Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: black hole
"Иллюстрис" моделирует Вселенную Illustris Simulation of the Universe

How did we get here? Click play, sit back, and watch. A computer simulation of the evolution of the universe provides insight into how galaxies formed and perspectives into humanity's place in the universe.

"Иллюстрис" моделирует Вселенную APOD: 2023 December 31 Б Illustris: A Simulation of the Universe

How did we get here? Click play, sit back, and watch. A computer simulation of the evolution of the universe provides insight into how galaxies formed and perspectives into humanity's place in the universe.

"Иллюстрис" моделирует Вселенную Illustris Simulation of the Universe

How did we get here? Click play, sit back, and watch. A new computer simulation of the evolution of the universe -- the largest and most sophisticated yet produced -- provides new insight into how galaxies formed and new perspectives into humanity's place in the universe.

Дыра на Марсе A Hole in Mars

Black spots have been discovered on Mars that are so dark that nothing inside can be seen. Quite possibly, the spots are entrances to deep underground caves capable of protecting Martian life, where it to exist. The unusual hole pictured above was found on the slopes of the giant Martian volcano Arsia Mons.

Местный пузырь и галактические окрестности The Local Bubble and the Galactic Neighborhood

What surrounds the Sun in this neck of the Milky Way Galaxy? Our current best guess is depicted in the above map of the surrounding 1500 light years constructed from various observations and deductions.

Пузырь в локальной межзвездной среде и галактические окрестности The Local Bubble and the Galactic Neighborhood

What surrounds the Sun in this neck of the Milky Way Galaxy? Our current best guess is depicted in the above map of the surrounding 1500 light years constructed from various observations and deductions.

Рождение солнечного ветра The Solar Wind Emerges

Winds of fast particles blow out from the Sun, but why? Astronomers came a step closer to answering this question recently by making detailed observations of the high-speed wind source with the space-borne Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).

Февраль без солнечных пятен A February without Sunpots

Where have all the sunspots gone? Last month the total number of spots that crossed our Sun was ... zero. Well below of the long term monthly average, the Sun's surface has become as unusually passive this solar minimum just like it did 11 years ago during the last solar minimum.

Бездна Юпитера Jupiter Abyss

What's that black spot on Jupiter? No one is sure. During the latest pass of NASA's Juno around Jupiter, the robotic spacecraft imaged an usually dark cloud feature informally dubbed the Abyss. Surrounding cloud patterns show the Abyss to be at the center of a vortex.

Полярное сияние надо льдом Aurora on Ice

Not from a snowglobe, this expansive fisheye view of ice and sky was captured on February 1, from Jökulsárlón Beach, southeast Iceland, planet Earth. Chunks of glacial ice on the black sand beach glisten in the light of a nearly full moon surrounded by a shining halo.

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