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You entered: space shuttle Discovery
Невероятные открытия Аристарха Aristarchus' Unbelievable Discoveries

Here lived one of the greatest thinkers in human history. Aristarchus lived on the Greek island of Samos, a small island in the center of the above picture that can be identified with a good map.

Международная космическая станция на горизонте The International Space Station on the Horizon

This was home. Last week, the STS-121 crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery undocked from the International Space Station (ISS) and returned to Earth. As the shuttle departed the space station, they took the above image. Visible on the ISS are numerous modules, trusses, and long wing-like solar panels.

Дискавери отправляется в путь Discovery Departs

Climbing into cloudy skies, the Space Shuttle Orbiter Discovery (OV-103) took off from Kennedy Space Center Tuesday at 7 am local time. This time, its final departure from KSC, it rode atop a modified Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft.

Джон Гленн: запуск Дискавери John Glenn: Discovery Launch

At left, the Space Shuttle Discovery waits in darkness on Kennedy Space Center's launch pad 39B. At right, on Thursday October 29, Discovery blasts through a bright afternoon sky returning Senator John Glenn to space over 36 years after he became the first American in orbit.

Дискавери в движении Discovery in Motion

On July 4th, the space shuttle orbiter Discovery rocketed into space on mission STS-121. Now docked with the International Space Station, Discovery orbits planet Earth at about 27 thousand kilometers per hour.

Космическая станция над Ионическим морем Space Station Over the Ionian Sea

Last August, the Space Shuttle Endeavor crew captured this shot of the International Space Station (ISS) against the backdrop of Planet Earth. During that trip to the ISS, the space shuttle crew re-supplied the station, repaired the station, and even built more of the station.

Тень от "Дискавери" Discovery Rollout Shadow

Who goes there? Although the spotlighted figure in white might not be identifiable by itself, surely the huge shadow behind it makes its identity clear: the space shuttle. Specifically, it was the space shuttle Discovery being rolled out last March in preparation for launch.

Международная космическая станция снова расширяется The International Space Station Expands Again

The developing International Space Station (ISS) has changed its appearance again. Earlier this month, the Space Shuttle orbiter Discovery visited the ISS and added components that included Japan's Kibo Science Laboratory. The entire...

Прохождение МКС и Дискавери по диску Солнца ISS and Discovery Transit the Sun

That large sunspot near the right edge of the Sun is actually not a sunspot at all. It's the International Space Station (ISS) docked with the Space Shuttle Discovery on mission STS-114.

Двигатель шаттла в работе Shuttle Engine Blast

The Space Shuttle Discovery's orbital maneuvering system (OMS) engine firing produced this dramatic flare as it cruised "upside down" in low Earth orbit. Discovery was named for a ship commanded by Captain James Cook RN, the 18th Century English astronomer and navigator.

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