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Объявления о PhD, Postdoc, Schools, Confs etc. - Public forum of MSU united student networks
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Simurg : Research Fellow in Modelling of Multiphase Flows and Sprays  [re:rogdin]   19.06.2015 17:26    | Reply | Edit |
School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics
University of Brighton

Applications are invited from a highly motivated researcher to work as part of a specialist team engaged in research on the collaborative project entitled 'Investigation of vortex ring-like structures in internal combustion engines, taking into account thermal and confinement effects'.

To succeed, you will have a good (1 or 2:1) degree in fluid dynamics, mathematics, physics or engineering and a relevant post-graduate qualification/PhD. Competence in analytical and numerical modelling of multiphase flows and sprays, and the related processes, proven by publications in international refereed journals, is essential as is good oral and written communication skills in English.

Further details:
Research Fellow in Modelling of Multiphase Flows and Sprays

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Yer_sub   [re:Simurg]   23.06.2015 15:18    | Reply | Edit |
ищем упоротого по науке аспиранта-биолога к нам на европейский проект
это необычная позиция, потому что надо будет жить и работать в разных группах в разных странах, от клиники до индустрии (40% денег от всего гранта выделено на путешествия и связанные с ними расходы)
проект про эритроциты, в нашей группе будет про производство и утилизацию эритроцитов в здоровых людях и спортсменах, в планах работа высоко в горах (ну или ка кминимум в гипоксийных камерах :grin: )
зарплата будет европейская, точно пока не знаю

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SigNet   [re:rogdin]   25.06.2015 22:17    | Reply | Edit |
Ну вот пришло время убрать весь тред в оффтоп

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molshan   [re:rogdin]   16.07.2015 21:30    | Reply | Edit |
Мотивированных студентов приглашаю на PhD программу по математике/прикладной математике в университет Хьюстона (Техас, США).

Под моим руководством вы займетесь численным анализом или численными методами в одной из следующих областей: обратные задачи в петроинженерии, гидродинамика, кардиология и системы кровообращения. От потенциального аспиранта ожидается готовность активно участвовать в научных проектах и сотрудничать с исследователями из индустрии. Хьюстон - один из стремительно развивающихся мегаполисов США, предлагающий самые широкие возможности в плане культурной жизни, досуга, учебы и трудоустройства.

Пожелания к кандидатам: недавние выпускники или студенты 5 курса, специализация в численных методах/УРЧП/механике/программировании, желание заниматься наукой.

Начать обучение можно в весеннем или осеннем семестре 2016 года (deadline для подачи заявки 1 октября 2015 и 1 апреля 2016 соответственно). CV или краткий рассказ о себе, а также вопросы присылайте на адрес molshan (at) math.uh.edu

При взаимном интересе есть возможность встретиться и поговорить в Москве.

М.А. Ольшанский,
Страничка: http://www.math.uh.edu/~molshan

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Редактировал molshan (19.07.2015 10:16)
Gono   [re:Simurg]   29.07.2015 14:48    | Reply | Edit |
PhD opportunities at Imperial College London

CRITICS (Critical Transitions in Complex Systems)

CRITICS is an international Innovative Training Network funded by the
European Union, for the training of Early Career Researchers (PhD students)
on the broad topic of bifurcations in complex systems.

15 PhD positions with prospective starting date in 2015 are available.

More information at http://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/DynamIC/CRITICS

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Gono   [re:Simurg]   21.09.2015 14:59    | Reply | Edit |
DANCE Winter School RTNS2016
(Recent Trends in Nonlinear Science 2016)

RTNS2016 page: http://www.dance-net.org/rtns2016
DANCE net page: http://www.dance-net.org

Sevilla, January 25th - 29th, 2016

This is to announce the thirteenth Winter School in Dynamical Systems
of the DANCE (Dinamica, Atractores y Nolinealidad: Caos y Estabilidad)
Spanish network. This series of courses aims at training their participants
both theoretically and in applications in the field of the nonlinear
science; with the aim that theory and applications enforce each other.
This will be done in an atmosphere of informal discussion, interchange
of ideas and critical discussion of results. Attention will be paid to
the numerical and computational issues. These Winter Schools should
help the basic training of young researchers, whilst opening new
fields for senior ones.

