Regional round of All-Russian Olympiad on biology was held at MSU

January 28-30, MSU held the regional (Moscow) round of All-Russian Olympiad on biology. This round in our country is the largest in number of participants (this year 1352 pupils of 9-11 forms wrote the theoretical round). The practical round was held at the departments of the Faculty of Biology. In each class, the participants performed the task in three offices and demonstrated skills in botany, zoology, human anatomy and cytology, plant physiology, microbiology and biochemistry.

This year, SESC pupils successfully performed: 32 SESC pupils took place in the practical round, that is the highest result among all Moscow schools whose pupils participated in the regional round. Among eleventh-form pupils the highest points scored Azbukina Nadejda (SESC), among tenth-form pupils – Sedlov Ilya (school ?171), among ninth-form pupils – Yarutich Irina (gymnasium ? 1567).

During the contest school teachers were not left unnoticed. The deputy deans of the Faculty of Biology A.A.Osmolovsky and G.A.Belyakova, told them about other Olympiads held at Moscow State University, study groups of the Faculty of Biology, the project “University Saturdays,” the rules of admission to the Faculty of Biology. Also, Professor Alexander Markov gave the lecture “The origin of life on the Earth.”

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