Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: Amalthea
Спутник Юпитера Амальтея Jupiter's Moon Amalthea

Amalthea is Jupiter's fifth largest moon, much smaller than the four Galilean satellites Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. The orbit of Amalthea is inside of these moons, and with its long axis always pointing toward Jupiter. It's dark surface color is probably due to sulfur being expelled from Io.

Спутники Юпитера: Теба, Амальтея, Метида Jupiters Moons Thebe, Amalthea, and Metis

The robot spacecraft Galileo in orbit around Jupiter has recently photographed the inner moons of Jupiter in greater detail than ever before. These pictures of Thebe, Amalthea, and Metis are shown to scale, and reveal details as small as three kilometers across. Amalthea, by contrast, has a total length of about 200 kilometers.

Тройное покрытие Юпитера спутниками Jupiter Triple Moon Conjunction

Our solar system's ruling giant planet Jupiter and 3 of its 4 large Galilean moons are captured in this single Hubble snapshot from January 24. Crossing in front of Jupiter's banded cloud tops Europa, Callisto, and Io are framed from lower left to upper right in a rare triple-moon conjunction.

Внутренние спутники Юпитера Jupiter's Inner Moons

The potato-shaped inner moons of Jupiter are lined-up in this mosaic "family portrait" of these tiny Jovian satellites. The individual images were recorded over the last year by NASA's Galileo spacecraft and are scaled to the moons' relative sizes.

Обсерватория на фоне покрытия Юпитера Луной APOD: 2023 May 24 Б Observatory Aligned with Moon Occulting Jupiter

Sometimes we witness the Moon moving directly in front of -- called occulting -- one of the planets in our Solar System. Earlier this month that planet was Jupiter. Captured here was the moment when Jupiter re-appeared from behind the surface of our Moon.

Красные кольца вокруг Юпитера Running Red Rings Around Jupiter

Jupiter has rings, too. Unlike Saturn's bright rings which are composed of chunks of ice, Jupiter's rings are darker and appear to consist of fine particles of rock. The six pictures above...

Юпитер от космического телескопа "Джеймс Вебб" Jupiter from the Webb Space Telescope

This new view of Jupiter is illuminating. High-resolution infrared images of Jupiter from the new James Webb Space Telescope (Webb) reveal, for example, previously unknown differences between high-floating bright clouds -- including the Great Red Spot -- and low-lying dark clouds.

 < May 2024  
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