein, L.M., Valetsky, P.M., Davankov, V.A., Tsyurupa, M.P., Sulman, E.M., Matveeva, V.G. “Novel nanstructured platinum containing polymers with catalytic properties“, 5th International Conference on Material Chemistry, Bangor, UK, July 2001.
12. Sulman E. Novel catalytic systems in oxidation - reducation reactions // 14th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA2000, Praha, Czech Rep., 2000 Vol.1, A4.7. - Oral.
13. Pirog D., Sulman M., Matveeva V. Study on the influence of ultrasonic treatment on properties of unsaturated alcohols hydrogenation catalysts // 14th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA2000, Praha, Czech Rep., 2000 Vol.1, P5.67. - Poster.
14. Sulman E., Matveeva V., Semagina N., Bronstein L., Chernyshov D., Demidenko G., Bykov A., Valetsky P. Novel perspective catalytic systems in acetylene alcohols selective hydrogenation // Conference on Engineering Catalytic Chemistry, UK, University of Durham, Stockton Campus, 17-19 July 2000, Pos.6. - Poster.
15. Sulman E., Matveeva V., Bronstein L., Lakina N., Sulman M., Sidorov S., Sidorov A., Valetsky P. Pt-containing polymer catalysts in direct L-sorbose oxidation // Conference on Engineering Catalytic Chemistry, UK, University of Durham, Stockton Campus, 17-19 July 2000, Pos.7. - Poster.
16. Pirog D., Sulman M., Matveeva V., Sulman E., Bronstein L. Ultrasound effects on heterogeneous polymer catalysts // Conference on Engineering Catalytic Chemistry, UK, University of Durham, Stockton Campus, 17-19 July 2000, Pos.8. - Poster.
17. S. H. Anastasiadis, and H. Retsos, "Block Copolymers as Emulsifiers in Homopolymer Blends: Effects of Additive MW, Architecture, and Composition", HSR 2001, 3nd International Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology, June 2001, Patras, Greece
18. S. H. Anastasiadis,  K. Chrissopoulou, E. P. Giannelis, E. Manias, R. Krishnamoorti, M. Pitsikalis, N. Hadjichristidis, and B. Frick (invited), "Effects of Confinement on the Local and Global Chain Motion in Nanocomposites", 4th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, June 2001, Hersonissos Heraklion, Crete, Greece
19. S. H. Anastasiadis (invited), "Polymer Brushes and Mushrooms in Polymeric Matrices", 20th Discussion Conference of the Prague Meetings on Macromolecules, July 2001, Prague, Czech Republic
20. S. H. Anastasiadis (invited), "Conformation of End-Anchored Chains in Polymeric Matrices and the Development of Intelligent Surfaces", European Science Foundation Conference on Interfaces and Thin Films of Polymers and Colloidal Systems, September 2001, Acquafredda di Maratea, near Naples, Italy
21. M. I. Lygeraki, H. G. Retsos, S. H. Anastasiadis, C. Toprakcioglu, and A. A. Vradis, "Depth Profiling by Enhancement of X-ray Reflectometry using Polymer Substrates", European Science Foundation Conference on Interfaces and Thin Films of Polymers and Colloidal Systems, September 2001, Acquafredda di Maratea, near Naples, Italy
22. S. H. Anastasiadis, H. Retsos, S. Pispas, N. Hadjichristidis, and S. Neophytides, "Development of Smart Polymer Surfaces", 2001 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, November 2001, Boston, MA, U.S.A.
23. S. Kemides, D. Vassou, G. Chryssikos, V. Gionis, H. Retsos, M. Lygeraki, and S. H. Anastasiadis, "Characterization of Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces by FT-Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering", 5th Panhellenic Polymer Conference, December 2001, Heraklion Crete, Greece
24. L. Papoutsakis, S. H. Anastasiadis, P. Fragouli, H. Iatrou, N. Hadjichristidis, S. Sidorov, V. Zhirov, and L. Bronstein, "Micellization in PEO-block-PV2P Diblock Copolymers in Aqueous Media and the Formation of Metal Nanoparticles", General Meeting 02, American Physical Society, March 2002, Indianapolis, IN, U.S.A. [Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 47, 895 (2002)].

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