Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: edge-on galaxy
Арп 87: сливающиеся галактики APOD: 2023 October 24 Б Arp 87: Merging Galaxies from Hubble

This dance is to the death. As these two large galaxies duel, a cosmic bridge of stars, gas, and dust currently stretches over 75,000 light-years and joins them. The bridge itself is strong evidence that these two immense star systems have passed close to each other and experienced violent tides induced by mutual gravity.

NGC 2683: галактика, видимая с ребра NGC 2683: Spiral Edge On

Does spiral galaxy NGC 2683 have a bar across its center? Being so nearly like our own barred Milky Way Galaxy, one might guess it has. Being so nearly edge-on, however, it is hard to tell.

Близкая спиральная галактика NGC 4945 Nearby Spiral Galaxy NGC 4945

Large spiral galaxy NGC 4945 is seen edge-on near the center of this cosmic galaxy portrait. In fact, NGC 4945 is almost the size of our own Milky Way Galaxy. Its own dusty disk, young blue star clusters, and pink star forming regions standout in the sharp, colorful telescopic image.

Арп 87: сливающиеся галактики Arp 87: Merging Galaxies from Hubble

This dance is to the death. Along the way, as these two large galaxies duel, a cosmic bridge of stars, gas, and dust currently stretches over 75,000 light-years and joins them. The bridge...

NGC 7814: Маленькое Сомбреро в Пегасе NGC 7814: The Little Sombrero in Pegasus

Point your telescope toward the high flying constellation Pegasus and you can find this expanse of Milky Way stars and distant galaxies. Dominated by NGC 7814, the pretty field of view would almost be covered by a full moon.

NGC 7814: Маленькое Сомбреро в Пегасе NGC 7814: The Little Sombrero in Pegasus

Point your telescope toward the high flying constellation Pegasus and you can find this expanse of Milky Way stars and distant galaxies. Centered on NGC 7814, the pretty field of view would almost be covered by a full moon.

NGC 253 крупным планом NGC 253 Close Up

This dusty island universe is one of the brightest spiral galaxies in the sky. Seen nearly edge-on, NGC 253 lies a mere 13 million light-years away and is the largest member of the Sculptor Group of galaxies, neighbor to our own local galaxy group.

NGC 7814: Маленькое Сомбреро со сверхновой NGC 7814: Little Sombrero with Supernova

Point your telescope toward the high flying constellation Pegasus and you can find this expanse of Milky Way stars and distant galaxies. NGC 7814 is centered in the pretty field of view that would almost be covered by a full moon.

Панорама галактики Кит Panorama of the Whale Galaxy

The see the full length of this blue whale, scroll right. NGC 4631 is a big beautiful spiral galaxy seen edge-on at only about 30 million light-years away. This galaxy's slightly distorted wedge shape led to its popular moniker of the Whale galaxy.

Звезды, галактики и комета Темпель 1 Stars, Galaxies, and Comet Tempel 1

Faint comet Tempel 1 sports a fuzzy blue-tinted tail, just right of center in this lovely field of stars. Recorded on May 3rd slowly sweeping through the constellation Virgo, periodic comet Tempel 1 orbits the Sun once every 5.5 years.

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