As in the previous editions the School will consist of three courses:

* Alessandra Celletti (Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata)
 Perturbation theory, KAM theorem and celestial mechanics.

* Ronnie Pavlov (University of Denver)
 Multidimensional symbolic dynamics.

* Juan Sánchez Umbría (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya)
 Numerical methods for large-scale dissipative dynamical systems.

The registration fee is 325 euros. It includes attendance, coffee breaks,
lunches and materials. People registering early are entitled to have a
reduced fee of 275 euros. As usual, there will be a number of registration
and registration + accommodation grants for young participants.

The deadlines are the following:
- Registration Period: from September 1, 2015 to January 15, 2016.
- Payment of Registration Fee: from September 1, 2015 to January 15, 2016.
- Registration Period with reduced fee: before November 27, 2015.
- Payment with Reduced Fee: before November 27, 2015.
- Application for financial support: before November 27, 2015.
- Communication, by e-mail, of conceded grants: before December 4, 2015.

Please, redistribute this message to those ones of your colleagues and
students who might be interested.

Tere M. Seara and Santiago Ibáñez
Coordinators of the DANCE network

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Urankhai   [re:Gono]   16.11.2015 10:22    | Reply | Edit |
Аспирантура в Австралии

Предлагается место аспиранта в Centre for Informatics and Applied Optimisation, Faculty of Science and Technology, Federation University Australia.
Университет расположен в городе Балларат, Австралия.

Проект называется 'Stability of Generalised Equations and Variational Systems', это математика на стыке оптимизации и функционального анализа.

Некоторые подробности можно прочитать здесь и здесь.

Основные требования к соискателю: желание учиться и уверенное знание английского языка.
Свои вопросы и краткое резюме оперативно направлять на почту may_lenz () mail.ru.

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Редактировал Urankhai (23.11.2015 01:08)
timber   [re:Urankhai]   20.11.2015 15:42    | Reply | Edit |
Все еще ищем аспиранта в ИФВЭ в группу Садовского С.А.
Пост в Job .

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ilona   [re:rogdin]   30.11.2015 16:09    | Reply | Edit |
Отделение вычислительной математики и инженерии ETH ищет аспирантов:

The Chair of Computational Science at ETHZ (cse-lab.ethz.ch) invites
applications for PhD students in the broad field of Computational Science
and Engineering.
Students will conduct innovative research at the interface of Computer
Science and Numerics with applications in Fluid Mechanics and Life
Sciences. Ongoing research is in the areas of multiscale modeling, high
performance computing, uncertainty quantification and machine learning
for the integration of models with data. Projects range from fundamental
studies of turbulence and fish schooling, to graphene based devices and
the detection and therapy of cancer.
Applicants background may include studies in Engineering, Computer
Science, Applied Mathematics and Physics. We encourage applications
from students with a strong interest in interdisciplinary research.
Please email you applications to Professor Petros Koumoutsakos:
petros@ethz.ch. Applications should include a CV including a record of
past grades and GRE/TOEFL scores if available as well as contact
information of two references.
ETH Zürich offers a world-class working environment and is well known
for its fundamental research and its transfer to applications


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Gono   [re:Simurg]   22.12.2015 14:28    | Reply | Edit |
Postdoctoral open call 2016-2018
Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics (BGSMath)

