Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: full moon
Корона полного лунного затмения A Total Lunar Eclipse Corona

This moon appears multiply strange. This moon was a full moon, specificallyбcalled a Flower Moon at this time of the year. But that didn't make it strange -- full moons occur once a month (moon-th).

Восход Кукурузной Луны Corn Moon Rising

A rising moon can be a dramatic sight. A rising Full Corn Moon was captured early this month in time-lapse with a telephoto lens from nearly 30 kilometers away -- making Earth's ascending half-degree companion appear unusually impressive.

Гало супер-Луны A Super Moon s Halo

A Full Perigee Moon rose as the Sun set last Sunday. At its closest to Earth it was, by just a bit, the year's brightest and largest Full Moon also known as a Super Moon.

Урожайная Луна над Тосканой A Harvest Moon over Tuscany

For northern hemisphere dwellers, September's Full Moon was the Harvest Moon. Reflecting warm hues at sunset, it rises behind cypress trees huddled on a hill top in Tuscany, Italy in this telephoto view from September 28.

Суперлуна и космическая станция Supermoon and Space Station

What are those specks in front of the Moon? They are silhouettes of the International Space Station (ISS). Using careful planning and split-second timing, a meticulous lunar photographer captured ten images of the ISS passing in front of last month's full moon.

Фазы Луны Phases of the Moon

Look at the Moon every night and its visible sunlit portion gradually changes. In phases progressing from New Moon to Full Moon to New Moon again, a lunar cycle or lunation is completed in about 29.5 days.

Четверти Луны Quarter Moons

Half way between New Moon and Full Moon is the Moon's first quarter phase. That's a quarter of the way around its moonthly orbit. At the first quarter phase, half the Moon's visible side is illuminated by sunlight.

Сегодня ночью: затмение суперлуны Tonight: A Supermoon Lunar Eclipse

Tonight a bright full Moon will fade to red. Tonight's moon will be particularly bright because it is reaching its fully lit phase when it is relatively close to the Earth in its elliptical orbit.

Красная Снежная Луна над Эдмонтоном Red Snow Moon over Edmonton

What's hovering between those buildings? The Moon. The above image was taken two weeks ago as the full Snow Moon started to rise above Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The odd coincidence between the angular size of the far distant Moon and the angular width of nearby buildings created a striking juxtaposition.

Земляничная суперлуна над Китаем Strawberry Supermoon from China

There are four Full Supermoons in 2022. Using the definition of a supermoon as a Full Moon near perigee, that is within at least 90% of its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit, the year's Full Supermoon dates are May 16, June 14, July 13, and August 12.

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