Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keywords: Hubble Deep Field, universe
Массивное скопление галактик в молодой Вселенной A Massive Cluster In A Young Universe

Conventional theories suggest that this cluster of galaxies should not exist. Each fuzzy spot in this false-color Hubble Space Telescope image of the central regions of a newly discovered galaxy cluster is a galaxy similar in mass to our own Milky Way.

Слухи о странной Вселенной Rumors of a Strange Universe

In a meeting in California two weeks ago, unpublished results were presented indicating that most of the energy in our universe is not in stars or galaxies but is tied to space itself. In the language of cosmologists, a large cosmological constant is directly implied by new distant supernovae observations.

Слабое линзирование искривляет Вселенную Weak Lensing Distorts the Universe

Is the distant universe really what it appears to be? Astronomers hope not. Intervening dark matter, which is normally invisible, might show its presence by distorting images originating in the distant universe, much the way an old window distorts images originating on the other side.

Ближняя Вселенная The Universe Nearby

What does the universe nearby look like? This plot shows over one and a half million of the brightest stars and galaxies in the nearby universe detected by the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) in infrared light.

Глубокое Поле космического телескопа-Юг The Hubble Deep Field South

Among the faintest objects are some of the most unusual objects. The Hubble Deep Field South was released after much anticipation earlier this month, delivering a unique view of some of the most distant parts of our universe. Part of this field is shown above.

Hubble — взгляд в глубины Вселенной The Hubble Deep Field

Galaxies like colorful pieces of candy fill the Hubble Deep Field - one of humanity's most distant optical views of the Universe. The dimmest, some as faint as 30th magnitude (about four billion times...

Глубокое поле космического телескопа The Hubble Deep Field

Galaxies like colorful pieces of candy fill the Hubble Deep Field - humanity's most distant yet optical view of the Universe. The dimmest, some as faint as 30th magnitude (about four billion times fainter...

Область глубокого обзора телескопа Хаббла The Hubble Deep Field

Galaxies like colorful pieces of candy fill the Hubble Deep Field - one of humanity's most distant optical views of the Universe. The dimmest, some as faint as 30th magnitude (about four billion times...

Далекие галактики в радиодиапазоне Distant Galaxies in Radio Vision

Radio waves, like visible light, are electromagnetic radiation and radio telescopes can "see" -- their signals translated into radio images of the cosmos. While individually even the largest radio telescopes have very blurry vision compared to their optical counterparts, networks of radio telescopes can combine signals to produce sharper pictures.

Глубокое поле космического телескопа в инфракрасном свете The Hubble Deep Field in Infrared

Galaxies this faint have never been seen before. In 1996 the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) created one of the most famous pictures of modern astronomy, the Hubble Deep Field (HDF). Now HST has returned to a piece of the HDF for a long exposure by its new NICMOS camera, sensitive to infrared light.

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