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You entered: Comet Hale-Bopp
Комета  Хейла-Боппа над перевалом Вал Парола Comet Hale Bopp Over Val Parola Pass

Comet Hale-Bopp, the Great Comet of 1997, became much brighter than any surrounding stars. It was seen even over bright city lights. Away from city lights, however, it put on quite a spectacular show. Here Comet Hale-Bopp was photographed above Val Parola Pass in the Dolomite mountains surrounding Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy.

Комета Хейла-Боппа над ущельем Вал Парола Comet Hale-Bopp Over Val Parola Pass

Comet Hale-Bopp became much brighter than any surrounding stars. It was seen even over bright city lights. Out away from city lights, however, it put on quite a spectacular show. Here Comet Hale-Bopp was photographed above Val Parola Pass in the Dolomite mountains surrounding Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy.

Комета Хейла-Боппа над горами Суеверия Comet Hale Bopp Over the Superstition Mountains

Four years ago, Comet Hale-Bopp was discovered out near Jupiter falling toward the inner Solar System. Two years ago, it provided spectacular pictures as it neared its closest approach to the Sun. Still today, spectacular pictures of the brightest comet of the 1990s are surfacing.

Развивающийся хвост кометы Хейла-Боппа Comet Hale-Bopp Develops a Tail

Comet Hale-Bopp has quite a tail to tell already. This remarkable comet was first discovered in 1995, even before Comet Hyakutake. Since then, this erupting snowball continues to fall into our inner Solar System and is starting to put on quite a show.

Комета Хейла-Боппа на окраине Солнечной системы Comet Hale Bopp in the Outer Solar System

Whatever became of Comet Hale-Bopp? The brightest comet in recent years has continued into the outer Solar System and is now further from the Sun than Saturn. To the surprise of many, Comet Hale-Bopp is still active, continuing to spew gas, ice and dust particles out into space.

Комета Хейла-Боппа очень подробно Detailing Hale-Bopp

This enhanced composite image detailing structure in the coma and dust tail of Hale-Bopp was recorded May 5 - one day before the comet's passage from north to south across the plane of Earth's orbit.

Комета Хейла-Боппа: комета, доставившая удовольствие многим Hale-Bopp: The Crowd Pleaser Comet

In 1997, the bright comet Hale-Bopp may have become the most viewed comet in history -- visible even to casual skywatchers in light polluted cities around the globe. In this picture, taken by photographer...

Капюшоны кометы Хейла-Боппа Hale-Bopp's Hoods

Comet Hale-Bopp is spinning. The nucleus of the comet is a dirty snowball about 25 miles in diameter that spins about once every 12 hours. As Comet Hale-Bopp spins, parts of the comet's surface shoot away in jets.

Комета Хейла-Боппа: Великая комета 1997 года Hale Bopp: The Great Comet of 1997

Ten short years ago, Comet Hale-Bopp rounded the Sun and offered a dazzling spectacle in planet Earth's night. This stunning view, recorded shortly after the comet's perihelion passage on April 1, 1997, features the memorable tails of Hale-Bopp -- a whitish dust tail and blue ion tail.

Пылевой и ионный хвосты кометы Хейла-Боппа The Dust and Ion Tales of Comet Hale-Bopp

In 1997, Comet Hale-Bopp's intrinsic brightness exceeded any comet since 1811. Since it peaked on the other side of the Earth's orbit, however, the comet appeared only brighter than any comet in two decades. Visible above are the two tails shed by Comet Hale-Bopp.

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