The BGSMath currently has the following Open Call

Postdoctoral open call 2016-2018

The Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics (BGSMath) invites applications
for postdoctoral positions in all areas of mathematics. The positions are
awarded for two years at one of the BGSMath institutions: Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica
de Catalunya, and Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. The gross salary is 26250
EUR. Additional funds will be available for mobility.
Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree by the start date of the appointment,
preferably obtained no more than four years before that date, and a strong
research record. A minimum of two years of doctoral or postdoctoral
experience outside the Barcelona area is also required. The BGSMath is
strongly committed to the career development of female mathematicians and
therefore strongly encourages applications from women.
Applications are to be submitted by January 15, 2016 using the online
application below. They should include: Curriculum Vitae, list of
publications, motivation letter, research proposal, and two confidential
reference letters. You may download the Guide for Applicants for further
details on the documentation, application and avaluation process.
This call is funded through the María de Maeztu Excellence Program of the
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
Timeline of the call

* Application deadline: 15 January 2016
* Final decision: 15 March
* Incorporation: between 1 May and 1 September

More information in: http://www.bgsmath.cat/postdoctoral-fellowships/

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molshan   [re:rogdin]   22.12.2015 15:53    | Reply | Edit |
Приглашаю мотивированного аспиранта или недавно защитившегося кандидата наук на позицию научного сотрудника или пост-дока под моим руководством на факультет математики университета Хьюстона. Позиция ожидается с февраля/марта 2016 сроком на 1 год. Область исследования: численные методы для обратных задач восстановления сигнала из данных NMR при исследовании скважин. Позиция финансируется компанией Shell и является прекрасной стартовой позицией для молодого математика заинтересованного в исследовательской карьере в индустрии.

Компенсация: USD от $3500 до $4200 в месяц + соц.пакет.

Требования: приличное знание численных методов и опыт программирования на С/C++ (идеально на Python).
Не является обязательным, но будет преимуществом: знакомство с методами численной оптимизации, базовое знание случ.процессов / статистики.

Заинтересовавшихся прошу СРОЧНО связаться со мной по email molshan (at) math.uh.edu.

Ольшанский Максим Александрович,
Страничка: www.math.uh.edu/~molshan

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Редактировал molshan (28.12.2015 12:42)
SigNet   [re:rogdin]   14.01.2016 19:01    | Reply | Edit |
Cедня пришло по рассылке общества:

Пишет, видимо, начинающий ассистант профессор, бывший тренер in the Olympic Developmental Program for Olympic Weightlifting. Занимается мышечными дисфункциями, занимался, судя по пабмеду, кардиомиоцитами. Объява довольно необычная и может быть интересна тем кто заканчивает бакалавриат или сидит в в магистратуре и мечтает завести трактор. Можно приехать и за два года сделать магистра и пару статей (публиковался он много в средних журналах, но вам и не надо будет крутых журналов пока, важнее попасть в средний журнал, но стобы было понятно что вы в проекте не в углу стояли). Дальше уже можете брать кредит и валить в свой медикал скул, например, и получать потом свои $300 тыщ в год.

В ответ на:

School of Health Studies
University of Memphis

A Master's level research assistantship is available for a mature, motivated and responsible student starting in August 2016, in the Exercise Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Laboratory at the University of Memphis. Highly qualified applicants will have: 1) strong academic performance; 2) a sincere/intrinsic curiosity for science; 3) experience/interest in conducting animal and cellular based research; 4) strong communication skills; 5) perseverance; and 6) the ability to think logically/systematically.

A full waiver of tuition and fees (both in-state and out of state) will be provided with the assistantship, in addition to a monthly stipend. Students can expect to work approximately 20 hour per week, while completing coursework towards their Master of Science degree (Exercise Science or Nutrition Science; 36 credit hour programs, including thesis hours). Opportunities for summer research or teaching may be available, with additional funding provided. This position is a 2 year commitment.

Students can expect to be involved in all aspects of basic science research, with a particular focus on striated muscle physiology. The new GRA will work side by side with other GA's and the PI during their training. The goal of our laboratory is to identify novel endogenous factors associated chronic disease and determine the mechanisms by which such factors contribute to muscle dysfunction using a variety of biochemical and cellular approaches. Specifically, we are focused on the mechanisms responsible for cardiovascular disease (CVD) induced by renal injury. Furthermore, we are working to determine the benefits that exercise may have in reducing CVD during uremia.

