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Re: Свет и пространство и о скорости света.
9.06.2015 19:53 | А.П. Васи

Flocculent spiral NGC 2841


A rose made of galaxies Stellar Nursery in the arms of NGC 1672 Colliding galaxies make love, not war Magnetic monster NGC 1275
A rose made of galaxies Stellar Nursery in the arms of NGC 1672 Colliding galaxies make love, not war Magnetic monster NGC 1275

Flocculent spiral NGC 2841 ACS Image of NGC 5866 Hubble Mosaic of the Majestic Sombrero Galaxy The magnificent starburst galaxy Messier 82
Flocculent spiral NGC 2841 ACS Image of NGC 5866 Hubble Mosaic of the Majestic Sombrero Galaxy The magnificent starburst galaxy Messier 82

A Poster-Size Image of the Beautiful Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1300 Galactic wreckage in Stephan's Quintet Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 6217 Dramatically backlit dust lanes in NGC 7049
A Poster-Size Image of the Beautiful Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1300 Galactic wreckage in Stephan's Quintet Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 6217 Dramatically backlit dust lanes in NGC 7049

Holiday Wishes from the Hubble Space Telescope Largest ever galaxy portrait - stunning HD image of Pinwheel Galaxy Out of this whirl: The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) and companion galaxy A 'wallpaper' of distant galaxies is a stunning backdrop for a    
runaway galaxy
Holiday Wishes from the Hubble Space Telescope Largest ever galaxy portrait - stunning HD image of Pinwheel Galaxy Out of this whirl: The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) and companion galaxy A 'wallpaper' of distant galaxies is a stunning backdrop for a runaway galaxy

Hubble's newest camera takes a deep look at two merging galaxies Edge-On View of NGC 4013 A Grazing Encounter Between two Spiral Galaxies Galaxy Playing Twister
Hubble's newest camera takes a deep look at two merging galaxies Edge-On View of NGC 4013 A Grazing Encounter Between two Spiral Galaxies Galaxy Playing Twister

Hubble views NGC 4522 Hubble snaps heavyweight of the Leo Triplet Spiral Key to Universe's Expansion Stellar fireworks are ablaze in galaxy NGC 4449
Hubble views NGC 4522 Hubble snaps heavyweight of the Leo Triplet Spiral Key to Universe's Expansion Stellar fireworks are ablaze in galaxy NGC 4449

Hubble Identifies Source of Ultraviolet Light in an Old Nebula Hubble views NGC 4402 The gargantuan galaxy NGC 1132 Spectacular Hubble view of Centaurus A
Hubble Identifies Source of Ultraviolet Light in an Old Nebula Hubble views NGC 4402 The gargantuan galaxy NGC 1132 Spectacular Hubble view of Centaurus A

Doing Cartwheels to Celebrate the End of an Era Unusual Spiral NGC 4921 in the Coma Galaxy Cluster Sunny Side Up Barred Spiral Bares All
Doing Cartwheels to Celebrate the End of an Era Unusual Spiral NGC 4921 in the Coma Galaxy Cluster Sunny Side Up Barred Spiral Bares All

Smoke Without Fire: a Different View of the Cigar Galaxy A star formation laboratory The Belly of the Cosmic Whale Perfect Spiral Overlaid with Milky Way Gems
Smoke Without Fire: a Different View of the Cigar Galaxy A star formation laboratory The Belly of the Cosmic Whale Perfect Spiral Overlaid with Milky Way Gems

Hubble image of NGC 1073 Hubble Captures a Lucky Galaxy Alignment Star cluster surrounds wayward black hole in cannibal galaxy ESO 243-49    
(unlabelled) The Calm after the Galactic Storm
Hubble image of NGC 1073 Hubble Captures a Lucky Galaxy Alignment Star cluster surrounds wayward black hole in cannibal galaxy ESO 243-49 (unlabelled) The Calm after the Galactic Storm

Stars in the Andromeda Galaxys disc Star cluster surrounds wayward black hole in cannibal galaxy ESO 243-49    
(labelled) Antlia Dwarf Galaxy Peppers the Sky with Stars HST PHAT detail of M31
Stars in the Andromeda Galaxys disc Star cluster surrounds wayward black hole in cannibal galaxy ESO 243-49 (labelled) Antlia Dwarf Galaxy Peppers the Sky with Stars HST PHAT detail of M31

Centre of M31 Hubble zooms in on double nucleus in Andromeda Galaxy Hubble observes blue stars in Andromeda's core HST PHAT wide image of M31
Centre of M31 Hubble zooms in on double nucleus in Andromeda Galaxy Hubble observes blue stars in Andromeda's core HST PHAT wide image of M31

Ground-based image of Andromeda Galaxy, M31 Ground-based image of Andromeda Galaxy, M31 Faint Galaxy with Popping Pink Features A Snapshot of Galactic Evolution
Ground-based image of Andromeda Galaxy, M31 Ground-based image of Andromeda Galaxy, M31 Faint Galaxy with Popping Pink Features A Snapshot of Galactic Evolution

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