. AUTHOR : Krokhin A. N. 1. ааа Influence of Liquid Viscosity on Peculiarities of Cavitation Development . O.V.Abramov, A.N.Krokhin (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of RAS, Moscow, Russia) .
... P.Pernod (Institut d'Electronique et de Micro-electronique du Nord (IEMN-DOAE-UMR CNRS 8520), Ecole Centrale de Lille, Villeneuve d'Acsq, France); V.Preobrazhensky (Institut d'Electronique et de Micro-electronique du Nord (IEMN-DOAE-UMR CNRS 8520), Ecole Centrale de Lille, Villeneuve d'Acsq, France, and Wave Research Center of General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia); F.Bunkin, A.Brysev, L.Krutyansky (Wave Research Center of General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia) . ...
. AUTHOR : Kuchugurina O. Yu. 1. ааа Propagation of Surface Waves Along the Boundaries of Saturated Porous Media . A.A.Gubaidullin, O.Yu.Kuchugurina (Tyumen Branch of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Tyumen, Russia) .
. AUTHOR : Kudashev E. 1. ааа The Resolution of Components of Wall Pressure Spectra for Experimental Study of Wall-Near Pressure Fluctuations Beneath Turbulent Boundary Layer . E.Kudashev (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia) .
. AUTHOR : Kulak M. M. 1. ааа Composing of New Materials Using the Method of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis in Presence of Ultrasonic Vibrations . V.Klubovich, M.M.Kulak (Institute of Technical Acoustics, Vitebsk, Belarus) .
. AUTHOR : Kulichkov S. N. 1. ааа Nonlinear Acoustic Phenomena in Atmosphere . S.N.Kulichkov (Oboukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia) .
AUTHOR : Kulikovskii A. G. 1. ааа Methastable Shock Waves in the Problems of Nonlinear Elasticity Theory . A.G.Kulikovskii (Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia); A.P.Chugainova (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) . ... E.I.Sveshnikova (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia); A.G.Kulikovskii (Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia) . ...
. AUTHOR : Kuperman W. A. 1. ааа Equations of Nonlinear Acoustics and Weak Shock Propagation . K.Castor, W.A.Kuperman (Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA); B.E.Mcdonald (US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, USA) .
. AUTHOR : Kupershmidt I. 1. ааа Statistical Model for Meteorolocal Elements Based on Local Radiosonde Measurements . Y.Shtemler (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel); A.Virtser, I.Kupershmidt (Institute for Industrial Mathematics, Beer-Sheva, Israel) .
. AUTHOR : Kurennaya K. 1. ааа Second Harmonics of Non-Linear SH and P-SV Normal Waves in Monocrystal Germanium Plate Waveguide . K.Kurennaya, V.A.Shpack (Department of Elasticity Theory and Computational Mathematics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine) .
. AUTHOR : Kurin V. 1. ааа The Normal Waves Excitation by the Pulse Parametric Acoustic Array in the Shallow-Water Waveguide . V.Kurin, S.A.Egorychev, S.N.Gurbatov, N.V.Pronchatov-Rubtsov (Nizhny Novgorod State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) .
. AUTHOR : Kusyumov A. 1. ааа About Some Class of the Invariant Solutions of Partial Differential Equations Set . A.Kusyumov (Aerodynamics Department, Kazan State Technical University, Kazan, Russia) .
. AUTHOR : Kuvshinov D. A. 1. ааа Acoustic Currents and Whirlwinds in Helmgoltz Resonators . V.M.Shahparonov, D.A.Kuvshinov (Department of Oscillation Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) .
AUTHOR : Kuzkina I. F. 1. ааа Ultrasonic Stimulation of Extraction Processes . I.Arutunov, I.F.Kuzkina, V.P.Zubov, N.A.Bulytchev (Moscow Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia); O.V.Abramov (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of RAS, Moscow, Russia) . 2. ааа Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on Aqueous Dispersion of Inorganic and Organic Pigments in Presence of Water-Soluble Polymers and Surfactants . ...
AUTHOR : Kuznetsov G. 1. ааа The Periodic Phenomena and the Inerease of Resistance at Detachable to the Form Hydrodynamical Cavitation . G.Kuznetsov (Wave Research Center of the General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia) . ... G.Kuznetsov, V.M.Sinikov (Wave Research Center of the General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia) . ...