In addition to work in my laboratory, students will also have the opportunity to be exposed to human subject research that is ongoing in the department. Upon completion of the program, students should be well-prepared to enter advanced graduate study.

HSS research information can be found here:
Additional information on HSS graduate programs can be found here:
Interested students should contact Dr. Chad Touchberry (cdtchbrr@memphis.edu) as soon as possible with a cover letter (explaining your future goals and how this opportunity will help you to achieve them), a resume (highlighting your research skills/involvement), and contact information for 3 references (able to discuss your academic performance and research skills). All application materials should be combined into one PDF or Word document and sent as an attachment. Strong candidates for this position will be contacted for a phone interview.

Chad Touchberry
Assistant Professor | Director of the Exercise Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Lab
School of Health Studies

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SigNet   [re:SigNet]   21.01.2016 18:05    | Reply | Edit |

знакомая пишет:

Всем привет!
На Тайвани снова набирают аспирантов. Там хорошо (это где я была несколько лет назад, в Тайпее). Платят нормально (для аспиранта). Жилье дают. Не зажируешь, на жизнь вполне хватает, но зато у них очень-очень много приборов хороших, и даже патч-кламп есть. А конфокал вообще в каждой лабе) Все новое.
Тайваньцы дружелюбные, и там очень безопасно. Мой приятель там год или два прожил (потом в Японию свалил правда), ему все жутко нравилось.

В ответ на:

2016 TIGP Application Announcement
Dear Students,
Greetings from Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) in Academia Sinica, Taiwan!
TIGP Office were pleased to once have had you in the summer internship program. Now, we are pleased to announce that Academia Sinica's Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) is now accepting applications to twelve Ph.D. programs for the 2016 fall semester. You are most welcomed to apply on-line through our application portal (http://db1x.sinica.edu.tw/tigp/) before March 31st.
We hope TIGP-IIP was a rewarding experience for you, and we wish you a fruitful 2016!
With warm regards,
TIGP Office
Department of International Affairs
Academia Sinica
Tel: +886-2-2789-8050
Fax: +886-2-2785-8944
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
TIGP Application Announcement for 2016
TIGP is now accepting applications for the 2016 fall semester. You are most welcomed to apply online (recommended) at http://db1x.sinica.edu.tw/tigp/ before March 31, 2016.
 TIGP is under the supervision of Academia Sinica, a government-funded foremost research institution with a proud tradition and international recognition
 TIGP, in cooperation with top research universities in Taiwan, offers highly specialized, inter-disciplinary Ph.D. programs at the cutting edge of science and technology
 TIGP offers all-English tutoring and research environment and world-class faculty and state-of-the-art facilities
 TIGP offers graduate fellowships (NTD34,000/month) to each admitted student for up to 3 years
We currently offer twelve interdisciplinary Ph.D. programs. To learn more about a specific option, please select from the following list to proceed to the program's website / brochure:
TIGP Introduction Brochure [PDF]
1. Chemical Biology and Molecular Biophysics ' [PDF]
2. Molecular Science and Technology ' [PDF]
3. Molecular and Biological Agricultural Sciences ' [PDF]
4. Bioinformatics ' [PDF]
5. Molecular and Cell Biology ' [PDF]
6. Nano Science and Technology ' [PDF]
7. Molecular Medicine ' [PDF]
8. Earth System Science ' [PDF]
9. Biodiversity ' [PDF]
10. Interdisciplinary Neuroscience ' [PDF]
11. Sustainable Chemical Science and Technology ' [PDF]
12. Social Network and Human-Centered Computing ' [PDF]
Application can be submitted through the on-line application system at:
http://db1x.sinica.edu.tw/tigp/index.php (recommended)
or by post to:
Admissions Office
Taiwan International Graduate Program
128 Academia Road, Section 2
Nankang, Taipei 115
Taiwan, R.O.C.
If there are any inquiries, feel free to contact TIGP Office (Email: tigp@gate.sinica.edu.tw), or the program you wish to apply to directly.

