Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.philol.msu.ru/~ref/2015/2015_ZubovaUV_avtoreferat_10.02.04_80.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Thu Dec 18 22:50:45 2014
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 12:46:10 2016

(Business English) : (Socializing), (Telephoning), (Business correspondence), (Business documents and contracts), (Business meetings), media).1 - : - ; ; - ; (Presentations), (Negotiating), , ( The business


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1 2


.: Nazarova 1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009. . : , 2006. .: Nazarova, T. B.,

Kuznetsova, Yu. N., Presnoukhina, I. A. Business English Vocabulary. A Special Course. -- M.: AST/Astrel, 2007; . . : . -- . ... . . . -- ., 2000; . . . -- . ... . . . -- ., 2001; . . . -- . ... . . . -- ., 2005; . . 1

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.3 : ;
. -- . ... . . . -- ., 2007; . . . -- . ... . . . -- ., 2007; . . . -- . ... . . . -- ., 2009; Nazarova, T. B. The Semiotics of Business Communication // Business English: An Introductory Course for Advanced Students of Language and Literature. -- M.: Dialogue-M, 2000. -- P. 71-75; Nazarova, T. B. Semiotics in an ELT Setting // Vocabulary Acquisition as Ongoing Improvement. -- .: /, 2006. -- P. 306-351.

. . -: // ».


. . . . -- 1 (8). -- : «», 2013. -- . 150-155; . . . -- . ...... -- ., 2001; Nazarova, T. B. Linguistic creativity in the English of business-oriented quality papers // Maja N. Volodina (Hrsg.): Mediensprache und Medienkommunikation im interdisziplinaren und interkulturellen Vergleich. -- Mannheim: INSTITUT FUR DEUTSCHE SPRACHE, 2013. P. 165-169; Nazarova, T. B. The English of the Business Media // Nazarova, T. B. Business English. A Course of Lectures with Exercises, Activities and Tasks. -- Moscow: AST/Astrel, 2009. P. 230­269. 2

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, 3, 1977. C. 47­54.; . . - ( ). .: - , 1981; . . - . .: - , 2010; . . . . ... . . . ., 1989; . . . . ... . . . ., 1990; . . - - . . ... . . . ., 1991; . . ( ). . ... . . . ., 2000; . . . ( . .). ., 2011.

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. . ... . . . ., 2011. . 7. 3

-- -, , . , , , , . , , - , - -- « ».6 , , , , , ; , , -. -. - ,

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2011: 3. 4

: 1. , , , ; 2. 3. -; - -. , , 144 Best Practice Business: The Ultimate Resource (3rd edition, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2011), Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration (Basic Books, 1997) The World's Business Cultures and How to Unlock Them (Thorogood Publishing, 2007). , , : , , , , , , . . - : « » ( , 2012 .),

(LATEUM) ELT and Linguistics -- 2013: New

Strategies for Better Solutions (3-4 2013 .). 4 , 3 , . : 1. - - . 2. - , -

, , , . 3. «» . - -- . , , , . 4. - , , , . 5. , , , , - . 6. : , , , , , , , , , , .


: , , . ; «» . . 8. - , , , , , , , . . , , ( 190 , ). , , , , , , , . 1 : , - , , , , , ; . . . 70- . , . . . . : « - ,



» « » infracontext surface context, 1975 .8 . . : ; ; ; , ;

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. . , . . , . . , . . . - : , , , ,
7 8

, 1977: 47-54. Schaar, Claes. Vertical Context Systems // Style and Text. Studies Presented to Nils Eric Enkvist. 1981: 47. 8

-- Stockholm, 1975. -- P. 146-157.

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. . . 11 . . .12 , . . . . . , «» , , « , ».13 , , « ». , «» -- (. , . , . . , . . , . . , . . , . . , . . , . , . ). , , (. . , . . , . . , . . , . . , . . ,
10 11 12 13

1981: 27. 1989. 2000. . . .

-- . . .... . . ., 1988. . 8. 9

. . , . . , . . , . , . . , . . , . ). , . « » (« » « ») -. 2 . . , , , -, - .


The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, Dictionary of Quotations , The Macmillan Dictionary of Quotations, The Wordsworth Dictionary of Classical and Literary Allusion, Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, ( . . . . . ). . -, , , , , , . , , , , . -,

.: . . . .: , 1985. .

: . . . : . . -, 2004.


, , -, - . -, , , , , . , , , , . The Wordsworth Dictionary of Classical and Literary Allusion , .15 3 -: 144 The Best Practice Resource Business: Ultimate

(Bloomsbury Publishing, 2011), Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration (Basic Books, 1997) The World's Business Cultures and How to Unlock Them (Thorogood Publishing, 2007). 3 -, . Three words leaders have trouble dealing with: "I don't know." I think good leadership will often start with questions whose answer is: "I don't know, but we're going to find out."

. . : //

. «», 4/2014. -- .44-54.


