The University Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona Spain is seeking a candidate for a 3 year PhD program.

The PhD project focuses on the molecular design of eukaryotic cell membrane associating materials that enhance membrane functionality, and aims to:
(i) Provide a theoretical basis for the de novo design of synthetic membrane associating materials that enable drug delivery or confer desiccation tolerance in eukaryotic cells.
(ii) Reveal the basis of polymer mediated cell cytotoxicity and the mechanisms of cell transduction of drugs by synthetic polymers.

The selected candidate will use the Single Chain Mean Field Theory to model synthetic membrane associating materials in the University of Tarragona, Spain.
We seek a candidate with good knowledge of theoretical physics.

Informal enquires (and applications) should be sent by e-mail to

Dr. Vladimir Baulin
ICREA Researcher
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Tarragona (Spain)
ICREA (Instituciу Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avanзats)
Passeig Lluis Companys, 23
08010 Barcelona (Spain)
Tel +34 977 55 85 77