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MitrAleX   [re:SigNet]   22.01.2016 16:21    | Reply | Edit |
Ищется аспирант (аспиранты) в НИЦ Курчатовский Институт для работы на новой мощной лазерной системе. Лазерная система - производство французской компании Amplitude Technoligies, на основе титаната сапфира, 10 Гц, 25 фс, 6 Дж в импульсе, пиковая мощность 200 ТВт. Вторая система такого класса в России, в мире таких систем около пары десятков.
Необходим опыт экспериментальной работы в лаборатории. Опыт работы с мощными лазерными системами (или вообще с лазерами) не принципиален (научим :) ), но приветствуется.
Уникальность такой системы позволит получить результаты очень высокого уровня и неизбежно приведет к защите хорошей кандидатской работы :) .
Пишите, будем обсуждать.

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zex   [re:MitrAleX]   15.02.2016 13:16    | Reply | Edit |

Doctoral student

The University of Jyväskylä is a nationally and internationally significant research university and an expert on education that focuses on human and natural sciences. The University is Finland's leading expert in teacher education and adult education, as well as the major exporter of education. The Faculty of Sport Sciences is the only one in the country.

The department is seeking to fulfill a Doctoral Student position beginning March 15th 2016 or as agreed, contract length maximum of four years.

The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems employs about 50 researchers, led by four professors. Faculty members of the department have published their research in leading journals in the field of Information Systems and Computer Science. Leading research directions at the department include Computer Science, Information Systems, and Cognitive Science.

The selected Doctoral Student will be assigned to the department of Computer Science and Information Systems. The tasks of a Doctoral Student focus on research concerning doctoral thesis, doctoral studies, assisting teaching tasks and other tasks connected to these tasks.

The successful candidate will join the Social Media Analysis (SoMeA) group, where the candidate is expected to work in a project, aimed at design and implementation of approaches and algorithms for detection of false identities in social media, and their manifestations such as crowdturfing.

Successful applicants should have: a completed Master's degree, preferably in the field of Computer Science or Applied mathematics, a good command of English language (written and spoken), good programming skills in at least one programming language (C++/...) and two scripting languages (Python/JavaScript/Perl/PHP/...), experience in relational databases (PostgreSQL/MySQL) and passion for research in database systems, algorithm design, machine learning, social media analysis, large scale data analysis and distributed and parallel computing.

The duties, qualification requirements and language skills of doctoral student are stipulated by the University of Jyväskylä Regulations and language skills guidelines.The selected person is required to have a command of English language.

Doctoral Student must have a Master's degree and permission for post-graduate studies in the University of Jyväskylä. If the applicant does not permission for post-graduate studies in the University of Jyväskylä, it must be applied with a separate application procedure from IT faculty.

Doctoral students job-specific salary component is based on the job demands level 1-4 according to the salary system concerning teaching and research personnel at universities (1.808,42 ?/month - 2.475,31 ?/month). In addition, a personal performance-based salary component amounting to the maximum of 46,3% of the job-specific salary component is also paid.

Appointee is subject to a four-month trial period.

For additional information please contact Postdoctoral researcher Alexander Semenov alexander.v.semenov@jyu.fi or Head of Faculty Administration Sanna Hirvola sanna.hirvola@jyu.fi

The application should include:

1) Application letter

2) Curriculum Vitae (CV)

3) Recommendation letters

4) Diplomas confirming academic degrees (Master's degree), including academic transcripts.

Please submit your application at latest on February 28, 2016 using the online application form.

Doctroral student position in University of Jyväskylä

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No_Romance   [re:zex]   29.03.2016 15:50    | Reply | Edit |

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Редактировал No_Romance (30.03.2016 21:40)