Even before September 11, we were living in a world characterized by mystery, doubt, complexity, uncertainty, and chaos. Think about the transformation from an analog to a digital society. In 1989, for example, there were only 400 users of the Web; now, as Shakespeare wrote in the 16th century, we are a girdled globe. Before September 11 there were something like 40 ongoing border disputes around the world. Globalization. Disruptive technologies. People are going to have to deal with doubt and uncertainty. Organizations, organizational leadership, and organizational culture will have to be people factories--generating, nourishing, and nurturing terrific talent. They have to be education factories where that talent will be continually going to school. They will have to be led by leaders with enough emotional intelligence and cognitive capacity to be able to hold two divergent ideas in their heads at one time. I think those are going to be the critical aspects. I'm going to add from my own work what I consider to be four critical aspects of leadership, which came out of a s tudy about leadership and learning. I think they're important. And I want to argue that these four factors, which I think are critical for leading in this new world, are context- and culture-free. One is the adaptive capacity, which I think is probably the sine qua non, absolutely the most essential and central aspect of leadership in this environment of complexity and turbo-change. The adaptive capacity has a lot of things under it. It means a sense of resilience, hardiness, and creativity. It means seizing opportunities. It means learning learning. The second critical ingredient is the capacity to engage followers in shared meaning--to align the stars around a common, meaningful goal. Not just any old goal. Think Henry V at Agincourt: a mission from God. Third, leaders are really going to have to spend a long time--and it's a continual process--finding out who they themselves

are: learning their own voice, learning how they affect other people, learning a great deal about emotional intelligence. And finally, leaders will have to rely on a moral compass, a set of principles, a belief system, a set of convictions. Every good leader is going to have to--one way or another--learn these capacities. Now, I do think there are contextual and cultural factors, but I'm saying that, regardless of culture and context, these four factors are essential. They are necessary, but not sufficient. For example, if you're interested in leading a ballet company, you must know something about choreography and about the art world. Ther e's a whole ecology around ballet, around science, around being a baseball manager. Nevertheless, these four factors are, across the board, essential, whether talking about George Washington or Margaret Thatcher. Business: The Ultimate Resource, p. 189. , . , . , . : 11 2001 , , , . (400 users of the Web | 40 ongoing border disputes) -- . . , , , , , .

A Midsummer Night's Dream (« »), , : PUCK. I'll put a girdle round about the earth In forty minutes. William Shakespeare. A Midsummer's Night Dream (OUP, 2008, p. 48). . . , 16 , . -- : Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration , . (organizations, organizational leadership, and organizational culture | people factories ... education factories | critical aspects ... critical aspects ... critical for), (generating, nourishing and nurturing terrific talent | culture and context | cognitive capacity) (that talent will be continually going to school). . , , (, leadership and learning), (, I'm going to add), (It means a sense of resilience, hardiness, and creativity. It means seizing opportunities. It means learning learning.). learning learning

. , (important | critical | sine qua non | absolutely the most essential | central). « » sine qua non (Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary: something that is essential before you can achieve something else (from Latin, formal) -- p. 1424). , : And I want to argue that these four factors, which I think are critical for leading in this new world, are contextand culture-free. One is the adaptive capacity, which I think is probably t he sine qua non, absolutely the most essential and central aspect of leadership in this environment of complexity and turbo-change. (And I want) (which I think). , . . -, , . . , V, , , . « V», . . « », . «»; ( « V: »). , , : Think Henry V at Agincourt: a mission from God.

, , , . , -- , . : , , V. . , , (, -, ), (adaptive capacity, the capacity to engage followers in shared meaning, emotional intelligence, a belief system) . : All seven groups are great in several senses. Each was or is made up of greatly gifted people. Each achieved or produced something spectacularly new, and each was widely influential, often sparking creative collaboration elsewhere. To echo Steve Jobs, whose Great Group at Apple created the Macintosh, each of these groups put a dent in the universe. It is worth noting that all but one ­ Black Mountain College ­ were engaged in creating something substantive and external to the group: a film, a computer, the first stealth plane. Groups seem to be the most successful when undertaking tangible projects, as Black Mountain was when building its second campus. The project brings them together and brings out their collective best. When the thing is finished, the group often spins apart. Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration, p.4-5. To echo Steve Jobs,....

, , , , . , , : We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why else even be here? , , . Steve Jobs: Making a dent in the universe, www.macworld.com 6 2011 . -- (brings them together ... brings out ... best); spin apart ( drift apart, spin around/round, spin off) -- bring together, . : Until now we've looked outwards: how do I as a national manager adapt or develop my skills to deal with the cultural issues raised when I work with another nationality? However, it's obvious that intercultural awareness also affects your own personality ­ an influence that is highly beneficial. There's a saying in Arabic: Learn a new language and you become a new person. In the same way, if you be come a culturally aware international manager your personality effectively changes. Some of your characteristics become enhanced and others reduced. The World's business cultures and how to unlock them, p. 74. «». , , , , -- . , , : The more languages you know, the more you are a person. | To learn a language is to have one more window from

which to look at the world. . . , , Maximen und Reflexionen (« ») Wer fremde Sprachen nicht kennt, wei nichts von seiner eigene («, , .»), . : , , . 144 : 1 - Business: The Ultimate Resource Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration 237 ; 64 000 (316 ) The World's Business Cultures and How to Unlock Them 268 ; 54 450 (68 )

144 ; - 314 ; 338 880 - (141 ) «» , , .

, «» .

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1 Business: The Ultimate Resource , , , , , . ; . , , , , , . Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration , ; ; , , , . ; . , , , , .

The World's Business Cultures and How to Unlock Them , . , . . .

1 Business: The Ultimate Resource ; ; . ; , , , . ; . Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration . The World's Business Cultures and How to Unlock Them , .

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1. // . «», 4/2013. . 62-66. 2. : // . «», 4/2014. . 44-54. 3. - // , 3/2013. . 187-190. 4. - // V - « ». : , 2012. . 20-21. 5. -: // 2012: . .: , 2013. . 112-121. 6. Quotations in Authentic Business Discourse // LATEUM 2013 Conference Proceedings. ELT and Linguistics 2013: New Strategies for Better Solutions / Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Olga Aleksandrova. M.: MAKS Press, 2013. P. 310-311.