Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: sunspot
AR 9169: Большое солнечное пятно AR 9169: A Large Sunspot

One of the largest sunspots in recent years is now crossing our Sun. Dominating active region AR 9169, the sunspot is the large dark complex visible below (west) and right of center in the above photograph of our Sun taken last Thursday.

Солнечное пятно со светлым мостом APOD: 2023 May 17 Б Sunspot with Light Bridge

Why would a small part of the Sun appear slightly dark? Visible is a close-up picture of sunspots, depressions on the Sun's surface that are slightly cooler and less bright than the rest of the Sun. The Sun's complex magnetic field creates these cool regions by inhibiting hot material from entering the spots.

Солнечное пятно в новом цикле активности A Sunspot in the New Solar Cycle

A new cycle has begun on our Sun. Over the past year, the Sun's magnetic field has reset and now a new 11 year period is beginning. Pictured above in a specific color of light emitted by hydrogen is sunspot 10982, one of the first sunspots of the new solar cycle.

Группа солнечных пятен AR 1429 Sunspot Group 1429 and the Distant Sun

What's that on the Sun? Over the past two weeks, one of the most energetic sunspot regions of recent years crossed the face of the Sun. Active Region 1429, visible above...

Под солнечным пятном Under A Sunspot

At the Sun's surface, sunspots are known to be dark, planet-sized regions of intense magnetic fields. But what lies below? Using observations from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) instrument aboard the space-based SOHO observatory, astronomers have derived this premier picture of the flow of material just beneath a visible sunspot.

Большие группы солнечных пятен 10484 и 10486 Large Sunspot Groups 10484 and 10486

Two unusually large sunspot groups are now crossing the face of the Sun. Each group, roughly the size of Jupiter, is unusual not only for its size but because it is appearing over three years after solar maximum, the peak of solar surface activity.

Интенсивная группа солнечных пятен AR 1302 порождает вспышку Violent Sunspot Group AR 1302 Unleashes a Flare

One of the most active sunspot groups in years is currently crossing the Sun. AR 1302 first came around the Sun's edge last week and is so large it can be seen without a telescope.

Солнечные пятна и силуэты Sunspots and Silhouettes

What stands between you and the Sun? Apparently, as viewed from Paris last week, one visible thing after another. First, in the foreground, is the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, built in the late 1800s and located on the highest hill in Paris, France.

Превращение солнечного пятна: снизу вверх Sunspot Metamorphosis: From Bottom to Top

Sunspots -- magnets the size of the Earth -- are normally seen flat on the Sun. The above digital metamorphosis, however, shows a sunspot as it appears at increasing heights, effectively in three dimensions. The above...

AR 3664: гигантская группа солнечных пятен APOD: 2024 May 11 Б AR 3664: Giant Sunspot Group

Right now, one of the largest sunspot groups in recent history is crossing the Sun. Active Region 3664 is not only big -- it's violent, throwing off clouds of particles into the Solar System. Some of these CMEs are already impacting the Earth, and others might follow.

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